My vote goes to Deborah Thompson. It takes a truly special person to earn the respect of BOTH longing4piedmont and PineyBob! I don't there is another person in the history of CCY who can make that claim.
My vote goes to Deborah Thompson. It takes a truly special person to earn the respect of BOTH longing4piedmont and PineyBob! I don't there is another person in the history of CCY who can make that claim.
Barry BiffleMy vote goes to Deborah Thompson. It takes a truly special person to earn the respect of BOTH longing4piedmont and PineyBob! I don't there is another person in the history of CCY who can make that claim.
Not even close...... 😀Chiames ran a close second, though! 😛 😀
Sherry Groff, Cheryl Lendvay from CCY. Deb Hoke from MAA. Three completely different managing styles, but all three were knowledgeable and inspiring!
Those 3 were walking "incompetents", clueless, knucleheads who didn't know how to work with employees in inflight or lead them without punitive, dranconian polices . Don't know how they got such positions. Guess the company was desperate to promote. Anyway, they were kicked to the curb, good move by the new managment and that call.
WHAT?! - no Christmas spirit?
With all due respect (and I have a ton of respect for you), you're being a bit harsh. My experience has shown that far too much time is spent between the Union and the Company focusing on a very small percentage of employees. And, in most cases, these employees were not model employees. Issues of gross negligence, dependability, moral conduct, etc., from a small percentage of US Airways' outstanding workforce were as frustrating to Management as they were to you. So much time, money and energy was wasted during these battles, that it's possible that, eventually, goodwill was squandered between Management and the Union. Because of this, it's also possible that you were not privy to all the good that these three did. In most cases, very good managers do not publicize all the good things that they do. Many instances of employee recognition, emergency space positive travel, follow-up phone calls, dropping everything to listen to an employee with a problem, giving advice and counsel, treating people with respect, scheduling conflicts, pay issues, etc. go unnoticed day-in and day-out. So, perhaps you're opinion of these three is a bit one-sided and unfair.
Hope you have a nice Holiday Season!
Deborah Thompson
Whatever! You may have liked her "party face" persona, but she was awful to her staff behind the scenes. Went through secretaries and managers like Murphy Brown.
Some talent that's now gone, either merger-related or otherwise:
John Kolesar
Rick Pelc
Laurie Johnston
Andy Hosey
Cheryl Lendvay
Rob Fuhr
Rosemary Murray (retiring soon)
John Bronson
Dave Castleveter
Kerry Carstairs
Whatever! You may have liked her "party face" persona, but she was awful to her staff behind the scenes. Went through secretaries and managers like Murphy Brown.
Some talent that's now gone, either merger-related or otherwise:
John Kolesar
Rick Pelc
Laurie Johnston
Andy Hosey
Cheryl Lendvay
Rob Fuhr
Rosemary Murray (retiring soon)
John Bronson
Dave Castleveter
Kerry Carstairs