But management can't take away a person's smile, ability to apologize, helpful attitude or tone of voice.
You couldn't be more wrong. I've seen it, lived it. When you continually have to deal with unhappy,( justifiably unhappy ) customers, due to horrible service, created by poor managerial decisions, it gets old fast. Yes, that smile goes along way when you ruin someones vacation they've been planning for six months. Sorry, (smile) Mr. Smith we couldn't get you to that meeting, how about tomorrow.
Tell me oh customer service guru, how does an smile and an apology help, when a customer shows up 2 hours before his flight to the caribbean, and the flight leaves on time, but he's left behind because you don't have the staffing to process him in time to get to the gate? You see, it's more important for that flight to be on time, than for him to go on his vacation.
Maybe I could upgrade him on the flight tomorrow, nope, can't do that anymore. How about some extra frequent flyer miles, nope, can't do that anymore. How about I extend his return another day, nope, can't do that anymore. How about even a free drink coupon, nope, can't do that anymore.
Yes, a smiles nice, but the tools you so easily dismiss, go alot further.
So how do you deal with it? You either quit, or for those of us who can't, you numb yourself to it. You see, management "DOES" reflect attitude.