On 7/17/2003 11:41:17 AM gilbertguy wrote:
You may not be too far over at UA side of this website is US planning to sell off assets, including giving our Airbii''s to UA....
On 7/17/2003 11:41:17 AM gilbertguy wrote:
You may not be too far over at UA side of this website is US planning to sell off assets, including giving our Airbii''s to UA....
They just started that rumor to counterbalance the rumor that UAL 757s (owned by evil Dr. Bronner''s RSA) will be coming to USAirways. The rumor goes that UAL is trying to pound Bronner in bankruptcy court on the lease rates for about 40 RSA-owned 757s...and Bronner is not budging saying "pay the price or return fleet." I don''t believe that one, either, but it makes for great gossip!