Just got the latest update via email. In a nutshell, the arbitrator ruled that the company violated the AFA/AWA contract with the changes they made to the employee pass travel program following the merger with US Airways. For remedy, he ordered the company to return to the pass policies that existed for Flight Attendants prior to the changes made in September of 2005.
I, for one, am not exactly jumping up and down over this. I've gotten used to the way we do it now and it's actually nice to know where you are on the list ahead of time.
Entire decision can be read here-
Pass Travel Decision
Now we can all sit back and watch the idiots in Tempe try to fix this mess without violating the east agreement. When will they learn
that they have to negotiate changes to contracts, east or west?
Hey, all you management types that read this, the west FA's would be more than willing to let you keep things status quo, in exchange we'll take pay parity with the east.