Instead our negotiators brought back an intolerable T/A. Then we had leaders spool up the propoganda machine to make everyone believe that we will get better, we just need to take a stand, demand a release from the NMB, and claim any threat of a Chapter 11 filing is just a bluff. That because there is some evidence of a shortage of AMT's we alone can take this battle on and win.
Then still pretend that we have some power to change that which is stacked against us after itis proven that Chapter 11 was real and not a bluff.
Even better yet, file legal objections in the Bankruptcy Docket that does not reference any case law but instead is nothing more than a Anti-Republican Presidential Candidate Statement. And call that "Fighting Like Hell" to protect the membership's interest.
Meanwhile attempt full blown character assassination on anyone that tries to explain that we are losing the battle due to failed representation, failed strategy, and that we will not get anything better until the strategy and direction change significantly. When that person claims that a NO Vote is futile and will lead to worse, make him the target of blame for the failure.