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Iam Strike

pitguy said:
usfliboi stated: Pitguy, do you think youd ever be in a position to hire anybody????
A320 Driver stated: Guess this is meant to infer that you are in or will be in a position to hire someone.
I will assume you have not been following the boards. I made it known that I left U quite awhile ago. I was in management at U for a long time (surprised?). I will most likely acquire some of the assets of a failed U. I am very much inclined not to hire scab types as I view them not to be team players and usually self motivated. Also they tend to be the bottom of the barrel for employees. I can assure you senior pilots for U will have an equally hard time finding employment as the rest of the industry has judged them as a whole and it will be hard for them to get the face time to attempt to prove they are not like their brethren. Why do I post on here? I feel there are tons of excellent employees whom deserve better. You two are not amongst them.
--Treat your employees well and with respect and then expect them to accomplish great things. When they do reward them and if the do not hold them accountable.

I was always taught self motivation was a good thing. I was also taught not to follow the crowd or group and I make decisions based on facts and not rhetoric. What is popular is seldom right. There has been much miss-information passed around these boards. It has lead people to draw wrong conclusions regarding many important issues. Many posts were designed to frighten our customers with deliberate lies and falsehoods. I could not take that lying down. My posts inflamed a good many people particularly IAM members. I DON'T CARE. U runs a safe operation, outsourced maintenance and all. U management has made mistakes, no question, but you have to decide to be part of the problem or part of the solution regardless. A good many assume that all pilots live in fear. Fear of losing their jobs and careers. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Most of us have alternate plans and many don't include aviation at all. But for now, we love what we do. Even through the pay cuts, the benefit cuts and even the PHL factor. I've seen the shenanigans and the BS heaped on U by some of its employees first hand and I'm sick of it. I will fight against it. I will not support people that deliberately try to do harm, steal from, and bad mouth their employer. If that's the kind of employee you want, knock yourself out. The fact that you can mention accountability and IAM in the same post is laughable. As far as the rest of the industry judging the U pilots, I'm sure you'll do you part to make that happen. I do wonder how those pilots and other employees will be judged that took their time off to deliver bags in their personal vehicles, those that helped at the airports with double shifts and some that didn't see home for days. That's where you'll find me Pitguy... right in the middle of them. That's how I'll be judged and that's the way I want it.

A320 Driver
USA320Pilot said:

When the AFA issued its strike press release US Airways spokesman Dave Castevetler publicly indicated the company would seek an injunction prohibiting a strike. ALPA legal believes that Arnold & Porter has already completed the injunction work, which legal advisors believe will likely be ordered by the court.

Separately, the real key, and I have been told is more important than the ATSB's participation, is the recent GE deal. When GE elected to support the new business plan, other financiers have agreed to provide all of US Airways bankruptcy and exit financing needs, provided all parties participate in the new business plan enabling cost cut targets. Judge Mitchell will recognize this point too, which will place even more pressure on the IAM.

See Story


Yea well when GE lets them use their airplanes for free then maybe the employees might feel pressured.

Unions only need to review their history to see that the courts are in the pockets of big business. No contract-no work, let Judge Mitchell drop dead in his long black robe. When Judges overstep their boundries, why wait till appeal? Let them try and arrest all the union leaders and members when they tell him where to put his injunction!

Just because a Judge says the union cant strike hasnt stopped unions in the past. In the end the unions that continued to stick by their guns made out better. What the IAM needs to do is spread this out to make it a contest between the Bush administration and ALL of the airline unions.

How much work will we all get done in handcuffs anyway?

The employees of USAIR have already agreed to two rounds of concessions, at what point is enough, enough?
Bob Owens:

I find it interesting is that the only time you post on the US Airways or United board, as an American Airlines mechanic, is when there is a labor dispute regarding concessions.

You lobby for the union to take a position, which would lead to a "meltdown", which I believe you hope happens so American can suffer less.

Your posts clearly illustrate your character, or should I say lack there of.


A320 Driver,
I never mentioned accountability and IAM in the same post so you can quit laughing. Fact remains is most pilots fly for the money. I do not begrudge them that. I am not actually a pro union person. I am pro employees and them being treated fairly. That has not happened here and that is why I would not walk the walk with the management team here. Hence I left and make allot more money as I was being held back here. I would have stayed, but one can not swim well in a polluted pool. The Mechanics will not and have not been treated fairly and by either the company or their union. They deserve better, but they have not demanded it from either their union or the company. They will have to stand up and fight for themselves or they are doomed. Senior pilots on U have been duly noted and will pay their penance shortly. I do hope to meet you some day. Maybe a can give you a few bucks, but I won't give you a job. Have a nice life. I know I am. Gets better every day. 😀
DOA@Airport said:
If you think U has survived this long and not planned how to pull this off, you're seriously kidding yourself.
And if you think this company has management able to plan and handle these complexities your dreaming.
Bluestreak said:
If the IAM strikes a large portion of the members will cross the line and the union will be broken. The IAM is backed into a corner. All their options are losing options, and the xmass sickout ruined any public support the IAM might have had. I believe management is hoping for a strike. A strike means the end of the IAM.

A stike means the end of the airline.

AFA will not cross a picket. Period.
USA320Pilot said:
Bob Owens:

I find it interesting is that the only time you post on the US Airways or United board, as an American Airlines mechanic, is when there is a labor dispute regarding concessions.

You lobby for the union to take a position, which would lead to a "meltdown", which I believe you hope happens so American can suffer less.

Your posts clearly illustrate your character, or should I say lack there of.



I find it interesting that you only point that out when you realize that I'm ripping your attempts to misinform apart.

The fact is that back in 02, prior to the first round of concessions that were at first rejected by the mechanics I said what would happen at USAIR.

So far everything I said has happened.

Seigal came and went, taking millions along the way. Werent you one of the ones claiming Seigal was "different"?

I said that the first round of concessions would not fix anything or prevent the company from going BK and that despite their promises they would come back for more. They did.

I said that your concessions would be matched thereby negating any competative edge USAIR may have gained, I knew this because I knew the TWU, our union, was a company union and would give the company whatever they wanted. I was right again. In fact the TWU removed me from office because I criticized them for the massive concessions that they imposed on us. i criticized them for trying to put USAIR and UAL out of business.

I admitted that once you gave concessions it would cause a domino effect which it did. And I said that eventually USAIR would probably not make it anyway which has yet to be seen but looks more likely by the day.

My charecter? Who are you, someone who hides behind an alias to impune my charecter?

I have never tried to mislead anyone and I am willing to back my words not only with my name, unlike you, but with action. I still say that as long as we are out there moving people the airlines will press on with their assault on workers. WE NEED TO SHUT IT ALL DOWN!!!!!
ggu23311 said:
Do what's best for your next employers outlook. Think ahead! It's our future!
When people wake up they will see the wisdom in your words, but not many have the ability to call it quits yet.
pitguy said:
A320 Driver,
Fact remains is most pilots fly for the money.

Fact is your wrong. The few that do generally aren’t worth a damn.

The Mechanics will not and have not been treated fairly and by either the company or their union.

The IAM made this bed. Productivity on the floor sucks. Productivity for Utility is worse.

They will have to stand up and fight for themselves or they are doomed.

So U can die, your new outfit can have the assets they want, and you live happily ever after.

Senior pilots on U have been duly noted and will pay their penance shortly.

We’re shaking in our boots.

I do hope to meet you some day. Maybe a can give you a few bucks, but I won't give you a job.

Not in this life. Keep your money and your job. I have no complaints.

A320 Driver
USA320Pilot said:
Judge Mtichell is only permitted by law to grant the company or union proposal. Assuming the motion hyperlinked below is ordered by the court, page 108 though 110 would become the portion of the order regarding self help that would be "imposed" on the union, in order to save the company.

Click Here for S.1113 motion and strike argument.



First, some housekeeping .....

The document USA320Pilot refers to (and links) is not a motion. Docket #748 is the company's 1113c motion to abrogate contracts and says nothing about enjoining a strike. Following the motion contained in Docket #748 is a proposed order for the judge to sign which would abrogate any contracts not amended by consensual agreements - again there is no mention of enjoining a strike.

The document that USA320Pilot mentions, and provides a link to, is Docket #749 - Memorandum in Support of the Debtors' (1) Application to Reject Certain Collective Bargaining Agreements, (2) Application to Reduce Retiree Health Benefits, and (3) Motion to Approve Termination of Certain Defined Benefit Retirement Plans and Make Necessary Findings. At the end of this document is a discussion of the right of a union's members to strike following contract abrogation. This would not be the order that the judge would sign if he "grants the company virtually every motion".

Of course, nothing prevents the company from entering a motion asking this judge (or a judge in the circuit court) to enjoin a strike.

Now to the subject at hand....

In regards to pilots, I've long said that a pilot group that doesn't have 80+% support shouldn't strike - without that level of support, we have more leverage in the cockpit than on the street carrying a picket sign.

Here's a couple of quotes from another thread:

Borescope said:
There's not any need to strike. Just following the book and moving a little slower,(it's cold out there) will grind everything to a halt. buh bye! :up:

local 12 proud said:
yep and in the summer time you just walk real slow and drink lots of water 😉

From my perspective, Borescope and local 12 proud get an A+. If the IAM can't get over 80% participation in a strike (varying somewhat by subgroup), they may be better off staying on the job.

Everyone seems to pretty much agree that the company wants nothing more than reduce the ranks of IAM members drastically. A strike where 30% - 40% cross the picket line hands the company what they want. Remember that it's past the peak travel period until spring break starts up. Pre-cancelling 25% - 30% of the flights is not only possible, but possibly practical at this time of year.

On the other hand, staying on the job (as Borescope said) could give the IAM more leverage in what will presumably be continuing negotiations. After all, how many things does the average line mechanic look at during a daily check or walk-around of an airplane that are judgement calls? As long as a mechanic has the A/C logbook, the plane goes nowhere.

The same holds true for fleet service, etc......

USA320Pilot said:

I truly hope there are last minute deals with all of the IAM units, which is better for all concerned.

In regard to Seltzer, he not only told me in person, but he told the entire ALPA MEC in "open session". The fact is that nobody knows what can happen with an imposed agreement on Thursday morning, but one thing is for sure, it will be interesting to see the results.

Moreover, it does not matter what opinion the attorney has. In the end the only thing that matters is the court order, and in this case Judge Mitchell has granted virtually every company motion.


so if nobody knows...why in the name of god do you continue to try and post contridictory information? you should be banned for "flaming"
E-TRONS said:
BTW, A manager in CLT Base Mtc rcvd a $40,000 Christmas bonus...

If you had to take the pontificating captain out once a week for his "insider" update, you might demand a $40,000 bonus too! :lol: 😛
Bob Owens said:
My charecter? Who are you, someone who hides behind an alias to impune my charecter?

I have never tried to mislead anyone and I am willing to back my words not only with my name, unlike you...

Now Bob, it is only fair to warnyou that you should not try to match witts with the un-named poster. He has a long history of accusing others of not posting their name, so I am sure he will call your bluff. He has implied so many times that only cowards hide behind a screen name. But whatever you do, when he PMs you and demands your phone number, don't give him the local Pizza Hut number! :lol:

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