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Is "checking It Out" Ok?

Bob Owens said:
Lets not forget that he also will lose half pay for the first 16 hours out sick plus every week he is out it will take him one full year of perfect attendance to get the days back in the bank.
I like your posts BOB but you missed one this time. I don't think he will miss any time due to UB. The company will just let it go, just like the fight at the union hall. 😀
Radman said:
I like your posts BOB but you missed one this time. I don't think he will miss any time due to UB. The company will just let it go, just like the fight at the union hall. 😀
If you believe that to be the case then its illegal. Call the DOL and register a complaint.

Company paid UB, with the exception of hearings initiated by the company, is illegal. If this guy is out sick, or injured, and he is still getting paid as if he was working its illegal. Even if the Local is paying him out of the Treasury, its illegal, they do not have the right to use the members money in such a way.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh boy, looks as if paranoiah has set in. What's wrong Bob, you're not getting any more paid UB so it's not fair if anyone else does???? :lol: :lol:

Someone mentioned that they hadn't heard from any TWU supporters on this topic. Well, I have to say that I have been getting quite the laughs on this one. I'm afraid Dave is way out in left field. I apologize for not posting sooner. Yes Kevin Gorremans did get badly burned and I wish him the very best and a speedy recovery but I don't believe that he is CIO. :huh: Not too many folks know who CIO really is, amfa or TWU. But Gorremans???? Come on now!! We have been playing this pretty good I think!! Wasn't there just a post a while back thinking that I was CIO as well????

I will say though, that some of the comments made here recently are pretty assinine!!! But that just goes to show the amfa logic and mind-set!!! Kick a man when he's down attitude!!!! NICE!!!! True colors I might say!!!

Look for CIO to return soon. Could be sooner than you think. . . or could he be someone else????? 😛h34r: 😛h34r: 😛h34r:
Demmitt..I was CIO just the other day, then I was who I thought I wasn't in another life with myself as a best friend's laundryman's business partner.

These people love to guess, and they're as close to guessing as they are to understanding unionism.
Drip E. Kwill said:
Demmitt..I was CIO just the other day, then I was who I thought I wasn't in another life with myself as a best friend's laundryman's business partner.

These people love to guess, and they're as close to guessing as they are to understanding unionism.
But remember Mr. Quill, (or am I talking to myself????) they aren't a union, they are an "association"!!! Pretty big difference in my book!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

But hey, I will wait for one of these wannbes to put up a copy and paste of the defintion of association and union!!!! 10 bucks it's Dave!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Or you could wait for the International Association of Machinists to post a definition?

Are there any aviation mechanics represented by the IAM?
Again it is the truth. AMFA and the IAM are associations, you just made a stupid post and now have no where to run.
twuer said:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh boy, looks as if paranoiah has set in. What's wrong Bob, you're not getting any more paid UB so it's not fair if anyone else does???? :lol: :lol:
I was never paid UB when I was out sick and the Local paid my UB, not the company. I have no problem with anyone getting UB as long as they are actually doing UB.
You can harp on the AMFA all you desire, but fact is we are out for the A&P, your parasitic attachments hold my wages down.

As proven in AMFA's negotiations, our stance is firm, NO CONCESSIONS UNLESS WARRANTED! I personally am excited to see the AMFA sell the UAL retirees down the road prior to coming to our ACTIVE MEMBERS for anything! They had their time, now it is MY TIME!

God bless ME! God bless AMFA!
MaryLou said:
You can harp on the AMFA all you desire, but fact is we are out for the A&P, your parasitic attachments hold my wages down.

As proven in AMFA's negotiations, our stance is firm, NO CONCESSIONS UNLESS WARRANTED! I personally am excited to see the AMFA sell the UAL retirees down the road prior to coming to our ACTIVE MEMBERS for anything! They had their time, now it is MY TIME!

God bless ME! God bless AMFA!
Hey Mary, I think you and Princess need to get together for lunch sometime. Same kind of interests I think!! You two gals could probably talk for hours about what you think amfa should do for you!! :huh:

Are you healing up OK?

We are wishing you well, and hope you have made it back home.
I want to thank everyone who has expressed concerns for my health, sent cards and flowers. It has been a slow recovery and will take a while to completely heal. A Burn is nothing to mess with.

Again thanks for all your concerns.

Have a Great TWU DAY!!!!!!

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