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PHX Crew News 7/8/08

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Apparently, they believe continuing to behave poorly will yield favorable results from Parker. As though he's not hearing them, or something. Newsflash: he hears it...he's reluctant to spell it out for you as clearly as Kirby has...like it or not, the company has a fiduciary responsibility to negotiate in good faith with the legal bargaining agent, and USAirways has one. Period.

No amount of "susie-esque" behavior changes that, no amount of AWAPPA-isms changes that. With collective heads in the sand, the music plays on. Parker has said about 40 times at these meetings that HP would be either much smaller with furloughs and concessions, or gone completely. He said it again this time. Nobody saved anybody, he said, but it again falls on deaf ears out there.

The East is accused of arrogance, I submit the behavior shown in that meeting reveals an equal or greater amount of arrogance in the West...

AQP a waste of time? "We" are doing good, "they" are the "old school legacy" ...I like and respect Lyle Hogg, but the rest of flight ops is a joke...
WE take shortcuts, THEY don't...just declare bankruptcy and get rid of them...do what you have to do...and telling Lyle Hogg that "we hate you" is beyond explanation...etc...etc..etc...

ad nauseum....

While some may applaud Susie for her "venting"...she illuminated some fundamental problems with the west, and was underscored by the applause that ensued.

I suggest you pat her on the back, and keep her away from any more meetings....
What I find truly amazing is they think we're emotional. Unbelievably eye opening.
The poster that started this thread is an east pilot with a prejudicial view on anything the west does. Just a disclaimer.

And you're not?....(switch East/West, of course)

I needed a good laugh today before I head down to SJU...thanks.
I'm sure if employees in PHL or CLT acted the same way, the people on this board would be saying "good for you!"
I'm sure if employees in PHL or CLT acted the same way, the people on this board would be saying "good for you!"

Hmmm..."TheNewUSAirways"?..(Senses a bit of congenial Koolaide distribution and pot-stirring) 😉

Guess again..and suggestably, be less "sure" of your projected notions as to how other segments of the pilot group think. Do let us all know the very first moment your notions prove correct...Don't hold your breath though.
I'm sure if employees in PHL or CLT acted the same way, the people on this board would be saying "good for you!"
When it comes to behaving professionally in the face of disappointment, few groups have endured what this East one has...certainly at the hands of managements over the years.

The case of betrayal by their own union? that's another story.

After 9/11, when the company was in "survival mode" and 1800 furloughs ocurred, I never heard of anyone telling the CEO to BK the place, or telling Sr. Flt Ops managers that they suck, or that they were hated....

No, never did hear it get to that point, and there was MUCH to be upset about over the last 20 years or so...
Mgmt. loves this. North vs. South, East vs. West, in their eyes it is all 'divide and conquer'. The west pilots in the video think that mgmt. is their ally.
Ha Ha Ha. I think the joke's on them.
How has mgmt. helped the west guys (or the east guys for that matter) at all since the merger? Well, both groups got snazzy new uniforms.
So, what do they expect from mgmt. now?
Baffling, to say the least.
When it comes to behaving professionally in the face of disappointment, few groups have endured what this East one has...certainly at the hands of managements over the years.

The case of betrayal by their own union? that's another story.

After 9/11, when the company was in "survival mode" and 1800 furloughs ocurred, I never heard of anyone telling the CEO to BK the place, or telling Sr. Flt Ops managers that they suck, or that they were hated....

No, never did hear it get to that point, and there was MUCH to be upset about over the last 20 years or so...

I've witnessed a great deal of integrity among our ranks over the years and during some very difficult times. You don't get integrity by waving a bumper sticker or repeating a slogan saying that it matters. You don't exhibit integrity by airing your personal issues or venting your frustrations at a management meeting, or denying fellow pilots the jumpseat, or mailing excrement. Like good judgement, you either have it or you don't.

The west group has been poorly served by their small group of malcontents.

AWAPPA - The Little Rascals.
I agree; so where do we go from here?

Mod; perhaps this entire thread should be moved to the US pilot labor thread.

Mod, let's keep it here. We've got enough nasties going on over there. At least this thread isn't replaying the latest lawsuit.

Electric, obviously there needs to be some sort of compromise, but when you're MEC had the leverage to compromise on LOS at Wye River, your brain-trust stood tall on no compromise on the NIC. Great for them. But they assumed ALPA would survive. They must have been reading the old ALPO national web board. If you'd taken the LOS deal, Dave O'Dell would have over 300 East pilots below him. I think LOS isn't going to be on the table unless Parker forces it there. Reach some concensus out west and get a USAPA Rep in PHX to make your case. Right now, it's looking like DOH with fences. You can have input to how high the fences. Best get moving on that. The Snoop
Mailing EXCREMENT? :shock: AS IN POOP??? Can someone PLEASE pm me and explain that? When and how did I miss that?

I must have been working the #2 drive thru at wendy's when travel pro called out.....crap!
Heard Rumor today that there will be NO furloughs. I hope its true.

Integrity Matters= PAY PARITY like Delta/NWA
Not all westies would applaud Susie's antics. (Her mode is not fully stabilized.)

I would assume her nonstop five minute rant with several changes of subject in mid sentence was just her nervousness being before the, as she described, "pretty smart guy" Dougie. I ramble a bit when I'm nervous too. I'm sure she's a very nice person and my heart goes out to her and her family with the problems they face.

I think we've pretty much beat this horse dead. I just wanted to call everyone attention to the tone of the meeting and consider if that kind of thing is "productive", as Mr. Parker said. If nothing else we can be civil to each other in the midst of our battle. As our Mama's said "If you can't say something nice...." , well you know.

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent,
and discerning if he holds his tongue.
Proverbs 17:28​
I would assume her nonstop five minute rant with several changes of subject in mid sentence was just her nervousness being before the, as she described, "pretty smart guy" Dougie. I ramble a bit when I'm nervous too. I'm sure she's a very nice person and my heart goes out to her and her family with the problems they face.

I think we've pretty much beat this horse dead. I just wanted to call everyone attention to the tone of the meeting and consider if that kind of thing is "productive", as Mr. Parker said. If nothing else we can be civil to each other in the midst of our battle. As our Mama's said "If you can't say something nice...." , well you know.

Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent,
and discerning if he holds his tongue.
Proverbs 17:28​

With this in mind topic closed.
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