On 11/14/2002 421 AM DELLDUDE wrote:
dear sir:i feel your pain(bill clinton1998)...if you are so unhappy with the IAM,what took you so long?i've been in PIT for about 17 years...i only remember an organizing drive with you guys very recently.am i correct?all the pain....what the hell took you so long?
please be advised: i am proworker,i have been involved at the "grass roots level" in "OUR" union.how 'bout you?or are you one of the sniveling crybabies i mentioned before?
no insult too you my friend,but what have you done to help?
or is it as i suspect,PART OF THE OVERALL PROBLEM?
i enjoyed the part about"I WILL NOT BE DOING ANY UNION MEETINGS"....WAA-WAA-WAA-WAA....i'll bet you my left nut you'll trip over yourself picking up the phone if they call you back,jack. then the crying willstart all over again.I LOVE MY UNION BROTHER-WE NEED MORE LIKE YOU,charlie! [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/10.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']
First of all, your first sentence makes no sense. I never wanted the union, nor did my co-workers. We were hired under MSP, and we were just happy with that, thank you very much. This organization deal happened within the planner group, which we are not a part of. Why on earth would we have organized earlier if we never wanted a union in the first place?
Second, I don't plan on getting a recall any time soon. I love what I do, and my first choice would to be continue to do it. That said, I don't see the death spiral ever ending. Read the washingtonpost.com article I posted under Thank you sir, may I have another! Where are they going to come up with that money? Through more layoffs to be sure. The productivity enhancements the company wants and has needed since the dawn of time are sure to result in fewer jobs. Unfortunate, but true. My department is not losing anyone, they are letting someone from outside my department come in and bump my simply by company seniority (yes, Boof, I know it says classification, but that is how they decided classification seniority per the accretion letter). Someone who has never done my job, nor wants my job, nor has shown can do my job will bump me. I don't blame them, the choice for that worker is to bump or resign, and lose the severance they would be entitled to. I would do the same. The problem is for the most part the great majority of those bumping would rather just take the furlough and severance, but do not have the choice. This is irregardless of my glowing annual evaluations. I don't plan on coming back to this place in four or five years (best case) at the rate they are paying me now. Top of scale, I would consider that, but I would need to see proof that the industry business plan as whole has been changed to stop the boom-bust cycle (note my considerable postings asking why the company fails to deal with the revenue side, instead of just going CUT, CUT, CUT)
Don't worry about me. I have a plan for my future. I'll be fat, dumb and happy sitting on full retirement by age 55 with what I am going to do with my life. On top of that, it's a profession I consider very noble. It is actually something I have wanted to do for a while and now this furlough is giving me the opportunity. I'll be sitting on a boat then enjoying life while you sit around looking for work well into your seventies, because once the death spiral finishes it's ugly freefall, you will have to wake up to world where you have to compete. Of course, you'll spend many hours trying to figure out whatever new company is trying to screw you, just like you undoubtedly do now. I suggest you take a hard look at the financial situation this company is in, and how it will get better. They got their cuts first to $1.3 billion. Then the new target became $1.6. Now it is approaching $1.8 billion. It is a vicious cycle. The company should have just abrogated in the first place. They should have said, this is the new reality of the marketplace, and all the lousy featherbedding in the contracts would be history. No, Dave tried to do the right thing, and big labor refused to look at the real issues (ALPA bid sheets, IAM work rules like R&D and stores AOG roadtrips, AFA clauses with people getting paid to sit instead of maxing out flying hours). Now, the best case scenario is losing both your precious work rules and the larger pay rate cut everyone took to protect the featherbedding. The worst case is everyone is on the street (look at what happened at Consolidated Freightways).
Like I said before, when do I get my We Won sign. It is the only thing I want out of this deal.
All this being said, I want more than anyone else to see this company survive. I wish you and Boof nothing less than all the best, and in no way want to see one more person lose a job. At the same time, I have taken off my rose colored glasses, and realize the most probable outcome is the eventual Chapter 7 liquidation/fragmentation of US Airways, barring Dave really pulling off a miracle. Until the revenue issue is dealt with, namely the fare structures, this place will continue to hemmorage like a severed carotid artery.
On 11/14/2002 421 AM DELLDUDE wrote:
dear sir:i feel your pain(bill clinton1998)...if you are so unhappy with the IAM,what took you so long?i've been in PIT for about 17 years...i only remember an organizing drive with you guys very recently.am i correct?all the pain....what the hell took you so long?
please be advised: i am proworker,i have been involved at the "grass roots level" in "OUR" union.how 'bout you?or are you one of the sniveling crybabies i mentioned before?
no insult too you my friend,but what have you done to help?
or is it as i suspect,PART OF THE OVERALL PROBLEM?
i enjoyed the part about"I WILL NOT BE DOING ANY UNION MEETINGS"....WAA-WAA-WAA-WAA....i'll bet you my left nut you'll trip over yourself picking up the phone if they call you back,jack. then the crying willstart all over again.I LOVE MY UNION BROTHER-WE NEED MORE LIKE YOU,charlie! [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/14.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/11.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/10.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/8.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']
First of all, your first sentence makes no sense. I never wanted the union, nor did my co-workers. We were hired under MSP, and we were just happy with that, thank you very much. This organization deal happened within the planner group, which we are not a part of. Why on earth would we have organized earlier if we never wanted a union in the first place?
Second, I don't plan on getting a recall any time soon. I love what I do, and my first choice would to be continue to do it. That said, I don't see the death spiral ever ending. Read the washingtonpost.com article I posted under Thank you sir, may I have another! Where are they going to come up with that money? Through more layoffs to be sure. The productivity enhancements the company wants and has needed since the dawn of time are sure to result in fewer jobs. Unfortunate, but true. My department is not losing anyone, they are letting someone from outside my department come in and bump my simply by company seniority (yes, Boof, I know it says classification, but that is how they decided classification seniority per the accretion letter). Someone who has never done my job, nor wants my job, nor has shown can do my job will bump me. I don't blame them, the choice for that worker is to bump or resign, and lose the severance they would be entitled to. I would do the same. The problem is for the most part the great majority of those bumping would rather just take the furlough and severance, but do not have the choice. This is irregardless of my glowing annual evaluations. I don't plan on coming back to this place in four or five years (best case) at the rate they are paying me now. Top of scale, I would consider that, but I would need to see proof that the industry business plan as whole has been changed to stop the boom-bust cycle (note my considerable postings asking why the company fails to deal with the revenue side, instead of just going CUT, CUT, CUT)
Don't worry about me. I have a plan for my future. I'll be fat, dumb and happy sitting on full retirement by age 55 with what I am going to do with my life. On top of that, it's a profession I consider very noble. It is actually something I have wanted to do for a while and now this furlough is giving me the opportunity. I'll be sitting on a boat then enjoying life while you sit around looking for work well into your seventies, because once the death spiral finishes it's ugly freefall, you will have to wake up to world where you have to compete. Of course, you'll spend many hours trying to figure out whatever new company is trying to screw you, just like you undoubtedly do now. I suggest you take a hard look at the financial situation this company is in, and how it will get better. They got their cuts first to $1.3 billion. Then the new target became $1.6. Now it is approaching $1.8 billion. It is a vicious cycle. The company should have just abrogated in the first place. They should have said, this is the new reality of the marketplace, and all the lousy featherbedding in the contracts would be history. No, Dave tried to do the right thing, and big labor refused to look at the real issues (ALPA bid sheets, IAM work rules like R&D and stores AOG roadtrips, AFA clauses with people getting paid to sit instead of maxing out flying hours). Now, the best case scenario is losing both your precious work rules and the larger pay rate cut everyone took to protect the featherbedding. The worst case is everyone is on the street (look at what happened at Consolidated Freightways).
Like I said before, when do I get my We Won sign. It is the only thing I want out of this deal.
All this being said, I want more than anyone else to see this company survive. I wish you and Boof nothing less than all the best, and in no way want to see one more person lose a job. At the same time, I have taken off my rose colored glasses, and realize the most probable outcome is the eventual Chapter 7 liquidation/fragmentation of US Airways, barring Dave really pulling off a miracle. Until the revenue issue is dealt with, namely the fare structures, this place will continue to hemmorage like a severed carotid artery.