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Obama asks to raise debt limit

That's Their budget. No Dept no expenditure. Simple. Someplace in the budget if your paint is dry you'll note several other mufti-billion dollar line items over and above the cost i posted, bringing us sloser to the cuts we need to eliminate the onerous power of the Federal Government in the lives of our childrenn

@ Dog, Your right it does happen automatically this time as it was part of the last budget deal.
Are you for doing away with all those silly grants?

All the ones for the veterans and such? That would save huge money.

Of course what would all those damn government workers (read Military members) do with no wars or no bases? Maybe go to college? Nope, can't afford it. Maybe go to work for the federal government? Nope, the departments are being eliminated.

At least they have unemployment to fall back on...oops, that is cut too.

The lines at the Jack-in-the-Box job fair will be long.
Are you for doing away with all those silly grants?

All the ones for the veterans and such? That would save huge money.

Of course what would all those damn government workers (read Military members) do with no wars or no bases? Maybe go to college? Nope, can't afford it. Maybe go to work for the federal government? Nope, the departments are being eliminated.

At least they have unemployment to fall back on...oops, that is cut too.

The lines at the Jack-in-the-Box job fair will be long.

Like the Newt said....99 weeks, that's an Associate Degree......
Are you for doing away with all those silly grants?

All the ones for the veterans and such? That would save huge money.

Of course what would all those damn government workers (read Military members) do with no wars or no bases? Maybe go to college? Nope, can't afford it. Maybe go to work for the federal government? Nope, the departments are being eliminated.

At least they have unemployment to fall back on...oops, that is cut too.

The lines at the Jack-in-the-Box job fair will be long.

If I were HMFIC, the VA benefits be they Education, Health Care or whatever would come out of the Defense budget which it might now for what I know. Either which way the Department of Education is GONE
Any Federal Government agency or program should be tested to see if it passes Constitutional muster.

I don't think there's anything in their that says the US has to provide free mdeical care for veterans, I'm sorry dupes. There's nothing in there that says they have to provide medical care to dupes.
While you're are at it, there is nothing that says we need to teach them to read and write either. I guess we could just amend the COTUS.
While you're are at it, there is nothing that says we need to teach them to read and write either. I guess we could just amend the COTUS.

No there isn't and that's because the role of determining the proper education of a child resides in the hands of the States. Here is a snippet from an interesting web site.

American public education differs from that of many other nations in that it is primarily the responsibility of the states and individual school districts. The national system of formal education in the United States developed in the 19th century. Jefferson was the first American leader to suggest creating a public school system. His ideas formed the basis of education systems developed in the 19th century.

The most preliminary form of public education was in existence in the 1600s in the New England colonies of Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire. The overriding belief on educating the children was more due to religious reasons and was easy to implement, as the only groups in existence were the Puritans and the Congregationalists. However, the influx of people from many countries and belonging to different faiths led to a weakening of the concept. People refused to learn only in English and opposed the clergy imposing their religious views through public education. By the middle of the eighteenth century, private schooling had become the norm.

After the Declaration of Independence, 14 states had their own constitutions by 1791, and out of the 14, 7 states had specific provisions for education. Jefferson believed that education should be under the control of the government, free from religious biases, and available to all people irrespective of their status in society. Others who vouched for public education around the same time were Benjamin Rush, Noah Webster, Robert Coram and George Washington. It was still very difficult to translate the concept to practice because of the political upheavals, vast immigration, and economic transformations. Thus, even for many more decades, there were many private schools, and charitable and religious institutions dominating the scene.

History of Public Education in the United States

If one looks at the Tenth Amendment it's pretty clear that the US Constitution doesn't allow for a US Department of Education

Amendment 10 - Powers of the States and People. Ratified 12/15/1791.

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

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