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Insider Selling: Richard H. Anderson Unloads 100,000 Shares of Delta Air Lines Stock (DAL)

indeed I am.

at this moment, it is from the side of a lake surrounded by northwest pines while watching DL stock continue to soar.

thanks for hauling the backpack. I, for one, am grateful.
here is a very interesting article that sheds some light on why Jon Ruggles, who was hired after the merger to rebuild DL's hedge book, left very suddenly.


Apparently, he didn't his personal and professional lives separate. As an exec for the then-world's largest private purchaser of jet fuel, Ruggle's activities were being watched by regulators.

He doesn't carry a backpack anymore. at least not one with a widget on it.

and the memo does not say that Anderson's wife invented the backpack phrase...but she did have parameters as to how it should be done.
What does that have to do with the Anderson family's charitable giving?

As for the silly slogans, thanks for weighing in, but I'll take the word of our CEO & several execs over a post here.
Why would a CEOs wife be in a memo to Delta employees when she isnt one?
let's see... a few posts ago you said that her charitable giving might have been related to the backpack motto "we all have to live with"

so even though I agree with you, you want to now side with the execs?

as much as you want to believe otherwise, I do not come on here every day to try to fight with you or anyone else... not sure you see our interactions the same way.
Reminds me of when NW told you to dumpster dive to save money.
you can pull out the dumpster diving memo if you wish but I am pretty sure it didn't include the words "Please stay true to the Delta culture"... which " is unique in the industry and it cannot be matched by our competitors anywhere in the world." and "It is an honor to serve you."
Your feeble attempt is lame, sorry that was NW, not US
FWAAA said:
The article linked by the OP didn't accurately report what happened.
Richard Anderson didn't unload 100k shares, his wife did.   She sold 100k shares and on top of that, she donated 34,750 shares to a variety of charities.   
Under the securities laws,  Richard Anderson must report the acquisition or sales of Delta stock by his wife and children.   
As an aside, the publication linked by the OP was the Mideast Times, published in Tehran by some Iranians.   Doesn't surprise me that they don't know #### about the US Securities laws.   From the "About Us" tab on that website:
Dammit! The cats out of the bag and 700's anti company propaganda was just shot to hell !
You are truly delusional.
I didnt write the article, it came up in my aviation news feed.
You are a piece of work.
Is that the best Ford and Harrison can tell you?
again, your disdain for the ability of an active DL employee to have an opinion different from labor's is "duly noted"

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