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Hey Bill Where Is My New Topic?

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Dec 29, 2002
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Where is the Team 4 topic on outsourcing?

And when you move things, do you give folks the courtesy to let them know??? :angry:
It was moved to ---------> USaviation.com Forums -> Aviation People -> Mechanics & Utility

I don't know why though.
I would say it was moved because Uair has some kind of "pull" on this board and wants to shield topics like this from the media and public in general.
US Airways has no pull whatsoever on these boards.

BTW, it was suggested by at least two posters that the topics move to the Mechanics/Utility forum as 9/10 of the articles deal with issues outside US Airways itself.

The maintenance outsourcing issue was deemed germane to mos all airlines given that it is seen as a cost reducing item across all carriers.

While it is a "hot button" issue currently at US, it is an issue of interest at other carriers as well. As such, it was decided to move it to the general Mechanics/Utility forum - one which is not an inactive forum.
I wanna know: where's the 'moderation' in moderating? Clearly, the outsourcing on WTAE-4 in Pittsburgh related mostly to US Airways. Therefore, it should remain on this section of the forums. Bill, I understand the need to move posts, but sometimes its like a case of elephants stepping on the ants. Why bother? Not being critical, just in a quandary.
EyeInTheSky said:
I wanna know: where's the 'moderation' in moderating? Clearly, the outsourcing on WTAE-4 in Pittsburgh related mostly to US Airways. Therefore, it should remain on this section of the forums. Bill, I understand the need to move posts, but sometimes its like a case of elephants stepping on the ants. Why bother? Not being critical, just in a quandary.
A significant portion of the article was devoted to outsourcing in general, as opposed to US Airways specifically.

In any event, what is the total damage? The post directly links to the article, so it is not as if somebody would not have seen the post. Moreover, after posting it, there were immediate responses from AA mechanics and posters as well. So, moving it added the benefit of outside perspective.
BillLumbergh said:
US Airways has no pull whatsoever on these boards.

BTW, it was suggested by at least two posters that the topics move to the Mechanics/Utility forum as 9/10 of the articles deal with issues outside US Airways itself.

The maintenance outsourcing issue was deemed germane to mos all airlines given that it is seen as a cost reducing item across all carriers.

While it is a "hot button" issue currently at US, it is an issue of interest at other carriers as well. As such, it was decided to move it to the general Mechanics/Utility forum - one which is not an inactive forum.

Well now great!. I don't know where it is, and Iwon't be posting on it now..It was very germane to U, specifically what is happening presently with our issues. It won' nearly get the views it would have on U. It was our issue and I don't know where the hell it is. And, no mention where it was being moved to any why.

Thanks a million. <_<
That's not correct. Simply click on the thread title, and it will immediately and automatically take you to the thread. There is NO need to search for it.

I'll also note that the US board has become a catch-all for what are clearly off-topic threads.

The discussion of LCCs to Europe was moved; the introduction of Shuttle America and Chautauqua to United was moved; the Easyjet thread was moved. All housekeeping items.
Bill says: "the introduction of Shuttle America and Chautauqua to Untied was moved."

Untied?? Was that a typo or intentional? If it was the latter, then I am disappointed in you!
Dizel8 said:
Bill says: "the introduction of Shuttle America and Chautauqua to Untied was moved."

Untied?? Was that a typo or intentional? If it was the latter, then I am disappointed in you!
OOPS. Now, that one was definately unintentional.

The amazing thing is that I think I actually spelled CHQ correctly...
PITbull said:
BillLumbergh said:
US Airways has no pull whatsoever on these boards.

BTW, it was suggested by at least two posters that the topics move to the Mechanics/Utility forum as 9/10 of the articles deal with issues outside US Airways itself.

The maintenance outsourcing issue was deemed germane to mos all airlines given that it is seen as a cost reducing item across all carriers.

While it is a "hot button" issue currently at US, it is an issue of interest at other carriers as well. As such, it was decided to move it to the general Mechanics/Utility forum - one which is not an inactive forum.

Well now great!. I don't know where it is, and Iwon't be posting on it now..It was very germane to U, specifically what is happening presently with our issues. It won' nearly get the views it would have on U. It was our issue and I don't know where the hell it is. And, no mention where it was being moved to any why.

Thanks a million. <_<
2700 posts and now you're threatening us that you can't find a topic???

You overestimate your importance.
whatkindoffreshhell complained:
now you're threatening us that you can't find a topic???

Threatened? I didn't see a threat in PITbull's post. Just a complaint that a topic that was relevant to US Airways discussion was moved to another area that most folks on the US Airways forum won't frequent.

& ITRADE solemnly intoned:

And ITRADE, grow up! Can you stick to actually debating issues instead of trying to build yourself up by sneering at folks you disagree with? Cheezwiz folks!

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