IAM US Airways Merger Page

Doesn't appear it's a FUTILE attempt.

I'm not understanding the push for the pension. There currently is not a pension contribution being made and it would be up to the members to decide whether or not they want the pension or a 401K, correct? Then the negotiations would have to occur. It doesn't appear to me, that even if the effort to produce a vote for representation hadn't occurred, the March 1st "deadline" wouldn't have been met.
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The deadline would have been met as the IAM and US were negotiating the pension.

The 401K is not going away, it would still be there.

There is a 3% DCP currently, the IAMNPF is a DBP which pays a higher rate.
There currently is not a pension contribution and will not be one!
This is just more IAM BS. If the IAM wins you might get a pension in 2010 or 2011 after the contract that is is place is over in 2009.

Some one still needs to turn the lights on so that Roach can be seen for what he is, "a critter afraid of the light" and the truth. Here again is some of the "garbage" that the IAM has been force feeding it's members. Instead of going to the IAM sight for information go to the Teamsters Local 104 sight for the truth. :)

Teamsters Local 104
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Now that is funny, the truth, lol!!!

Last ibt update was on 2/13/06.

Where are the updates on the ibt objections?

You have to read the news from the IAM and not your own union.

The truth, now that is funny.
Some one still needs to turn the lights on so that Roach can be seen for what he is, "a critter afraid of the light" and the truth. Here again is some of the "garbage" that the IAM has been force feeding it's members. Instead of going to the IAM sight for information go to the Teamsters Local 104 sight for the truth. :)
Teamsters Local 104
you are so right about the 104 site having truth....funny thats where myself and others have provided factual information assassinating your continued attempts at passing off bullcrap as truth.shot down in your feeble attempts at discrediting IAM through info provided on your very own website time after time.

thank you very much.

Fred Says you're in trouble......
You have to read the news from the IAM and not your own union.

When the IBT puts out information it is not a "wish list" or a "dream" (moisture content is up to you), as it is with the IAM.

I am glad to here that you are so "anxious" to see the Local 104 web sight up dated. That is a sign of a good IBT member. Good job 7. I am sure the web sight will be up dated when it is appropriate to do so. Be careful of the IAM sight they tend to stack it with garbage and you really need to "read between the lines". If you need help I am sure that PineyBob will be more than happy to help you 7. :)
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When the ibt files an objection, why do they keep it hidden from the membership?

Just like it took almost two days for the ibt to announce single carrier status.

Guess the ibt likes to keep info hidden from its members.
Just like it took almost two days for the IBT to announce single carrier status.

Guess the IBT likes to keep info hidden from its members.

Help me here 7....how long did it take for the IAM to put something out to the members about the "slug fest" with the TWU? How long did it take for your own members to get a copy of their new CBA....... :)
Help me here 7....how long did it take for the IAM to put something out to the members about the "slug fest" with the TWU? How long did it take for your own members to get a copy of their new CBA....... :)
dude you're coming across as a pansy here....relax...
dude you're coming across as a pansy here....relax...


Just wondered. Since you and 700UW seem to be continuously on this forum, when do you work? Are you on company time as you make your posts? Are other members of your work group doing your job while you are defending and pushing the IAM as a follow on union?

Just wondered. Since you and 700UW seem to be continuously on this forum, when do you work? Are you on company time as you make your posts? Are other members of your work group doing your job while you are defending and pushing the IAM as a follow on union?
Union Business dude...made...laid and paid IAM?

bobby roach will disavow any knowledge of our postings...
When he speaks of "500 mechanic & utility" being recalled, how does utility fit in the picture? Thought the contract specified 50 total in Clt&Pit? And the contract is in force until 2009. What good is that going to do for them?

A few thousand sold down the river for some severance and flt benefits.
When he speaks of "500 mechanic & utility" being recalled, how does utility fit in the picture? Thought the contract specified 50 total in Clt&Pit? And the contract is in force until 2009. What good is that going to do for them?

A few thousand sold down the river for some severance and flt benefits.
if they bring in IBT outsourced work they will surely have to up the ante somewhat for utes to clean more aircraft..