I believe it was sfb who wrote in saying, and I quote
:>>"What percentage of your customers are unwilling to fly Southwest no matter what? What percentage will fly them if the fare is lower? What percentage will fly Southwest because they actually prefer Southwest (strange as that may seem)?"<<
Now, I don't live in PHL so I am not going to be one of the folks who defect from US to WN.
But I am one of those persons who will choose WN over other carriers when possible.
If KCFlyer is who I think he is, he is pretty much of the same mind set.
WN offers something that a lot of other airline employees don't seem to understand. The WalMart analogy is not far off the mark.
I might get a cheaper price on a tube of toothpaste at RexAll Drugs rather than WaMart, but I can go to WalMart, buy everything I needed, and walk away with a high degree of certainty that I didn't get screwed on my purchase.
I can buy a ticket from El Paso to almost anyplace from Southwest and know that the price I paid was fair and just. That's true whether it is a walk up last minute full Y or a 21 day cheapie.
If I buy the 21 day cheapie and I change my mind, (or the kids get sick, or my boss becomes a turd and says I have to work on a presentation over the weekend, or somesuch)....I still have the full face value of my ticket for future use. No onerous change fees.
If I buy a cheap ticket to Dallas....say $60 each way....and fly over there.....and decide to drive back with my wife or something......they don't jack my outgoing fare up to full Y....they pretty much accept the fact my plans change and I have $60 credit for future use.
In this industry right now there are few things more valuable to us revenue passengers than the feeling we haven't been screwed. An assigned seat, to me anyway, is of almost no importance compared to the feeling of not being screwed.
I've read Art at ISP's arguments and he is entitled to his opinions, but I do not agree with or share them. Maybe I have lived in TX and ridden WN so much that my sensibilities are different....I'm used to just hopping on the plane and going someplace with little or no fanfare.
Airline employees can continue to harp about WN's clientele being no-class or low-class all they want but it doesn't make it so. Not that it is any great shakes, but I have a Masters degree, own a nice home with a pool in a Doctor-Lawyer neighborhood in west El Paso, and could afford to fly any air carrier I wanted.
The folks I want to fly with have the ugly colored planes and no assigned seats. That's why freedom of choice is such a nice thing.
Bottom line of this sermonette is folks ought not be deceived....there will be some people fly WN when they come in to Philadelphia and decide that simple air travel, at a fair and just price ALL THE TIME, with pleasant and kind albeit not extravagant inflight service.....is what they've wanted all along.