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Ideas For Running Off Southwest In Phl

Not quite, KCFlyer. WN gets the cash once but reserves a seat on flight after flight after flight (up to a year I guess). Furthermore, WN cannot record as earned income any of the cash until a year later, because it never got used on those 365 flights.

Of course, US would need a huge bankroll in order to make this happen, so just forget this idea.

In case anyone is wondering, this topic is tongue in cheek (stealing planes? come on). Lighten up! 🙂
PITbull said:
First, mistake #1 in thinking anyone can runs SW out of anywhere. Not on our best day or anyones.

Learn to co-exist, and create a demand for a unique product and be consistant by meeting the customer's expectation.
Excellent post.....I couldn't agree more.
Fly said:
Now please don't beat me up over this one: We need either supervisors or selected passengers to evaluate the flight attendant service all the time.
Fly... I think your idea is a good one, except it should be more comprehensive... More like a "mystery shopper" program. Let the customer tell you, in detail, what they thought of each part of the purchase/service. Everything from booking the web, using the kiosk, inflight service, baggage claim. Everything.
PineyBob said:
Not to put to fine a point on this but I believe it is "Gouging"

Also define gouging? If you are the only gas station for 200 miles and I only have 150 miles of gasoline then that would make your $7.50/gal price very very fair wouldn't it?

If I have a full tank and planned ahead by buying a car that gets 52 MPG then your price really sucks doesn't it?

Sound like airline pricing? It should, that's the fundamental problem.
Thanks for bringing my spelling error to my attention. I wrote that after having a few cocktails. As far as defining gouging, check prices out of Charlotte. If the route has any competition, then the fares are usually reasonable even though they are usually a minimum of $100 more than traveling out of GSO or RDU. If there is no competition, U will gouge you on the price. Something is terribly wrong when U feels that they can charge more than $600 for a trip that is less than 200 miles away. This fare includes a Saturday night stay and advance purchase. This is more than WN’s most expensive walk-up fare – coast to coast. That is gouging.

Since U insist on gouging, I do not give them any of my business any more. I just returned from Germany last week. Did U take me Germany? They could have but they didn’t. I flew Lufthansa instead. By the way, excellent service. I highly recommend Lufthansa. I have an upcoming trip to PA and TX. U has missed out on these trips too.

One more thing. I keep reading on this forum that CLT’s O&D market is so low. I realize that CLT currently does not have the population to match the O&D that ORD has. However, I’m sure that it would be higher if the fares were not so high out of CLT. Many businesses in Charlotte require their employees to drive to GSO and RDU for business trips. For instance, a business trip from CLT to most FL cities are close to $900 on U. Drive 80 miles to GSO and purchase the ticket for $250. I just hope that U wakes up and realize that their business model is broke.

Matching WN's prices in PHL and gouging in CLT is not going to fix the problem.