Interesting quotes from the courtroom.....

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"One surefire way to lose credibility when you are finally given a position of real responsibility is to spout off with little knowledge of the way things really are."


Talk about your ironies.......bawhaahaa.........busdrvr you're a real piece of work!
"One surefire way to lose credibility when you are finally given a position of real responsibility is to spout off with little knowledge of the way things really are."

Talk about your ironies.......bawhaahaa.........busdrvr you're a real piece of work!

I'm really proud of you D. An entire post without refering to the size of my tool or making a snide comment about my wife.... But then again, just as I'm making the case that management doesn't equal "God", and that the other employees are professionals to, along comes the under $80 an hour to be a capt crowd to prove that there is always some punk willing to do the job for whatever price Chapt 12 is willing to offer. Thanks for your input, and for just being there... :rolleyes:
I'd suggest you re-evaluate your disdain for the pilot group. If it was some jerk who wouldn't return your calls after a whirlwind layover, let me be the first to appologize for him.

The problem with this whole message board format is that we spend more time complaining about things than we do discussing what is good.

I do my fair share of complaining but I enjoy my job and enjoy working with most of the people at AA. We have some great pilots who I enjoy working with and hanging out with.
We many be a large airline but we seem to have a tight knit community of people that take care of each other.

My biggest complaint is that we have too many managers and not enough people with the ability to make executive decisions without feeding their idea through endless layers of executive feedback. Managers at the airports are trying to do their job and are continuously hampered by the whole process.

If they want to start making people more productive they need to look to management next. Maybe then we could get more done.

In any case, bring 'em on. I say open up the borders. Document everyone as they come in so we know who's here and we keep out the ones who are up to no good, and so they pay taxes. But then let their ability, drive, creativity and energy compete with fat, happy, and complacent Americans. A little competition is a good thing. In the long run, the US would be stronger for it.
Undoubtedly that is true. Other than the overpaid US executives, though, we are in a global economy and labor market now, which has its good and bad.

I am anti open borders and the whole "guest worker" idea.
If we didn't have illegal workers here then we would have to pay the American worker what they were worth and the executive compensation wouldn't be so disgustingly high.

Legal immigration is a good thing. Those that want to break the law and be illegal should be treated as law breakers and arrested. Same goes for those employing the illegals in the first place.
I am anti open borders and the whole "guest worker" idea.
If we didn't have illegal workers here then we would have to pay the American worker what they were worth and the executive compensation wouldn't be so disgustingly high.

Legal immigration is a good thing. Those that want to break the law and be illegal should be treated as law breakers and arrested. Same goes for those employing the illegals in the first place.
Maybe I wasn't clear. My solution to the problem of illegal and undocumented immigration is to make immigrants legal and documented.

Give them social security numbers so they pay taxes. Make them "legal" so they have the protections of (for example) the NLRA and so they can form unions so employers don't take advantage of them and pay them such low wages (which would stop help the slide of wages elsewhere).

It's crazy to turn people away. Who wants to come here? The best and most creative from other countries -- those that have the desire to work hard and make something of themselves. All they need is a little opportunity, which is apparently lacking in their home countries, and many of them can achieve great things. People don't risk life and limb to get here with the goal of living on the dole. They want to be hard working productive people participating in and contributing to a vibrant economy.

And there's plenty of room. Most of the US is pretty empty. Parts of the country that have been depopulating over the years are dying to have people move there. Parts of the upper Great Plains comes to mind. And look at cities like Pittsburgh -- wonderful, liveable cities with infrastructure already in place, but with a massive decrease in population over the past few decades leaving homes and buildings empty. Fill 'em up!

Plus, immigrants bring good food and cooking with them. :D

OK. Sorry for being OT.
I believe that this one has run it's course, but has the starting of a good topic to take to the Water Cooler.
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