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Why Is Iam Sending Confusing Message?

Bob Owens said:
Inflation has a thirty year average of 3% per year, so by 2011 you can figure that in addtion to the cuts you are about to take by the time contract is renegotiable you will have lost an additional 21% on top of what you have already lost!
I haven't seen the proposal, but if it says that wages remain flat until 2011, and inflation is 3% per year, then you're talking about a 23% increase in the cost of living, not 21%. (That's 1.03^7) Do not forget the power of compounding.

In any case, that translates to a loss of 18.7% in purchasing power, not 21%. (that's 0.23/1.23)

Doesn't matter, though...in the end I doubt the vote will make a difference either way.
Just be glad the IAM doesnt have knotheads like the RC4 in ALPA. See what the RC4 did before and after and still doing.
Unless it was deleted at the last district 141 convention, the bylaws required any 'agreement' put before the membership carry a recommendation of yes or no from the chairman.

District 141 did not do so during the last concession, and I don't expect them to do so this go around. They will play the same semantics;that this is no agreement, to which I reply, then why let the membership vote on it?

Moreover, the IAM International Constitution says the International President may set the mechanism in motion for a strike, if there is an emergency. Surely abrogation qualifies as such.

IMO, the IAM does not want a strike. In the GC's letter to the membership, it states " There was no way our negotiators could endorse an agreement that outsources our member's jobs." Yet the agreement explicitly outsources 21 stations. And as has been stated, there are not enough votes in those stations to carry the question, so the smart money is to bet on passage (62 yes 38 no, for whoever's taking odds 😛 ).

And PitBull, only 250 fleet agents will get early out; the agreement caps it at that.
PITbull said:
Your post is full of it!

The IAM did not reach a T/A.  They just sent out the last proposal by the company.

IAM and related  members will have to evaluate the proposal and make the decision.

Unlike the AFA, the neg. committee did reach a T/A, but the MEC was "silent" on recommending yes or no.

Members have to decide if they can live with this proposal or not.  Just as AFA did.

Majority rules the day.

So in other words the "leaders" are no longer are leaders, its every man for themselves?

The company will stress the reasons to vote for it with threats, the union should stress the reasons to vote against if for nothing else that the members can make an informed decision.

Here is what this contract gets you.

No matter how well the company does you guys are stuck with this until 2011. Typically airlines that rebound do so quickly, going from record losses to record profits within three years, we are already three years into this downturn.

Despite the fact that you are stuck with this until 2011 the company can still come back for more concesions at any time.

If you think things are bad now figure in how much the aditional 18.7 % loss of buying power over the next six years is going to cost you.

How many promises has the company already broken?

The fact is by not taking a strong position your leaders have deserted you. They want you to vote yes but do not want to be held responsible. They want to be able to say "You voted it in".
I don't believe the membership needs for any leadership to tell them how to live, what to live with, or not, or what the risks are.....

The membership is smart enough to know and they have figured it out awhile ago.
I am glad that you have had a change of mind regarding what the RC4 did Pitbull, preventing the ALPA membership from voting back then.
It is not an Agreement, it is a final offer, therefore the bylaw does not apply.
As usual all the IAM is providing is fear! Fleet Service, you have to vote these losers out and replace them with a real UNION, that will provide the membership with leadership. You know the Mechanics will be replacing the IAM.
IAM hotline still says" no way our negotiators could endorse an agreement that outsources our members jobs". Did everyone get that memo?