well it seems as if the AM West MEC finds it necessary to require pay parity for the US West employees or not bring back the invols to PHX. Of course they can hire off the street since we are operating under two different certificates, however that would break the agreement that we made in early stages, No? From my understanding if they hire off the street - then after the fence comes down we could go to one seniority list, if you hold a spot - great, if you are too junior and an invol can bump you out - enjoy the VACATION!! They need to worry about their pay in their contract negotiations, lets get people their jobs back!!! I guess if the West MEC doesn't want to then fine - we will have no choice but to bump the most junior flight attendants in PHX and move in.. I am guestimating that would possibly be about 500 US West flight attendants being furloughed... at least if not more .... since we have 1700 invols that are on furlough between 1999- and 2001. Just posting this to make people aware of what could happen if we don't bring back the invols...