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Face it, these clowns in this admin are losers. Why you keep coming out trumpeting every miniscule nanopercentage and dancing makes me think you are a MSM plant.
You found me out. I am a MSM plant working or the big MSM outlet called Fox News.

As soon as you stop searching for ways to discredit our current executive branch, and hoping for the demise of the United States economy, then I will stop with the good news.
You found me out. I am a MSM plant working or the big MSM outlet called Fox News.

As soon as you stop searching for ways to discredit our current executive branch, and hoping for the demise of the United States economy, then I will stop with the good news.

Sad thing is I don't have to search to discredit or hope for the demise of the economy. It reveals itself everyday.

Besides, about all you post is DNC/Obama talking points.
Sad thing is I don't have to search to discredit or hope for the demise of the economy. It reveals itself everyday.

Besides, about all you post is DNC/Obama talking points.

Picture is worth a thousand words

View attachment 9381

Quick Notes About the Unemployment Rate

In the last year, the civilian population rose by 3,584,000. Yet the labor force only rose by 1,569,000. Those not in the labor force rose by 2,014,000.
In February, the Civilian Labor Force rose by 476,000.
In February, those "Not in Labor Force" decreased by 310,000. If you are not in the labor force, you are not counted as unemployed.
Participation Rate rose .2 to 63.9%
Were it not for people dropping out of the labor force, the unemployment rate would be well over 11%.

Over the past several years people have dropped out of the labor force at an astounding, almost unbelievable rate, holding the unemployment rate artificially low. Some of this was due to major revisions last month on account of the 2010 census finally factored in. However, most of it is simply economic weakness.

Between January 2008 and February 2010, the U.S. economy lost 8.8 million jobs.

Over the last two years, nonfarm payrolls have added 3.5 million jobs. Of the 8.8 million net jobs lost between January 2008 and February 2010, 40 percent have been recovered.

Statistically, 127,000 jobs a month is enough to keep the unemployment rate flat. The average employment gain over the last two years has been 145,000, barely enough (statistically speaking) to make a dent in the unemployment rate.

The official unemployment rate is 8.3%. However, if you start counting all the people that want a job but gave up, all the people with part-time jobs that want a full-time job, all the people who dropped off the unemployment rolls because their unemployment benefits ran out, etc., you get a closer picture of what the unemployment rate is. That number is in the last row labeled U-6.

U-6 is much higher at 14.9%. Both numbers would be way higher still, were it not for millions dropping out of the labor force over the past few years.

Grossly Distorted Statistics

Given the complete distortions of reality with respect to not counting people who allegedly dropped out of the work force, it is easy to misrepresent the headline numbers.

Digging under the surface, the drop in the unemployment rate over the past two years is nothing but a statistical mirage. Things are much worse than the reported numbers indicate.

BLS vs. Gallup

Gallup has the unemployment rate at 9.1% not 8.3% and the "underemployment" number at 19.1%, not 14.9%.

Bear in mind the Gallup numbers are not seasonally adjusted but the BLS numbers reported above are. Nonetheless, it's entirely safe to say that 19.1% is far closer to the truth than 14.9%.

Please see Gallup Reports Large Jump in Unemployment to 9.1%, Underemployment to 19.1% for details.

Sources: BLS and The Gallup Organization. Sources are cited, no link. Want "Proof" look for it like I did. The fundamental element of being Libertarian is self reliance so get busy and do your own research.
The BLS is and always has been the source of unemployment data and information. When it was a good number for a republican, it was fine for you to cite it.
The BLS is and always has been the source of unemployment data and information. When it was a good number for a republican, it was fine for you to cite it.

I don't care for the attitude of some here. Demanding that I cite articles and provide links. Not doing it any longer.

I've changed my mind on citations and links. Lazy Liberal/Progressives will now have to fend for themselves. Don't like it? Sue me!

Face it Liberty is Popular.

Looks like the Empty Suit isn't getting any help from the economy in his bid to become a two term twit.
I don't care for the attitude of some here. Demanding that I cite articles and provide links. Not doing it any longer.
Someone demanded that you cite your sources?

It is your right to steal others thoughts and ideas present them as your won. And it is their right to go after you for copyright infringement.

It shouldn't matter. After all, you have your attorney on speed dial. Does he do more than challenge medical bills?
Someone demanded that you cite your sources?

It is your right to steal others thoughts and ideas present them as your won. And it is their right to go after you for copyright infringement.

It shouldn't matter. After all, you have your attorney on speed dial. Does he do more than challenge medical bills?

You got your precious citations, but you aren't getting the links. So get over it. Not doing it!

So why not address the pathetic economic performance of the Empty Suit Regime?
That is fine. Only lazy liberal progressives need factual information or proof thereof anyway.

I cited the BLS and Gallup. I took the time to do the research. Look it up just like I did. BTW the Wall Street Journal has something to say on the numbers too.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Jobs Recovery Gains Momentum
U.S. Payrolls Climb 227,000 With Growth Across Industries; Unemployment Rate Holds at 8.3%


The U.S. added more than 200,000 jobs for the third straight month, showing gains across industries and demographic groups, in the latest sign that the economy has gained momentum.

Nonfarm payrolls rose by a seasonally adjusted 227,000 jobs in February, the Labor Department said Friday, as sectors from manufacturing to restaurants hired more workers. The government also raised its estimate for December and January's job gains. In all, the economy has added 1.2 million jobs in the past six months, the fastest pace of growth since 2006.

All nice and cited!! Just the way you like it. Now bugger off.
I cited the BLS and Gallup. I took the time to do the research. Look it up just like I did. BTW the Wall Street Journal has something to say on the numbers too.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Jobs Recovery Gains Momentum
U.S. Payrolls Climb 227,000 With Growth Across Industries; Unemployment Rate Holds at 8.3%

All nice and cited!! Just the way you like it. Now bugger off.
I read that article this morning. Thanks for sharing it.

Gold is the money of kings, silver is the money of gentlemen, barter is the money of peasants – but debt is the money of slaves.
- Norm Franz, Money and Wealth in the New Millennium

From Mike Krieger Deconstructs Commodity Inflation: "You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet" article. This but a small piece of a lengthy article that explains in great detail how the fiat currencies of the world penalize those who work for a living. This hidden tax is known as commodity Inflation and is a direct result of the actions of our government. A government that has Barak Obama at the helm, assisted by his Wall Street Mafia. As usual the talking heads have it wrong. We are where we are economically as a direct result of the actions of Barack Obama. It's not my fault that people don't read and educate themselves. You just can't have a Debt to GDP ratio that exceeds 100% and expect a robust growing economy.

Banana Ben Will “Fight” Inflation by Printing MORE Money

As I have said since the Fed started its QE policy the global monetary and financial system will end in a holocaust of commodity price inflation. The mainstream media has only started to notice (I guess when people starting dying in food riots they can’t just totally ignore it anymore). That said, as I mentioned in last week’s piece I do not think we are anywhere near the end of this. While in 1H08 there was the commodity surge and banking system collapse that was then followed by a soaring dollar and deflation, this time when the collapse comes it will be seen in the destruction of purchasing power of Western fiat currencies. So rather than seeing the U.S. dollar limit up and commodities plunging, this crisis when it really starts kicking in will be characterized by commodity prices limit up and ultimately a crash in treasuries. We are starting to see the commodity moves in earnest, but the treasury collapse may take some time

The working class is taking it right up the arse because of the actions of Obama and his brain trust such as it is, Bernanke is his hand maiden so who would you suggest we blame. I know how about Himmler or Georing?

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