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You found me out. I am a MSM plant working or the big MSM outlet called Fox News.

As soon as you stop searching for ways to discredit our current executive branch, and hoping for the demise of the United States economy, then I will stop with the good news.

You hear today many are finding these numbers and claims aren't adding up?

If we are on such a momentous job growth how is it tax revenue is less than last year? The employment numbers are better than last year so WTF's up?
You hear today many are finding these numbers and claims aren't adding up?

If we are on such a momentous job growth how is it tax revenue is less than last year? The employment numbers are better than last year so WTF's up?
You tell us.

All who share your desire for a USA fueled global economic meltdown want to see the data.
You tell us.

All who share your desire for a USA fueled global economic meltdown want to see the data.

It's NOT a desire it's an Economic Fact without a change in monetary & fiscal policy.

The fed MUST be at minimum audited
We must admit that the Keynesian economic model is an abject failure.
A budget that reflects our debt and the economic reality we face

These are hard choices, choices that the bought and paid for Candidates are not part of any solution. In fact they are the problem.
You tell us.

All who share your desire for a USA fueled global economic meltdown want to see the data.

Wouldn't be USA fueled......try Europe. Shows what you know.

Spoon feeding?

Thought you were the savvy guy. :lol:

Wheres all your fed data access?
Oh, another thing, apparently Obama's polling with women has dropped some 12 or so percent since the bogus Fluke hearing. Change I can believe in....yeah, baby.

My link :unsure:

My link 😱

My link 🙁

My link 😛

Dell. allow me to build upon your rather solid work.

Washington Post-ABC News poll revealed an angry electorate that is fed up with his presidency. Among his worst job disapproval numbers: 59 percent on the economy; 63 percent on the deficits; 65 percent on gas prices; and 52 percent on his hands-off handling of Iran's nuclear weapons threat.
Not only did the dubious 8.3 percent unemployment rate remain unchanged, there was significant evidence that for millions of Americans, the jobs picture had shown no improvement or had worsened.

The national news media ballyhooed the 227,000 new-jobs number, but the data behind that number showed that it was not all it was cracked up to be. Consider this dismal economic fact that The Washington Post buried in last week's story on the monthly job gains:

"The bulk of the job growth came in professional and business services, and more than half of those positions were in temporary employment."

Sixteen states, including some of the largest, suffer jobless rates of between 9 percent and 13 percent.
"Factoring in discouraged adults (who have stopped looking for work) and others working part time for lack of full-time opportunities, the unemployment rate is about 14.9 percent," says University of Maryland economist Peter Morici. "Adding college graduates in low-skill positions, like counter work at Starbucks, and the unemployment rate is closer to 18 percent."

In many parts of the country, the price of gas is more than $4, and some forecasters say the national average may climb as high as $4.25 by April.

That cuts deeply into tight consumer budgets, and for many motorists, wipes out the 2 percent payroll tax cut enacted to pump more liquidity and growth into Obama's lackluster economy.

Dec. 31, 2008, as George W. Bush was about to return to private life and Obama was preparing to take office, the average price of a gallon of regular was

Then - $1.61.

NOW - $3.60

Now, with polls showing voters are blaming him for the soaring price of gas, Obama conducted a whirlwind round of interviews Monday with eight swing-state TV stations, offering a bevy of excuses but taking no blame for his anti-oil drilling policies.

And Lastly from the NY Post:

John Crudele of the New York Post reported early this week:

Take, just as a single example, Labor’s report in early February. It showed that 243,000 new jobs were created in January.

The only problem was that the number wasn’t true. The pure, undoctored, not seasonally adjusted figure showed there was really a loss of 2.689 million jobs.

There is always a loss of jobs after the Christmas season. And any professional in the financial industry who doesn’t know that needs to get into another line of work.

As I’ve reported before, the 2.689 million job loss turned into a gain of 243,000 only because Labor’s seasonal adjustment programs expected the job losses to be bigger. The warm winter weather probably kept some people from being put out of work, and this threw off Washington’s calculations.

Now here’s another brief reminder: We’ve been here before with the Obama economy- like last year- and it won’t take much- think rising gas prices, Israeli air strike- for the economy to go back into the tank.

So don’t count me as one of the people who thinks the employment report is Obama’s friend.

In part that’s because Obama jettisoned his business-friendly chief-of-staff, Bill Daley, in favor of the more radical, whacko-wing of the White House who is determined to wage a class warfare campaign around spending a ton more money.

And the longer economic conditions remain stable, yet, essentially weak, the more likely it is that Americans are going to reject Obama’s massive spending programs and class warfare rhetoric, without which, he’d have an administration bereft of any ideas at all.

Sources, Washington Post, CBS News, Newmax & NY Post. There all nice and cited for everyone. No sense in getting ones panties in a bunch.
Dec. 31, 2008, as George W. Bush was about to return to private life and Obama was preparing to take office, (The United States economy and banking system was melting down) the average price of a gallon of regular was...
My insert in bold above.

Of course that had nothing to with the price of gasoline. Unless you refuse to beleive anybody with basic knowledge of macroeconomics and the commodity markets.

But hey, all we need to do is elect Newt Gingrich and gas will go to $2.50/gal. If he picks Bachmann as his VP, it should go even lower. :blink:

Even better, we should elect Ron Paul and then we will ignore Iran. That way, all of those pesky middle east issues will go away.

Sparrow, you are really a one-trick pony.

How is the Ron Paul delegate conspiracy thing going? Maybe it will have the same traction as the birther thing.

I guess as long as he smiles while he continues to be irrelevant, he still has a chance?
Of course that had nothing to with the price of gasoline. Unless you refuse to beleive anybody with basic knowledge of macroeconomics and the commodity markets.

Actually there is quite a body of work out there that points out that when you have a fiat currency what you get is commodity inflation. This is one reason you see some Asian countries beginning to acquire gold.

Have you read the "Road to Serfdom" by Frederick Hayek?
Have you read anything by Ludwig von Mises?
The "Broken Window Fallacy" by Frederique Bastiat?

Well until you do you're not qualified to comment or render an opinion of Global Macro Economics or Ron Paul.

Name the Presidential Candidate who predicted the housing bubble 4 years before it happened? Hint he's from TX and not named Rick Perry

Take note of the fact that auditing the Fed was a concept unheard of prior to this guy from TX making it an issue.

Here is a nice little video of the broken Window Fallacy. Enjoy

My insert in bold above.

Of course that had nothing to with the price of gasoline. Unless you refuse to beleive anybody with basic knowledge of macroeconomics and the commodity markets.

But hey, all we need to do is elect Newt Gingrich and gas will go to $2.50/gal. If he picks Bachmann as his VP, it should go even lower. :blink:

Even better, we should elect Ron Paul and then we will ignore Iran. That way, all of those pesky middle east issues will go away.

Sparrow, you are really a one-trick pony.

How is the Ron Paul delegate conspiracy thing going? Maybe it will have the same traction as the birther thing.

I guess as long as he smiles while he continues to be irrelevant, he still has a chance?

You better wake up to the fact that your hero's disregard for energy independence by instituting alternative energy solutions isn't inline with current technology and time frame. His green contributing base is bringing this down upon the American populace. The green wonks have been hiring into EPA for quite a long time,
and now these policies are crippling American energy production. Policies fomented without Congressional oversight or approval.
The DNC mantra has been it takes 13 years to get a well up and on line....maybe, but most say BS.....they been saying that for several administrations now, so when they going to start, and I'm not talking bullcrap? When is time to start????
So here we sit in a world if ME shutsdown production, we screwed, big time. Oh, sure we get our oil from other non ME sources...LOL But WTF happened in the CARTER admin?
Obama is going to take it in the pants because of his sucking to his green base for contributions in lieu of energy independence for our country.
And you and I will pay for Euro gas prices like Obama's stooge Chu said in 2008 and now suddenly has changed his story.
Wouldn't be Obama internal polling and previous lies would it?? :lol:

So here we sit in a world if ME shutsdown production, we screwed, big time. Oh, sure we get our oil from other non ME sources...

If that were to happen it does not matter how many active oil wells we have here in the USA, Canada or Mexico. The price of oil would still explode.
If that were to happen it does not matter how many active oil wells we have here in the USA, Canada or Mexico. The price of oil would still explode.

True, but only the addicts would suffer the economic withdrawal symptoms.

Keystone XL approval denies the Middle East of hundreds of billions of dollars a year in lost oil export revenues. The Saudis understand the fact that advances in drilling technologies make it possible for America to drill its way out of ME oil dependence. The Saudis also understand that Solar and Wind are not transportation fuels.

The Saudis are not very excited about the prospects of a “Drill Baby Drill” Republican in the West Wing and recently offered to raise production by 25% in response to a “Hormuz” crisis. Ali-Naima assured the world that the loss of Iranian oil would have little impact to the world supply chain.

I’m curious about the timing of the Ali-Naimi news release just one day before Obama set out on his four state “All of the Above” energy policy tour.
The Saudis are not very excited about the prospects of a “Drill Baby Drill” Republican in the West Wing and recently offered to raise production by 25% in response to a “Hormuz” crisis.

One of the funnier things I've read on this forum. How many pictures are there of GOP presidents holding the hand of a Saudi Priince like they were long lost lovers?

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