But forgive me if I don't have a lot of respect for their track record. They've played hardball and lost. Maybe it's just my perception, but whatever disdain you have for corporate or industrial unionism, the IAM and TWU seem to have done a better at keeping its members employed.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, the corporate union flunkies have kept the troops employed.
Of course, having an over manned work force, and paying an over paid management analyst to monitor internet bulletin boards is sound airline management strategy and deserving of 6 figure bonuses. Bring out them huge bonuses and pat each other on the back....Job well done! Not to mention, that the latest corporate propaganda indicates that the other carriers have cut cost "better" than AA, and so we must all step up to the plate again. Kind of two sided isn't it? On one hand TWU and IAM has done better, on the other hand, we must play catch up to those that went the other direction. This aint over yet, so don't keep claiming the AA/TWU strategy was the best path.
Go tell the TWA, Eastern, and PanAm mechanics about how the industrial corporate union jack asses have kept their members employed.
Oops, that is the past, and we all know too well now, that the past is off limits when debating unionism.
What gets me, is the claim of saving the jobs with the concessions, while attrtion has proven beyond a doubt that the airline ate the wages of the overage of manpower, while every quarter but one has seen staggering industry losses. I would say it was more like the Federal, City, State, Corporate Welfare for jobs that saved employment at AA more so than the Union Stooges who now manage the corporation.
How much you figure the total dollar amount has been to have the 3 plus years of the over manned work force being paid and families heath insured by the self insured airline. Put a dollar figure on that one and report it in the Wall Street Journal. WOW! What superior management skills these AA Exec's have!
IT's ALL ABOUT THE JOBS BROTHER! You can eat fish heads and rice for dinner, but you have a job don't you?