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Iam With A “bigâ€￾ Attitude.

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Oh by the way Bobby,

Whistle-blower is when an employee tells the Government a company is doing something illegal, not tattling on a fellow employee to your boss.

And I am not a lawyer so I can't tell you how many successful DFRs there has been.

and PITMTC has the ability to find out what I poised to him, unlike you who is an outsider sticking his nose it in again.
I have never seen a termination, in which the company had its act together, overturned.

I have seen several, where the manager wanted to play personalities, or where he did NOT have his s$%t together, overturned.

Moreover, the hearing officer for initial discussions and Step I (in progressive discipline situations) is the manager.

The hearing officer for step II is the regional director.

The hearing officer for step III is HR.

Only at arbitration does the union makes its case to someone other than a company officer.

So exactly how is the deck stacked in favor of the union?

And, DFR or not, would you have the steward sell out the member?

That, is a very dangerous precedent.
Didn't whiney bob anounce his retirement from the boards in a big, overly self dramatic post about 1-2 months ago??? That didn't last long.
PineyBob said:
I think technicaly I would be covered under "Whistleblower" laws today.


Technically you are as bad as them along with being a thief which isn't covered under "whistleblower" laws today
ojxux said:
Didn't whiney bob anounce his retirement from the boards in a big, overly self dramatic post about 1-2 months ago??? That didn't last long.

Yes and Yes
PineyBob said:
Yes dangerous for the employer as they are saddled with "Dead Wood" that is essentially immune from termination. If you took a "secret poll" of all fo the workers in a specifice work group and asked each of them who is "Dead Wood" and had management make the same list I will wager that the bottom ten percent are similar on ALL lists

SpinDoc replies:

Bob. You are correct. While the union stewards
may have an obligation to do everything they
can to protect a union member when they are
accused of doing something wrong, the fact is,
more often than not, THEY DID SOMETHING
WRONG or they wouldn't have been called in
for disciplinary measures in the first place.

Unions are designed to protect membership
at all costs, and in most cases, the dead wood
cannot be terminated because of the union
protection. Management employees are held
to company policy standards and by and large,
you have to be willfully deceitful or the laziest
person in the world to get fired. There are
progressive disciplinary steps that have to be
taken to terminate a management employee
and undocumented firings just don't happen.

Management employees have to exhibit repeat
behavior patterns that are uncorrectable before
they are let go. Union employees are not held
to the same standard because their union contract
protects them.
PineyBob said:
I am from the Malcolm X school of thought when it comes to protecting my family, By any means necessary


Seems you that way about you precious frequent flyer miles too as observed by your posts on this board.

PineyBob said:
Unless there is a law against it, I can stick my nose wherever and whenever I choose.

And even when against the law too right? And im sure that nose goes other places too.
PITMTC said:
Progressive? Like having three occurences of the SAME things within a year? Yeah, that has worked well. In all my years here, I have not seen it work effectively, and that's including attendance. That is why some people we all work with, and you all know at least one of them, are still here sucking the blood out of your company. And you all who is there to go full steam ahead to protect them.
and from this view i still see many of your cohorts running around in the cya mode ,lets not let the next level know ...etc.....thought we were going to have a culture change?? but shouldn't it work on both sides of the fence?? :angry:
Reread what I said. All necessary steps up to and including termination. Wilfully mistreating a customer is grounds for termination in the real world (most companies even list that as one in their corporate policies). I am in management in the real world, in a service business, so I know. If a customer gets nasty with you as an employee, it is not your place to lecture or hang up on them, it is your job to get a supervisor or manager involved. Customers are often wrong and often rude. But it is the job of the supervisor or manager on duty to take of these issues, not up to the employee.
delldude said:
and from this view i still see many of your cohorts running around in the cya mode ,lets not let the next level know ...etc.....thought we were going to have a culture change?? but shouldn't it work on both sides of the fence?? :angry:

I don't know where you are coming from with this response to my post?
PITMTC said:
I don't know where you are coming from with this response to my post?
it seemed you were chastising union reps for "protecting" ....... when IMHO i see it in your ranks also......
incompetent union members/incompetent supervisory and managerial personell...
And you all who is there to go full steam ahead to protect them.
is not a shot..merely a view from here....
N628AU said:
Reread what I said. All necessary steps up to and including termination. Wilfully mistreating a customer is grounds for termination in the real world (most companies even list that as one in their corporate policies). I am in management in the real world, in a service business, so I know. If a customer gets nasty with you as an employee, it is not your place to lecture or hang up on them, it is your job to get a supervisor or manager involved. Customers are often wrong and often rude. But it is the job of the supervisor or manager on duty to take of these issues, not up to the employee.


How about when a manager lies in a company investigation? Would that be grounds for termination?

At a company frequently discussed here, that really happened, and the company really did nothing about it. Management looks out for their own, as well.

Karma happens though. The same manager screwed the pooch sooooo big later (and yes, the company tried to sweep that under the rug, too) he got bit in the a$$.

I have always believed the first cover-up led to the second deal.

Not how accountability is supposed to work.

And, when the troops see the boss get away with it, they figure they should, too.
deano said:
"""I received a call from Potomac Air Lodge 1976 telling me""" .......... """You see I was standing right next to my son and in fact using his cell phone to make this call and he heard every word I stated."""............. I really could not care less.



EX U mechanic who couldn’t be any happier to be far and away from the IAM‘s nonsense.


Well Curt! Did you make the call or did they call you?.............. If you are happier away from the IAM and its meddlings and U and its grief then why subject yourself to reliving the misery through this board?

It is one thing to get help when you need it and another to need it and not get it.

Best wishes! Happy Holidays to all!
pitguy said:
Well Curt! Did you make the call or did they call you?.............. If you are happier away from the IAM and its meddlings and U and its grief then why subject yourself to reliving the misery through this board?

It is one thing to get help when you need it and another to need it and not get it.

Best wishes! Happy Holidays to all!

I understand it's DELETED but then again who can one believe anymore....


Best Wishes my ###
pitguy said:
Well Curt! Did you make the call or did they call you?.............. If you are happier away from the IAM and its meddlings and U and its grief then why subject yourself to reliving the misery through this board?

It is one thing to get help when you need it and another to need it and not get it.

Best wishes! Happy Holidays to all!

deleted or who ever you really are...I don't know what your real problem is but it's apparent there is indeed a problem going back to playing Mr. Paranoid at you know whoseoffice and now that you are supposedly finished with U you come on here and insult me like you are so one who knows human behavior and equipped to pass judgment.

At least I have the deleted to say exactly who I am not hiding behind a keyboard passing asinine judgment...

You know where to find me, just ask....Curt

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