If it's any help, I have a little time to contribute, and some experience at running this sort of thing, meetings, minutes, etc. Obviously with such a large country it will be difficult to get people together but not impossible. I think the concept is good, the name also (and the initials), and all we need is a committee, a bank account, a legal person, and accountant, all as honorary as possible, of course, but at some stage you will have to spend money. If you can form it as a charity, so much the better, but I am more familiar with those laws in UK.
I missed out on all the arguments and stuff, but wouldn't comment anyway, but kudos to blackmac for getting the ball rolling.
I think $50 per year is a more reasonable price, because you need members, and you simply ain't going to get them at $200. Once you have a critical mass, you can start looking at member benefits, such as health insurance, dental, life insurance and other stuff, which is also what it should be doing as well as arguing with employers. I have always had a bee in my bonnet about getting qualifications recognised, and this is also something that colleges could be approached about.
Of course, it should foster professionalism and all that other good stuff as well.
Would appreciate any constructive comments