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Inflight Supervisor


Aug 7, 2006
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there is a new supervisor in Philadelphia Inflight...this person has a spouse and a parent that are Philadelphia based flight attendants...is this not a conflict? is there not a company policy still in place? Hmmmm I getting flashbacks of the AFA/70 LECP re-call
there is a new supervisor in Philadelphia Inflight...this person has a spouse and a parent that are Philadelphia based flight attendants...is this not a conflict? is there not a company policy still in place? Hmmmm I getting flashbacks of the AFA/70 LECP re-call
Delta used to have a policy that prohibited family members to be hired, but USAir never did.
We have many married crew members as well as several generations of airline family members, e.g. the Lemleys, and the Quicks.
Delta used to have a policy that prohibited family members to be hired, but USAir never did.
We have many married crew members as well as several generations of airline family members, e.g. the Lemleys, and the Quicks.
married to another employee is one thing...when you supervise a spouse or parent in the same dept. that's another issue...that is a conflict...think about it
gee hun you got a low block last month...that's ok you will have to do the dishes all month to make up for it. why do they ask if you have family when you get hired and in what dept.
The answer is "It Depends".

Depends on if the Suprvisor in question suervised their relative directly.

Now correct me if I'm wrong but with trips being bid by seniority how could the Super use his/her power?
Supervisors have no control over trip awards, this is done by crew scheduling, or by the computer for monthly bids and sapping. Supervisors are generally assigned a group of F/As by alphabetical order.
married to another employee is one thing...when you supervise a spouse or parent in the same dept. that's another issue...that is a conflict...think about it
gee hun you got a low block last month...that's ok you will have to do the dishes all month to make up for it. why do they ask if you have family when you get hired and in what dept.
We have pilots who are instructors/check airmen who have sons and wives who are pilots.
From the HR policy manual:

Management is not permitted to work in a direct supervisor/subordinate relationship with a relative at any time. Direct supervision is defined as a reporting relationship without an intervening level of management. Management is defined as employees covered under the Management Salary Plan.

Employees are not eligible for transfer or promotion and applicants are not eligible for hire into a position which would create a direct supervisory relationship. Additionally, employees and applicants who have a relative employed by the Company are not eligible for transfer or promotion into a position determined to be confidential in nature, or where a potential conflict of interest may exist, or where their presence would adversely impact internal controls. Employees who work in the Chairman's and President's office, Internal Audit, Financial Planning, Labor Relations, and Security may not have a relative employed by the Company at any time unless approved by the President and/or Chairman.

Employment situations with the potential or impression of a conflict of interest must be approved in advance by the Vice-President, Human Resources and Development. The Vice President, Human Resources and Development, in consultation with the respective department Officer, will make recommendations to avoid such conflict and/or assist in any required placement, transfer or separation.

So? I do beleive the Director of Flight Attendant scheduling has a wife that is a PIT based flight attendant. A reserve no less! :lol:
Thank you, I'm trying for the life of me to figure out how a supervisor in a union shop can benefit his relatives and I'm thinking they can't ergo no conflict. Am I right in my thinking????
A supv can let a lot slip thru the cracks...they have the control to forgive more that you think...you can cut a lot of slack and get away with it...trust me I know what can be done if you are a supv and want to help a flight attendant...it can be done...they have the power to do and cover a lot...the old base mgr. would have never let this happen...he fired a supv for going out with a f/a on a date...It's not a good idea in the business world... would this fly in your company P Bob?
I think the answer to your last question is YES but with a qualifier.

I work for a Japanese Co. and there are 2 very different sets of rules. One for the Japanese and one for those who aren't Japanese. So in effect the Japanese are one big "family" and we don't get invited to the picnic for the most part.

Now in every other way we are treated very well. Even questioning a relatively low level manager from Japan is a career limiting move. So I get your point.


A supv can let a lot slip thru the cracks...they have the control to forgive more that you think...you can cut a lot of slack and get away with it...trust me I know what can be done if you are a supv and want to help a flight attendant...it can be done...they have the power to do and cover a lot...the old base mgr. would have never let this happen...he fired a supv for going out with a f/a on a date...It's not a good idea in the business world... would this fly in your company P Bob?

This Person Is Now My Supvr!! A Very Very Nice Person BTW!! :up:
This Person Is Now My Supvr!! A Very Very Nice Person BTW!! :up:
yea...just ask the spouse or one of the special friends...also speaking about personal private F/A issues in public to others will not gain the respect of the F/A or upper Mngt. once trust is lost it is hard to gain :angry:
Boeing Boy just posted that relatives can not be in a direct supervisor/employee position. So, how could a relative who is a supervisor "overlook" the errors of a relative who doesn't even report to them?
...the old base mgr. would have never let this happen...he fired a supv for going out with a f/a on a date...

When was this? I never remember this happening. It is a shame that there is such a turnover in the PHL Inflight Office. It is amazing that any f/a would want to be a supevisor now that their seniority gets frozen after 90 days. I think it is a shame that this happened. Most f/a's want a supervisor that was a f/a and now you are seeing less active mainline f/a's becoming supervisors.

There have been other situations where a supervisor/manager was related to a f/a. The old PIT base manager's wife was a f/a in the same base. As long as the relative is not in the person's direct group, there is little, if any interaction. Also, I doubt that any favors would be granted as I am sure that spv knows they will be under a watchful eye.

That said the supervisor position is a great position and can be very rewarding if done properly. You really have the opportunity to help people. I miss that part of the job. Hope everyone is well in PHL.!!!!!!
yea...just ask the spouse or one of the special friends...also speaking about personal private F/A issues in public to others will not gain the respect of the F/A or upper Mngt. once trust is lost it is hard to gain :angry:

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