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Iam / Management Group Hug

pitguy said:
Please usfliboi, as you have requested use facts only and not emotion. Lead by example.
What emotion? I have none. But i have an opinion as you can see !
700UW said:
Well you see at the IAM they inform us of what is going on, all you have to do is call your reps and they will tell you. I have spoken with IAM HDQ today and inquired what happened and was told and at the union meetings it will be passed on to the IAM membership.

Once again you are not in the IAM and do not know how they operate.

You can go on record all you want, since 1949 the IAM represented mechanic and related have overhauled every single airplane and airplane type US flies. So when the arbitor rules in the IAM's favor and awards monetary damages, I will be the first to tell you I TOLD YOU SO!
mmmm as you are aware, with arbitration, usually each group gets about half of what each group originally wanted. I find it interesting your not getting that . Ill be around so when you hear something, let me know. I hope its good news for you all. In the mean time life goes on!
usfliboi said:
What emotion? I have none. But i have an opinion as you can see !
You have stated in several previous posts that 'other' posters should post facts only and have no emotion. If your intent is that would only apply to 'other' posters then I tend to conclude that maybe you are management (which is not a crime in itself) since they take a similar stance of "do as I say and not as I do". While the rules of this board welcomes various views I thought you would welcome me pointing this out to you. Have a fantastic day.

--I have emotion. Kind of like a human thing for me. While some folks see employees as mere pieces of equipment I delve a little further under the surface.

--See you on the other side.
BillLumbergh said:
Who's Darth???

I think he was referring to "Darth" Lumbergh, the moderator of this forum. He may have confused and was referring to "Garth" from Waynes World, but we can't be too sure. I think 700UW is overworked and underpaid and he is beginning to become weary.... NOT.
I think he was refering to this post by Bill on the 10th:

"Lets discuss bonii in the merit/bonus thread. Thanks

SpinDoc said:

I think he was referring to "Darth" Lumbergh, the moderator of this forum. He may have confused and was referring to "Garth" from Waynes World, but we can't be too sure. I think 700UW is overworked and underpaid and he is beginning to become weary.... NOT.
I know what 700 was referring to. My reply was kinda tongue in cheek...
pitguy said:
You have stated in several previous posts that 'other' posters should post facts only and have no emotion. If your intent is that would only apply to 'other' posters then I tend to conclude that maybe you are management (which is not a crime in itself) since they take a similar stance of "do as I say and not as I do". While the rules of this board welcomes various views I thought you would welcome me pointing this out to you. Have a fantastic day.

--I have emotion. Kind of like a human thing for me. While some folks see employees as mere pieces of equipment I delve a little further under the surface.

--See you on the other side.
If you had read my quotes and who i was responding to you would know why i said what i said about "facts" note in "" a great day for you as well . BTW thanks for the compliment!
PineyBob said:
[Were YOU there? Or did you send in the "Big Guns" You know your so called executives, the ones that make 3 to 4 times as much as theor average member does?
Bob as a union member and having IAMS phone numbers, I can tell you they give you a generic over view of the meeting . They dont discuss anything other than the basics. They would not and i repeat would not ,and have never to my knowledge, told an employee things that it would not tell the "entire group" at the same time. With that said Its my opinion that if concessions werent discussed , { and i think they were at least touched on } they will be in some form . My opinion in todays reality driven world 🙂
The meeting was held in PHL, attending for the IAM was Bill Frieberger-AGC 141M, Duke Snyder-AGC 141M, Randy Canale-President DL 141 and Jim Varsel, Airline Coordinator for the IAM at Headquarters.

Attending for the company was VP of Labor Relations Doug Mckeen And Executive VP of Operations Al Crellin.

The major topic of discussion was a software change that IAM mechanics in PIT came up with that would save the company over $500,000 a month in parts tracking. Other issues were to bring more work in-house and do business smarter.

The company indicated they wanted to meet again to discuss cost savings.

Doug McKeen approached Jim Varsel at the meeting and asked if the IAM both groups, Mechanic and Related and Fleet Service to meet with the company in the near future to discuss concessions, Jim stated quite adamantly that the contracts are closed and not up for being open for any concessions, so do not ask again, he said this quite clearly for McKeen to understand the IAM is not going to entertain Concessions.

This was reported to the IAM Membership in attendance at the union meeting in Charlotte tonight.

So usfliboi, I suggest you stick to issues and matters that you are privy too and involved with, once again you are not an IAM member and do not participate in IAM business to know what is going on within MY union!
500,000.00 a month just from a parts tracking software change! That is incredible. Bravo to the employees that worked on this.

700 - thanks for the info. If you get more examples of such things I'd love to hear about them.

I do applaude Jim for standing tough on their unwillingness to open your contracts. Given the slap in the face with the outsourcing of the S check, I don't think anyone could blame you. Also, couple that with the fact that you are coming to the company with cost savings ideas approximated between 80-100K annually, what more could they ask for? Even if the number were off a little, you are providing the company with huge cost savings ideas that definitly need to be given a serious look, especially if EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE.

To the leadership of the IAM, I say don't let the company off the hook with these ideas. Make your suggestions available to all employees to see. If the company is sincere about productivity enhancements, work rule changes, etc, then they will take each of these ideas, put them thru the grinder and see what makes sense. Make them answer why they would refuse to impliment cost savings ideas with real numbers and facts. Then sit down together and tweek these ideas for the betterment of the company. If IAM can prodice ideas that save the company 80-100K annually, then you have more then provided your fair share of the pie and there should be no need for additional concession talks from your group.
700! The "news " you report out of the meeting was indeed for public consumption. In fact i was given the same exact info. My point is the union will have to save face if you will and keep its card close to its vest. I have every right to know whats going on with the iam in fact we are all under the same umbrella. Sorry you feel that its"al about me me me" but there are others interested in and in fact will be affected by , what happens with the iam and company talks.
unfortunately this will have fallen on deaf ears in as far as the company is concerned.
they just don't get any of this...they will call again to seek more....bet on it.
what part of "NO" didn't you understand?
usfliboi said:
700! The "news " you report out of the meeting was indeed for public consumption. In fact i was given the same exact info. My point is the union will have to save face if you will and keep its card close to its vest. I have every right to know whats going on with the iam in fact we are all under the same umbrella. Sorry you feel that its"al about me me me" but there are others interested in and in fact will be affected by , what happens with the iam and company talks.
It seems you are having trouble understanding, believing or otherwise accepting the fact that the IAM members really truly mean it when they say, ENOUGH and let the chips fall where they may. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the bus stratagem making our contracts a mockery. That ploy sealed the hearts and minds of every single member I talk to, which is MANY. It seems we have a reality here that some people including management do not want to accept, our resolve is set, management having provided the catalyst with their actions, making it diamond hard. I see the fat lady rounding the corner.

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