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Hot off the AFA66 presses...........

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After reading the ruling: It looks like the AWA FA's will go back to the old way. 40 flexi passes priced much higher that the current system. I don't see how the company will be able to implement this for one work group. Maybe this will bring Management to the table finally.
Well let's hope!!!!
The CWA has DOH for travel in their CBA and it is going to arbitration as well as the AFA has DOH for retirees in their CBA, which is also going to arbitration.

Tempe has a big mess on its hands, maybe it will prod negotiations to come to a single CBA faster.
Oh c'mon now, you mean 40 buddy passes doesn't add to your quality of life? 😉 While a win is a win and I think we should take them when we can, it would be nice if our MEC was a little more in touch. Hopefully, this thursday will bring about a change in officers and we'll have people in place that will actually communicate with us. Mary and Gary better dust off their uniforms and get ready to bid! :up:

If you really think this can be used for leverage then congratulations. But it looks like apples and oranges to me and if the company was fearful of this development than a hallway settlement should have occured.

It remains to be seen if this is really a win or so vexacious that it eventually becomes a lose. So now we have to readdress this in negotiations ,which is time taken away from pay and scheduling and contract completion. Thanks again but so far this fails the "choose your battles wisely" test.

I am not looking forward to telling my registered guest that they are off the books in exchange for passes I get to give out like coupons and the ability to take a large farting cat on vacation with me. You can't make this stuff up.

I don't like to inject politics on this board but since you brought it up, I am not confident that either set of candidates that are running here are forward thinking. All of the campaign literature was about this sort of return to the past, and the "both side" majority vote issue for contract ratification. In the view from the Hot room, both of these essentially pander to a small minority. Ask the reserves or the ten years and under if they want better pay or more passes or to wait for the THIRD application to the AFA requesting changes to their merger contract ratification procedures.

This better be leverage and not a special interest group empty triumph. Because right now it seems to be a divisive and useless filibuster. Please prove me wrong.
Don't worry this company is so famous, HP, at this kind of sh!t!!! They will dodge there way out of this one to, drag out the decision for months and months, and make excuses. I think pay parity sounds like the best option for West fa's. Otherwise, hear we go again! :lol:
Oh c'mon now, you mean 40 buddy passes doesn't add to your quality of life? 😉 While a win is a win and I think we should take them when we can, it would be nice if our MEC was a little more in touch. Hopefully, this thursday will bring about a change in officers and we'll have people in place that will actually communicate with us. Mary and Gary better dust off their uniforms and get ready to bid! :up:
Oh please... The current team will weasle themselves back into union 66 someway or another. Maybe go on special assignment like some previous members??? Hmmm, and get payed 150 hours???! :angry: I don't see them flying anytime soon. 🙄 <_<
Hopefully, this thursday will bring about a change in officers and we'll have people in place that will actually communicate with us. Mary and Gary better dust off their uniforms and get ready to bid! :up:

Exactly!!!! LOL..... I think Gary and Mary already know they are going to lose this election. We need a new change! I want a leader who has a vision and a plan. Gary won't hold an open forum for West Flight Attendants and ask us what we want in the contract. I don't want a leader that is too chicken #### to confront f/a's. I appreciate what they've done in the past, but it's time for a change!!!! Vote for Lisa LaCarre and Doreen Fredette!!!! Don't forget to vote today F/As! Tomorrow is the last day!

My questions exactly. This is yet just another fine mess that the geniuses in Tempe have got themselves into. My guess it that the company will have to give us something we want to keep things the way they are. Hint, pay parity works for us.

You go for it...lol squeeze that cactus :up: :up: :up:
Like I said before. What I or any other PHX FA thought before or what we think the about the current system is not the point. The company has only to blame themselves for always doing what they please.

I agree squeeze the cactus and show us the money!!!! :up: :up: :up: :up:
Even Nonrevs are subjected to the second bag fee...and we are in theory able to ship cargo or luggage without cost...
Buddy passes, but not employees. They can kiss it if they think I am going to pay $25 , Besides, agents would just check their own selves in or use expedite tags.
That's retarded.
Buddy passes, but not employees. They can kiss it if they think I am going to pay $25 , Besides, agents would just check their own selves in or use expedite tags.
That's retarded.

I agree it's retarded but I'm asking about the employee's registered travelers such as spouse/guest/children/parents/in-laws.
DOH all the way. Isn't there an East grievance somewhere about exact DOH vs. Year of Hire?

From What I /Hear The Company Came to East F/a's To try to work out a deal with the Senority Issue but the Union Said NO WAY! And They Are Aware They Will Loose The East DOH Greivence as well!
Exactly!!!! LOL..... I think Gary and Mary already know they are going to lose this election. We need a new change! I want a leader who has a vision and a plan. Gary won't hold an open forum for West Flight Attendants and ask us what we want in the contract. I don't want a leader that is too chicken #### to confront f/a's. I appreciate what they've done in the past, but it's time for a change!!!! Vote for Lisa LaCarre and Doreen Fredette!!!! Don't forget to vote today F/As! Tomorrow is the last day!

What Kind Of Change Are You Looking For?
Does this mean that all west f/a's that have domestic partners will lose that benefit? I thought you all didn't have that provision before. This is a mess all around though. The company ASKED for this one. 🙄
Only Budddy passes and OAL are subject to excess baggage fees.

Under the "east" policy, all NRSA's were allowed free pets, overweight, oversize, as many bags as you want, etc etc .

Also, I'm hearing Sharon Roberson - Mgr of the Pass Bureau / Employee Travel is retiring.... I wonder of Alan C will take her place.... Joe G is over at virgin and I think he "retired" before the assimilation...

wonder if that will have anything to do with things too...

Travelpro - from the mumblings in the "pass bureau" world, they (HP FA's) want everything reverted to the way it was before.. so if they did not allow DP's prior to the merger, they will loose that. They will also loose the ability to book buddy pass travel online, since the Flexi's were paper tickets. I always thought that was one of the BEST travel features we had at USAir --- that we didn't have to mail or send our buddies a coupon...
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