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Is "checking It Out" Ok?

Buck said:
While the rest of the membership is fighting from the inside, right?

Fighting to prevent any more concessions.
Well Buck, I would think we would all be fighting for our livelihoods from within.
"failure to achieve sufficient interest" I believe the reason your sweating so bad is that there is oh too much interest by the membership in having AMFA represent them. If there is no vote it will be an obvious sham.

There were dead people on the list
People who had never worked for AMR
People who had been terminated
People who gave up their recall rights years ago
People that had been laid off for years that never completed their probationary period
People who's jobs had been outsourced years ago
Checking it Out said:
I want to thank everyone who has expressed concerns for my health, sent cards and flowers. It has been a slow recovery and will take a while to completely heal. A Burn is nothing to mess with.

Again thanks for all your concerns.

Have a Great TWU DAY!!!!!!
Allow me to add my "glad your back" wishes to you and your family !!

They say experience, is the best teacher.

Be safe !

RETIRED(Thank God)
"failure to achieve sufficient interest" I believe the reason your sweating so bad is that there is oh too much interest by the membership in having AMFA represent them. If there is no vote it will be an obvious sham

I do not believe the TEAMTWU is sweating as much as the amfamites at this point in time. I believe both sides have anticipation. Good luck in your quest.
TWU Jim said:
Cunningham got himself fired and CIO had nothing to do with it. If I wore a shirt to work that said AMFA sucks and my supervisor asked me to remove it if I refuse that is insubordination and will subject me to termination.
Did Dans shirt say the "TWU sucks"?

Well not exactly but it did highlight factual points about the TWU. So I guess in a way, since it told the truth, it did leave anyone who read it with the impression that the TWU sucks.

Would somebody please send some of those shirts up here to NY? We would love to wear them for when we picket, or maybe they will fire us and give us a paid summer vacation.

By the way we all know that insubordination is not that broad. The companys request has to meet certain criteria. If you wore a shirt that said "AMFA Sucks" it may well be deemed offensive, if not crude and unfit for the workplace. In that case the arbitrator may indeed rule that termination was justified, but I doubt it since the company already condoned political expression though clothing and sucks is not considered a swear word.

The company allowed the workplace to become a political field by allowing the union to distribute and the members to wear those shirts in the first place. Dans choice to alter the shirt with factual information is his right to express his political views in the same exact company condoned method. The fact is that there is a contest between unions going on. The company put out a letter on this several months back. They allowed the TWU to distribute and the members to wear shirts promoting the TWU, they can not deny the opposing union or its supporters the same. By firing Dan the company is interfereing in the contest between unions which is illegal.

Enjoy your Summer Dan, its on the company!
Steve Connell said:
Well Buck, I would think we would all be fighting for our livelihoods from within.

The only problem is the sarcasm of my last post. This membership has not fought anyone for twenty years. The facts are that you and those of your seniority and recent former employment are just like the rest of the membership, fighting just for their individual goals. Unionism no longer matters under the guise of the TWU.

Why is it when I make a post concerning the AFL-CIO Constitution, the TWU defenders ignore the content?

Article II: Objects and Principles

The objects and principles of this Federation are:

1. To aid workers in securing improved wages, hours and working conditions with due regard for the autonomy, integrity and jurisdiction of affiliated unions.

The TWU is not complying with Art II -1, not even close. Therefore the AFL-CIO is not complying with its affiliated members needs.

Why do you support such an entity as this that takes your money and provides nothing in return?

What has the AFL-CIO done for labor lately?

What has the AFL-CIO done for the airline industry represented members?

What has the AFL-CIO done for the mechanic craft and class?
TWU Jim said:
Cunningham got himself fired and CIO had nothing to do with it. If I wore a shirt to work that said AMFA sucks and my supervisor asked me to remove it if I refuse that is insubordination and will subject me to termination.
Dan Cunningham did not get fired because he disobeyed some punk supervisor's directive to remove his shirt. Dan got fired because of a rat piece of TWU garbage just like CIO who went to management crying about Dan's shirt. Typical behaviour condoned by TWU cowards :down: :down:
Thanks for the concern norton. Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!! My Burns are healing, might even get the bandages off soon.

Note, I suspect Cunningham rejected the offer to return to work to make a point. I also would not be surprised if he already had a job lined out before he did the stunt. You know I can name off several over the last few years who were faced with the same actions. Only difference they had common sense.
Checking it Out said:
Thanks for the concern norton. Have a Great TWU Day!!!!!! My Burns are healing, might even get the bandages off soon.

Note, I suspect Cunningham rejected the offer to return to work to make a point. I also would not be surprised if he already had a job lined out before he did the stunt. You know I can name off several over the last few years who were faced with the same actions. Only difference they had common sense.
He was given an offer to return or a Career Decisions Day? There is a big difference, most union people would agree. To sign an admission of wrongdoing and to give away your rights as a union member to grieve is something that if we had a real union they would fight. But then again the TWU wont fight for anything.

We had a guy fight a CDD and win. He would have gotten full back pay if Art Luby hadnt blown it.

Maybe he blew it on purpose just to make it so that other workers accept unjustified CDDS instead of fighting them lest they lose half pay like our member did.

If I recall the member said that Jim Little called and told him to just accept the letter.
Can you answer the questions Steve?
Just to bring you up to date,

I will be returning to work Monday, It has been a long road and have many more months of recuperation. I do not wish a burn on anyone. I still have sores and hope everyone remembers not to touch me, even the smallest touch seems to cause blisters.

Again I want to Thank everyone for their sincere concerns! And hope you all have a Great Day!!!!

I enjoy the comments and views expressed on the USAviation Board. I feel this is one of the more liberal forms with little censorship. It is entertaining to say the least and hope the heated discussions at times are not carried out on the work floor.
I am glad your returning to work Monday CIO you can stop by dock 5-A and we can call some of those MRO's that you stated we couldn't compete with. I have a speaker phone it should be great fun. Be sure and bring the info showing the date we last hired a full Mechanic in Tulsa and what his starting pay was and what the starting pay of an OSM with an A&P is. What do you want to bet we have a hard time finding anyone starting A&P Mechanics experience or not cheaper than AA? See you Monday Kevin That’s 5- A Avionics. NO VOTE :angry: NO PEACE!!!!!
Ed Norton said:
Dan Cunningham did not get fired because he disobeyed some punk supervisor's directive to remove his shirt. Dan got fired because of a rat piece of TWU garbage just like CIO who went to management crying about Dan's shirt. Typical behaviour condoned by TWU cowards :down: :down:
Twice AMFA supporters ran to management over my anti-AMFA t-shirt, I was asked to remove them or turn inside out...is it different when AMFA boys ask? ....guess you can't pick and choose sides....if so ...Stewart wouldn't have a side.

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