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Inflight Staffing for May

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Nov 15, 2009
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Pilot bid for May is out. Guess who is getting the majority of BOS Airbus time, CLT with an increase of 50 lines while PHL gets 12. Thank God there is posting for 50 tranfers into PHL for May to cover those 36 postions along with the 150 f/a's that are coming to PHL from BOS in May along the 50 or so that came in LGA in Feb when all their block time went to CLT. Oh and don't forget that there will be less Trans Atl flights this summer. Just more opportunities to make us reserves paychecks smaller and waste the company's money when we sit around come Fall and not work. But hey they will probably decide to furlough us at that point because we are nothing more than summer help. Yet somene collects a huge salary to make these decisions.

Hey I have another way to waste money. Let's call all the supervisors and managers from every department into PHX for a three day pep rally and put them in a resort and pay for all of their meals. Oh wait, that has already been done. I mean take a look at the inspirational videos of this conference on Wings. I leanred SOOOO much. A teleconference broadcasting these same videos would never have gotten the point across. I mean that is only good for us peeons. When you are losing all the money we are how can you justify something like this?

With blunders like those above, they wonder why morale is so bad amnongst the rank and file.
Hey I have another way to waste money. Let's call all the supervisors and managers from every department into PHX for a three day pep rally and put them in a resort and pay for all of their meals.

Don't forget the open bar. And the First Class upgrades out and back.
That's just one of the people that make US such a wonderful airline to fly.

*bangs head on wall... concussion...unconsciousness... cerebral hematoma... persistant vegetative state... slow and painful death...*

And with that, 3 people move up in seniority here at the ranch...

*smack* dude, do you have a clue what this means to the people who actually have to deal with this lovely news, or are you one of those people who stands on the outside looking in, wondering why anyone in this "glamourous lifestyle" would dare have anything to say.

*does peanut allergy dance*
Don't forget the open bar. And the First Class upgrades out and back.

I just hafta add that during this meeting of the minds at their golf club resort, I happened to have a layover at the sweaty palms. I very much enjoyed the e-line our hotel rep put out, inviting all the hoitey-toities to our plush, bedbug infested, funky-faced hotel. I don't mind the parrots, but the ankle-biting-yapper that got loose and almost gnawed at my Danskos just about sent me over the edge. Grievance hearing in June. JUNE!!!!!!!
Now I'm all for annual meetings if it brings the masses together and puts forth some good ideas, but, for the love, the motel in the Reno 911 Miami movie is better than our crew digs out in the desert.

Pilot bid for May is out. Guess who is getting the majority of BOS Airbus time, CLT with an increase of 50 lines while PHL gets 12. Thank God there is posting for 50 tranfers into PHL for May to cover those 36 postions along with the 150 f/a's that are coming to PHL from BOS in May along the 50 or so that came in LGA in Feb when all their block time went to CLT. Oh and don't forget that there will be less Trans Atl flights this summer. Just more opportunities to make us reserves paychecks smaller and waste the company's money when we sit around come Fall and not work. But hey they will probably decide to furlough us at that point because we are nothing more than summer help. Yet somene collects a huge salary to make these decisions.

Hey I have another way to waste money. Let's call all the supervisors and managers from every department into PHX for a three day pep rally and put them in a resort and pay for all of their meals. Oh wait, that has already been done. I mean take a look at the inspirational videos of this conference on Wings. I leanred SOOOO much. A teleconference broadcasting these same videos would never have gotten the point across. I mean that is only good for us peeons. When you are losing all the money we are how can you justify something like this?

With blunders like those above, they wonder why morale is so bad amnongst the rank and file.

Life requires us to make choices every day. 😉
Ah...the "Leadership" Conference where everyone slaps each other on the back and congratulates each other for what great leaders they are...

I don't mind the parrots, but the ankle-biting-yapper that got loose and almost gnawed at my Danskos just about sent me over the edge. Grievance hearing in June. JUNE!!!!!!!
Now I'm all for annual meetings if it brings the masses together and puts forth some good ideas, but, for the love, the motel in the Reno 911 Miami movie is better than our crew digs out in the desert.


I couldn't agree with you more. Aren't there some health code issues here that should be looked into? It's a freakin' petting zoo in the lobby. No wonder the place has flees.
I would comment but the Soviet Union hammer is about to come down. So... why bother!
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