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Iam / Management Group Hug

Well then why don't you contact the PIT FSDO and ask them to contact the CLT FSDO and ask about A/C 627?

So I guess if you don't eyewitness everything that is going on you don't believe it happened?
PITMTC said:
Facts babe.

Remember what you always used to state..... FACTS!

I am right there in the mix and see nor here nothing. CLT either.

look no further i think i've found the problem...... 😉
700 I do get it ! Again reality will guide the company and its employees. This company will do and make happen what has to be done in order to survive and protect what jobss are left,THATS REALITY! You guys can sing tora tora tora all day long or evn kuum bi ya fo all i care it wont change.
No they won't, they will be forced to adhere to the CBAs they signed.

Do you not understand what a contract is and what a grievance procedure is?
usfliboi said:
700 I do get it ! Again reality will guide the company and its employees. This company will do and make happen what has to be done in order to survive and protect what jobss are left,THATS REALITY! You guys can sing tora tora tora all day long or evn kuum bi ya fo all i care it wont change.
The world you occupy, in your mind, is not one and the same as the one I work in with these souls who all have had enough, and are ready to walk away. I know you are having trouble grasping this concept and probably because you would do exactly what you are saying, ANYTING. Here's the problem, you are the very minority this time around, trust me, and time will prove which one of us is wrong. No sense in going back and forth any longer, believe what you want, but reality will rule the day.

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