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Until there are locks on the kits, I will not inventory by placing one computer as primary. With this one I will take my chances. Why would anyone leave a trail of what is left when there is no accountability. You got what I sold, so take that as your inventory, but too many mini go missing for me to leave numbers.
Until there are locks on the kits, I will not inventory by placing one computer as primary. With this one I will take my chances. Why would anyone leave a trail of what is left when there is no accountability. You got what I sold, so take that as your inventory, but too many mini go missing for me to leave numbers.

I know three flight attendants that are being called in to “discussâ€￾ their sales on the HHD.
A SUP friend of mine said they can see who uses the machine correctly, and who is not. They are also looking at what flights have no sales data because they are not using the computer. The B on my last flight flat out refused to use it and just put a green tag on it and forbid any of us to touch it.

SUP was also telling me that not using the HHD is cause for being pulled in, says the computer has the ability to show them if you are selling in the aisle and lets them see details for every transaction, according to SUP many folks that cross the pond are going to be called in because they are not showing any sales for headsets or drinks. I bet those folks think they are UNTOUCHABLE. I suggest they watch the movie again and pay attention to the ending.
SUP was also telling me that not using the HHD is cause for being pulled in, says the computer has the ability to show them if you are selling in the aisle and lets them see details for every transaction,

As someone who spent over 20 years in the computer business before choosing the glamorous career of the flight attendant, I can vouch for the truth of SUP's statement. It has been a standard of the computer industry for over 50 years to provide an internal audit trail for every use of the software. When you enter a sale/return/comp/whatever, the device records the date and time entered on the digital record of the transaction along with which employee entered the transaction. If you have no sales on a 4 hour flight until 30minutes before landing, it is obvious that you have not used the device during flight.

I also would like to comment that I can't believe that you (at LCC) have to enter an inventory record at the beginning or end of the flight. The caterer is responsible for accuracy of the beginning inventory. If the company does not trust you, they should be checking the carts immediately after they are removed from the a/c, then compared to the sales record in the HHD.

Evidently your company does not trust your caterer or you. I know that at AA, you see evidence all the time of caterer pilferage--half-empty minis in the insert, "locked" carts being boarded with the lock ties already torn off. Fortunately, f/as are not held responsible for this--particularly if we document on the catering papers that the cart was unlocked when boarded and turn in the papers.
I know three flight attendants that are being called in to “discussâ€￾ their sales on the HHD.
A SUP friend of mine said they can see who uses the machine correctly, and who is not. They are also looking at what flights have no sales data because they are not using the computer. The B on my last flight flat out refused to use it and just put a green tag on it and forbid any of us to touch it.

SUP was also telling me that not using the HHD is cause for being pulled in, says the computer has the ability to show them if you are selling in the aisle and lets them see details for every transaction, according to SUP many folks that cross the pond are going to be called in because they are not showing any sales for headsets or drinks. I bet those folks think they are UNTOUCHABLE. I suggest they watch the movie again and pay attention to the ending.

I'll take them on!! Do you REALLY think they are going to fire me because I don't trust their accountability procedures? Gimme a break! THAT is where I draw the line. Put LOCKS on the kits and I will inventory. Leave it open to all to take and FORGET IT!! The press would have a field day with this one!!
I also would like to comment that I can't believe that you (at LCC) have to enter an inventory record at the beginning or end of the flight. The caterer is responsible for accuracy of the beginning inventory. If the company does not trust you, they should be checking the carts immediately after they are removed from the a/c, then compared to the sales record in the HHD.

Evidently your company does not trust your caterer or you. I know that at AA, you see evidence all the time of caterer pilferage--half-empty minis in the insert, "locked" carts being boarded with the lock ties already torn off. Fortunately, f/as are not held responsible for this--particularly if we document on the catering papers that the cart was unlocked when boarded and turn in the papers.

WE HAVE NO LOCKS!! This CONFIRMS my belief!! Bring on the fight #### management!!
I don't think the beginning and ending counts are used to hold flight attendant accountable. There are just far too many hands on these revenue items for any one to be held accountable for them. I do think they want the beginning and ending counts for a rough inventory. That way they can order items when we most likely need them rather than an educated guess.

As for tracking sales, that's what the HHDs are there for. They want to know what our customers are buying and what they are not. With the HHD they can get this info MUCH faster. To do that though they need f/a's to do the job they are tasked and paid to do. If you are not doing your job then they have every right to make every effort to get you to comply.
For management to listen people need say something. US Aviation is not the proper channel and neither is telling the f/a sitting next to you on the jumpseat. The best way to get their attention is to write an actual letter and an email to the appropriate person. In the correspondence you should state the nature of the issue with all the facts without emotion. While it may not change right away (or at all) at least you did your part.
For management to listen people need say something. US Aviation is not the proper channel and neither is telling the f/a sitting next to you on the jumpseat. The best way to get their attention is to write an actual letter and an email to the appropriate person. In the correspondence you should state the nature of the issue with all the facts without emotion. While it may not change right away (or at all) at least you did your part.

Do you think we are all so stupid as to just talk on the j/s or complain here? We complain HERE because they DON'T listen! I sincerely hope this man is good for the company!
I know three flight attendants that are being called in to “discussâ€￾ their sales on the HHD.
A SUP friend of mine said they can see who uses the machine correctly, and who is not. They are also looking at what flights have no sales data because they are not using the computer. The B on my last flight flat out refused to use it and just put a green tag on it and forbid any of us to touch it.

SUP was also telling me that not using the HHD is cause for being pulled in, says the computer has the ability to show them if you are selling in the aisle and lets them see details for every transaction, according to SUP many folks that cross the pond are going to be called in because they are not showing any sales for headsets or drinks. I bet those folks think they are UNTOUCHABLE. I suggest they watch the movie again and pay attention to the ending.

And I can tell when I get my paycheck that someone didn't do THEIR job correctly and when I can file for "trip flown junior" that scheduling didn't do their job correctly, or when I don't get catered properly, they didn't do THEIR job correctly or when senior management comes out with another withdrawn hair-brained scheme that they are not doing their jobs correctly.
It's all about accountability. Not just f/a accountability either.
I hope I didn't give the impression that I think you are stupid. That's certainly not the case. I have seen many times where flight attendants are upset over something or are told by a customer that something isn't right and then fail to pass that information on in the correct manner. I know I've been guilty of that myself.

If you want something to change you have to be persistent and professional. Management takes people much more seriously when you explain the problem, offer solutions and how those solutions will benefit the customer and the company.
To do that though they need f/a's to do the job they are tasked and paid to do.
Please define the "job" you are talking about, preferably using quotes from the contract, you know, describing when and how to "inventory" specialized carts as well as operating the HHDs.

If you have trouble (heh, heh) finding that description then let us sit down and discuss _adding_ that "job" to the contract, as well as discussing an appropriate level of pay increase(s).
The best way to get their attention is to write an actual letter and an email to the appropriate person.
"... appropriate person."

It seems trying to find an "appropriate person" at tempe is pretty time consuming, in my experience. I say the press is pretty appropriate, and a time saver at that! Worked for the pilots.

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