hillary 2016

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Dog Wonder said:
Talking to yourself to find somebody to agree with you?

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Nice back and forth amongst the manhole intellectuals?
Why is it that the liberals always resort to name calling when confronted with anything that might put their candate in a bad light? 
Insp4 said:
WTF are you complaining about?
Clinton's are in a 43.6% tax rate and your 'hero' doesn't pay squat, or are you complaining about the fact that they donated $1,042,000 in charity and Trump 'almost' made a donation.
You hillbillies need to do a self check and ask yourself 'why' you give Trump a pass on everything and nit pick Hillery.
Trump is a showman (nothing new, they all are), but he is about to rob you (and I) freeking blind and the will not be a freeking thing you (we) can do about it.
Yea, Yea, Yea, you a$$clowns gave KommieForinia 'The Terminator', thanks for nothing as he didn't do squat except protect his investments and butties, cheated on his wife with a skank and had I kid with her.
I used to be a DemoRAT, then a RepubliRAT, now I am an independent voter that will vote for the best candidate based on their ticket and not their political affiliation.
Honestly, in our 2 party system and electorate ability to supersede popular vote, it doesn't matter whom I vote for/against.
If you 'somehow' believe that your superpowers have a nats a$$ chance of changing this outcome, GOOD LUCK!
Yes, I will vote for Billery just to keep Trump out of the White House.
Too Bad, so sad... :p
B) xUT
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