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Obama asks to raise debt limit

Well the GOP may well have deluded themselves as they are no less part of the problem. There is significant blame to go around.

We've got three areas that suck up most of the budget, Military, Social Security, MediCaid/Care. Frankly programs like NEA, PBS and such combined are pretty much a nit when compared to the big three.

The country is in the same predicament that many airlines found themselves in.

We need to cut costs dramatically. However we need to have a place for all those displaced Government workers and ex military to work and contribute to society. So cutting costs is only half the equation. If we don't reform the tax code we're sunk no matter the cuts. The tax code needs to be pro growth in every way. We get the economy humming along revenue will go up, the budget will be easier to balance, the Debt can be reduced and we can get our credit rating back.

So looking at that chrat where should we begin?
So looking at that chrat where should we begin?

If I were the HMFIC. I think I'd start with drawing down our troop levels 10% world wide. More of a symbolic start then one of substance. We have to move slowly with our allies at first.

Ask Congress to repeal ObamaCare. It to expensive, the polls show the people don't want it and IMO it's Unconstitutional

Next I'd assign key members of my staff to begin closing down the Department of Education, along with several other agencies like HHS, HUD, Interior. Any government function at the Federal Level that could be privatized, would be.

Next would be a comprehensive budget proposal that takes us to a balanced budget within three years. NOTHING would be off the table. This would include the "Right Sizing" of our military to reflect the realities of the day.

Now here's the key in all of this IMO. While you're doing the above you have to reform the tax code. You need a personal income tax code that is so simple it can fit on both sides of a letter sized page with perhaps 3 deductions, Home mortgage interest, Charitable Contributions & State and local taxes.

There's much more but this should give you an idea
Any government function at the Federal Level that could be privatized, would be.
have you seen how much we pay for the contracts that have been privatized now?

Look no further than KBR, L3, Lockheed-Martin, to see how much we now pay compared to what the cost was when it was done by federal programs.

Government engineers make far less than private contractors, especially those here in Texas in certain industries:

For instance, those employed by the petroleum and natural gas industry had a median income of $120,000, and engineers in communications services made $115,576. Those working in the transportation services industry, meanwhile, had a median income of $87,000

have you seen how much we pay for the contracts that have been privatized now?

Look no further than KBR, L3, Lockheed-Martin, to see how much we now pay compared to what the cost was when it was done by federal programs.

Government engineers make far less than private contractors, especially those here in Texas in certain industries:



I get your point and you are mostly correct. I was referring to privatizing things like the Post Office and other departments that can be run as private enterprise. The idea would be to SAVE MONEY, not the crony capitalism of the past dozen years.

Also hourly wage or salary aren't the only factor in determining cost. Private Engineers likely have a far higher salary, however when you factor in the "Burden Rate" then it often turns out that Government workers are incredibly expensive. But not always, that's why every department, every job needs to be evaluated to determine the most cost effective way to deliver services.

What you DON'T do is cut jobs and programs in a caviler manner. It needs to be done quickly and correctly in order to maximize performance.
If I were the HMFIC. I think I'd start with drawing down our troop levels 10% world wide. More of a symbolic start then one of substance. We have to move slowly with our allies at first.

Next I'd assign key members of my staff to begin closing down the Department of Education, along with several other agencies like HHS, HUD, Interior. Any government function at the Federal Level that could be privatized, would be.

Reduction in troops overseas is not going to do squat in regards to the deficit. Did you get the memo, the Obama adminsitration is already planning to decrease troop levels in Europe as we speak. Which has been going on for a number of years now. We used to have around eight sirbases in Germany alone. Now we have two.

What is this fixation some people have with certain departments of the government? As I have mentioned previously there are those who have deluded themselves into thinking doing so is going to balance the budget. How much money do you think is going to be saved by eliminating the Department of Education?
Next would be a comprehensive budget proposal that takes us to a balanced budget within three years. NOTHING would be off the table.

I'm now going to prove to you that's not the case. Rollback some of the Bush era tax cuts.
Reduction in troops overseas is not going to do squat in regards to the deficit. Did you get the memo, the Obama adminsitration is already planning to decrease troop levels in Europe as we speak. Which has been going on for a number of years now. We used to have around eight sirbases in Germany alone. Now we have two.

What is this fixation some people have with certain departments of the government? As I have mentioned previously there are those who have deluded themselves into thinking doing so is going to balance the budget. How much money do you think is going to be saved by eliminating the Department of Education?

Troops out of all foreign bases except embassy contingents. is merely step one. Second step is for the Military and its mission to be redefined as one that provides for National Defense instead of the world's Imperial Interventionist Police Force. The Cold War is over, WE WON. The new global reality is our military is configured to fight the last war, not what the future will look like. There are Trillions in savings that can be gotten from having a Non Interventionist Foreign Policy and a Military that is armed to the teeth to defend the United States. Europe & South Korea and others can pay for their own defense.

Total shutdown of the Department of Education would result in 71 Billion in savings at current spending levels. Which amounts to 7.1% of a targeted 1 Trillion Dollar Federal Budget hair cut. Also there is no Constitutional Authority for the Federal Government to involve itself in the regulation of Education. We have no Private Schools in reality, only Government Schools as in order to be accredited one must teach the Government mandated course of study. That's not Freedom, it's tyranny.

Any Federal Government agency or program should be tested to see if it passes Constitutional muster. If it does, then it stays and if not it's phased out. What people fail to remember is the Government works for the people! Not the other way around. It's long past time for the citizens to inform the government how much the Government can spend, It's our country, our money and the Feds need to be served notice. forthwith.,
have you seen how much we pay for the contracts that have been privatized now?

Look no further than KBR, L3, Lockheed-Martin, to see how much we now pay compared to what the cost was when it was done by federal programs.

Government engineers make far less than private contractors, especially those here in Texas in certain industries:



Another BLS BS post?

The average total annual income of the surveyed engineers was $101,440, while the median income for federal employees was $100,650.

$790 difference? How do they make ends meet?

$65 a month less..... 🙄

Maybe its because of the idiots who cut the contracts?

Political payback?

View attachment 9305

The above graph show rather dramatically why we needs to downsize our government. The Debt to GDP ratio can't continue on its current trajectory for very long before we did a hole that will be nearly impossible to dig out of.
Total shutdown of the Department of Education would result in 71 Billion in savings at current spending levels. Which amounts to 7.1% of a targeted 1 Trillion Dollar Federal Budget hair cut. Also there is no Constitutional Authority for the Federal Government to involve itself in the regulation of Education. We have no Private Schools in reality, only Government Schools as in order to be accredited one must teach the Government mandated course of study. That's not Freedom, it's tyranny.

It does not cost $71 billion dollars to run the DOE.
Any Federal Government agency or program should be tested to see if it passes Constitutional muster. If it does, then it stays and if not it's phased out. What people fail to remember is the Government works for the people! Not the other way around. It's long past time for the citizens to inform the government how much the Government can spend, It's our country, our money and the Feds need to be served notice. forthwith.,

Then why don't you tell us what passes "Constitutional muster".
It does not cost $71 billion dollars to run the DOE.

My apologies! Turns out you were correct. This is from the following web site. It's at least 77.4 Billion. My Bad!
The Document is signed by the Empty Suit. Read more

Department of Education Discretionary Appropriations
(in billions of dollars)

Discretionary $48.8
(w/o Pell Grants)
Pell Grants $28.6
(net discretionary request)
Totals $77.4
My apologies! Turns out you were correct. This is from the following web site. It's at least 77.4 Billion. My Bad!
The Document is signed by the Empty Suit. Read more

Department of Education Discretionary Appropriations
(in billions of dollars)

Discretionary $48.8
(w/o Pell Grants)
Pell Grants $28.6
(net discretionary request)
Totals $77.4

Do I have to draw you a picture, evidently so. I'm talking about actual operational costs, i.e. salary and benefits for employees of the DOE, office equipment and building costs etc. Pell Grants are not a part of that. How many in Congress are advocating eliminating Pell Grants?
Just another exercise in flapdoodlery.

The increase goes into effect whether Congress approves it or not.
Do I have to draw you a picture, evidently so. I'm talking about actual operational costs, i.e. salary and benefits for employees of the DOE, office equipment and building costs etc. Pell Grants are not a part of that. How many in Congress are advocating eliminating Pell Grants?

That's Their budget. No Dept no expenditure. Simple. Someplace in the budget if your paint is dry you'll note several other mufti-billion dollar line items over and above the cost i posted, bringing us sloser to the cuts we need to eliminate the onerous power of the Federal Government in the lives of our childrenn

@ Dog, Your right it does happen automatically this time as it was part of the last budget deal.

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