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Mesaba Blocked from Striking


Jul 23, 2003
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Interesting to note that this has gone all day without comment...

MAIR Holdings Unit Mesaba Airlines Receives Preliminary Injunction To Prevent Strike From US Bankruptcy Court - Update

Tuesday, October 24, 2006; Posted: 02:13 AM

Early Tuesday, Northwest Jet Airlink Mesaba Airlines, unit of MAIR Holdings Inc., a holding company, which offers regional air carrier services, revealed that its request for preliminary injunction to prevent a threatened strike was granted by honorable Gregory Kishel of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Minnesota. The company noted that the strike from flight attendants, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants or AFA, the Airline Pilots Association or ALPA and mechanics, represented by the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association or AMFA.

John Spanjers, president and chief operating officer said, "At the same time, we will continue our efforts to negotiate consensual agreements with our mechanics, pilots and flight attendants. We have worked diligently to address the unions' concerns and are hopeful they will come forward now and address the company's needs." He further, added that he expects to accomplish the goal before it becomes necessary to impose terms on October 26.

The company noted that in the event, it would impose terms about its plans to continue negotiations in order to find a solution that ensures the company is positioned to emerge successfully from bankruptcy and that works for employees on October 24. Judge Kishel's decision to grant the injunction would allow customers to continue their travel plans on Mesaba Airlines with assurance, that they would reach their destination safely. The company noted that the ruling would not impact its operations or its obligations to Northwest or to its passengers.

Further, the company noted that it agreed permanent wage and benefit reduction deals with the Transport Workers Union or TWU. The company added that, it must achieve labor cost savings either through tentative agreements or imposition of new terms to access its debtor-in-possession or DIP financing loan with Marathon Asset Management. According to the company, DIP loan is essential to fund its daily operations and to help restructure its business.

MAIR closed Monday's regular trading session at $5.53, down $0.02 or 0.36%.

Judge Kishel appears to have been on the bench since the 1980's, so he's obviously corrupt as that means he was nominated by either Reagan or Bush I.
Judge Kishel appears to have been on the bench since the 1980's, so he's obviously corrupt as that means he was nominated by either Reagan or Bush I.
Yes. Any judge that was on the bench is corrupt. Everyone knows that. goes without saying.
I want to see the law/precedent that says bankruptcy law trumps RLA. Don't think this will stand on appeal.
I want to see the law/precedent that says bankruptcy law trumps RLA. Don't think this will stand on appeal.
<_< ---- You may be correct! But, appeals take time! And are expensive! That's what they're counting on!!!! 😉---- The name of the game for Masaba, and Northworst, at this point, is to stall! As long as posible!---- :down:
Unions not allowed to strike following the abrogation of their contracts. I don't think America represents the land of the free anymore. Welcome to facist America! Hitler would be proud. I guess we'll turn the calendar back to the 1920's-Back to the Future. Soon we'll be seeing wildcat strikes and the busting of heads with billy clubs. Union members stand up for your rights. Union members vote anti-union candidates (including Judges) out of office. Make Judges and politicians pay for their anti-union bias. These actions are not only unacceptable but anti-American. We don't have the money the corporations have but we do have the numbers to vote those sold out ba$tards out of office!
Unions not allowed to strike following the abrogation of their contracts. I don't think America represents the land of the free anymore. Welcome to facist America! Hitler would be proud. I guess we'll turn the calendar back to the 1920's-Back to the Future. Soon we'll be seeing wildcat strikes and the busting of heads with billy clubs. Union members stand up for your rights. Union members vote anti-union candidates (including Judges) out of office. Make Judges and politicians pay for their anti-union bias. These actions are not only unacceptable but anti-American. We don't have the money the corporations have but we do have the numbers to vote those sold out ba$tards out of office!
I'd say the He!! with that so called judge Strike! If it puts mesaba and its horrinle parent under so be it. It is time that unions stand up to that inept mgmt no matter what. How much longer can it go on till the next ENRON style collapse?
I want to see the law/precedent that says bankruptcy law trumps RLA. Don't think this will stand on appeal.
This is truly a case where Justice delayed is justice denied and they know it.
Unions not allowed to strike following the abrogation of their contracts. I don't think America represents the land of the free anymore. Welcome to facist America! Hitler would be proud. I guess we'll turn the calendar back to the 1920's-Back to the Future. Soon we'll be seeing wildcat strikes and the busting of heads with billy clubs. Union members stand up for your rights. Union members vote anti-union candidates (including Judges) out of office. Make Judges and politicians pay for their anti-union bias. These actions are not only unacceptable but anti-American. We don't have the money the corporations have but we do have the numbers to vote those sold out ba$tards out of office!

And vote in whom?

Go to opensecrets.org, look at where both parties get most of their money. Both are funded by corporations. While the Republicans get a lot more the Democrats are also owned by corporations.

You should vote, but keep in mind that all you are doing is sending a signal when you vote, dont expect a huge difference, as I often say the Democrats are only slightly less hostile to working peoples economic intrests than the Republicans. Send the message, but if you want to really get results you must be prepared to act.

What it comes down to is we can vote out every Republican and the best you can hope for is that the intensity of the assault on the working class will be reduced, it will not be stopped nor will it open the door for OUR economic recovery. The only way to change that is through economic disruption, which will mean ignoring the edicts of the courts.
And vote in whom?

Go to opensecrets.org, look at where both parties get most of their money. Both are funded by corporations. While the Republicans get a lot more the Democrats are also owned by corporations.

You should vote, but keep in mind that all you are doing is sending a signal when you vote, dont expect a huge difference, as I often say the Democrats are only slightly less hostile to working peoples economic intrests than the Republicans. Send the message, but if you want to really get results you must be prepared to act.

What it comes down to is we can vote out every Republican and the best you can hope for is that the intensity of the assault on the working class will be reduced, it will not be stopped nor will it open the door for OUR economic recovery. The only way to change that is through economic disruption, which will mean ignoring the edicts of the courts.

Bravo Bob! Excellent post.
Should union workers ever get out from under their bosses and take an action collectively then we will see the immediate "knee jerk" reaction in Congress and the Senate. Large scale movement is the only way to get them to stop ignoring, stop talking and improve legislation to help union workers.
Lech Walesa wasn't a politician when he began a movement that shut down the entire Polish economy and hammered the final nail in communism in that country. And as much as I despise the French, when workers go on strike there, they ALL go on strike. When that happens there is an immediate change in the system to the advantage of the union workers.
My question is, where are WE in America going to find a Lech Walesa? We need "someone" to follow. Thats the way it is in this country. Follow A leader. Can we find someone who is
a. Not associated with a major corporation?
b. Not "beholdin" to any union big whig?
c. Charismatic enough to be attractive to a television audience? (TV is king after all)
d. Actually has a PLAN that will make sense to corporations and union members alike?

Ok Bob, how about it? Are you pretty enough for TV?