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Delta Executives To Make Millions From Bankruptcy

  • Thread starter Thread starter B.O.B.
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Instead of pounding WT for a link to one specific quote from Grinstein, how about asking BOB for a real source for his flame bait in the first place. Yes his original post has much atrocious truth to it but it is also spun excessively to the point it sounds like a 3rd grader wrote some of the paragraphs. I think it has a solid base but that it also stinks of somebody going through and paraphrasing the entire thing to get more of a reaction. Yes there is obscene corporate greed :shock: Yes there is obscene personal greed :shock: But BOBby...why don't you post real news articles rather than wind ups?
Instead of pounding WT for a link to one specific quote from Grinstein, how about asking BOB for a real source for his flame bait in the first place. Yes his original post has much atrocious truth to it but it is also spun excessively to the point it sounds like a 3rd grader wrote some of the paragraphs. I think it has a solid base but that it also stinks of somebody going through and paraphrasing the entire thing to get more of a reaction. Yes there is obscene corporate greed :shock: Yes there is obscene personal greed :shock: But BOBby...why don't you post real news articles rather than wind ups?
World Traveler,

Just because DL has more European flights out of Kennedy, DOES'NT mean DL is making a "killing" $$$ !!
(with the exception of DAL, AA won't fly a route with "questionable" ROI.

And speaking of JFK,DL is in desperate need of a decent terminal,far better than that depressing present terminal !!
Every time I'm in DL/JFK, it's like a "time warp".
I keep thinking I'm going to see "Humphrey Bogart" in there.
Oh, please. AA has gone head to head with dozens of carriers only to later admit they weren't making money. Do you even know what LGB stands for? and that's just a start.

and let us not forget that AA lost billions in the early part of this decade. The only reason that they turned things around so fast is because they took the broom handle and applied it to its employees forcefully. I give AA credit for playing hardball when it had to be played but don't kid yourself about the cost it had on AA employees. Have you looked at the increases in personal bankruptcy rates in N. Texas counties in 2003?

I hope you enjoy your lovely new terminals at JFK and MIA. Since AA is paying over $20 per passenger that flies through them, they can't possibly be profitable on domestic routes. So, AA doesn't have the airplanes to fly international routes but they have terminal costs that dictate that is where they should fly. Hmmm... sounds like a weiner to me.

I was just at DFW last week and was amazed once again at the sprawl of AA's operations there. Lovely new int'l terminal, too. What do you suppose it costs? Quite frankly, DL made the right choice in facilities at its home and biggest hub 25 years ago and it still works. DFW is a disaster for a hub and ORD is only mildly better.

JFK is the ONLY major city on DL's network where it has substandard facilities and they are being modernized as we speak... and more improvements will come.
Thank you. Much more professional than BOB's way of saying "it is what it is b/c somebody emailed me some text".

Seems someone is scared about their job going buh-bye. I didn't have the link, that is why I didn't provide it. I posted it the way I received it via email.

Ch.12 you need to get a life! 🙄
Seems someone is scared about their job going buh-bye. I didn't have the link, that is why I didn't provide it. I posted it the way I received it via email.

Ch.12 you need to get a life! 🙄

I'm not the one lurking around spewing venom. Your constant "Kool-Aid" drinkers reference to DL is amusing. Just b/c morale/relations is historically better at one carrier than the others doesn't mean that there is any propoganda. Try living life without being so paranoid and hateful. It may just do wonders for you.
It appears that B.O.B has been escorted from the building - probably to drink his home brew of sour grape kool-aid while he sits in time out.

Anyone care to make a wager on how long before he pops up under a new screen name?
It appears that B.O.B has been escorted from the building - probably to drink his home brew of sour grape kool-aid while he sits in time out.

Anyone care to make a wager on how long before he pops up under a new screen name?

Sure is a pity. I'm going to assume that he has already been reincarnated somehow.
Was he permanently banned or just in the cornfield? How can you tell?

His screenname is no longer hyperlinked and it says "unregistered". I'd say that he made the permanent blacklist...at least under the name "B.O.B". what a pity.
His screenname is no longer hyperlinked and it says "unregistered". I'd say that he made the permanent blacklist...at least under the name "B.O.B". what a pity.

It would be nice if they put the hyperlinks to his old posts back. That makes it easier to go back conpfirm a spotting.

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