hillary 2016

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Dog Wonder said:
1.n.- A man of good humor, high potential, and deep intellect. Usually one who may "blend in" but would be foolish to underestimate.
2.v.- To give the ultimate sexual pleasure to a woman.
I danned her up good.
Crabby wins 2 Internets and a stuffed bear...
cltrat said:
apparently 700 in his moderator fantasies thinks Dogs real name is Dan I have no ideal.
I bust Dog's chops he busts mine it's no big deal just fun, well unless you're 700 
These have to be taken in moderation.
You know it must be true and coming unglued when she sends John Podesta to do her dirty work.
John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, says there are “serious questions” about the integrity of the State Department Office of Inspector General (OIG). 
The OIG is locked in an increasingly contentious fight with Clinton’s campaign on a host of issues, including her use of a private email account during her time as secretary of State. 
It has also reportedly subpoenaed the Clinton Foundation for documents related to charity projects and is investigating close Clinton aide Huma Abedin’s work as a “special government consultant” while she worked at State. 
A source within the OIG contacted The Hill claiming that the office has grown increasingly partisan, accusing it of having an “anti-Clinton” bias. 
Told by The Hill about the remarks, Podesta described the source as a “whistleblower” whose comments called into question the integrity of the OIG investigations.
cltrat said:
this gets more fun by the day, at this rate Obamas last act as POTUS may be to pardon ol Hill
And the Clinton name will be forever associated with criminals.
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