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Heard there would be an announcement on AFW Friday.

Could be BS but heard from a friend in the white house today they are going to announce the closing of AFW this Friday. This is for informational purpose only and not trying to start another rumor. It's just what I heard from the source.
tick tock, still waiting...
Although I know they won't.....but isn't it the job of the TWU to protect ALL members. WE do pay them to represent US.....the least they can do is show up for the fight, right Buck????
Yes we all pay them, what is your point. My statement has nothing to do with their revenue stream to the International. It has to do with have faith in those we hire to provide what they say they are going to do.
I am have no idea what your statement showing for a fight is about.
Decimation of this profession goes back to de-regulation, not more recent history as you claim.
Wages went up during the early years of deregulation, it was only after PATCO and Continental that wages started going down. Employment in the industry climbed even longer. Both plummeted after 9-11.
Instead our negotiators brought back an intolerable T/A. Then we had leaders spool up the propoganda machine to make everyone believe that we will get better, we just need to take a stand, demand a release from the NMB, and claim any threat of a Chapter 11 filing is just a bluff. That because there is some evidence of a shortage of AMT's we alone can take this battle on and win

So where does tulsa stand now? IF the company decides to keep o/h ( which I do to some extent). and they throw the 24/7 into the ask whats tulsa answer going to be now? what about more osm? Are they really going to vote NO!!!!

As always the TWU NEVER BRINGS BACK A BETTER OFFER!!!! Look the ramp had a deal to vote on and the company took there last chance away (but they had there no vote groups also) but hey they are 2nd overall to southwest at the top and we are 2nd from the bottom to Usair 😱

The last T/A was intolerable, give me a break. You have not seen intolerable yet brother :angry:
Instead our negotiators brought back an intolerable T/A. Then we had leaders spool up the propoganda machine to make everyone believe that we will get better, we just need to take a stand, demand a release from the NMB, and claim any threat of a Chapter 11 filing is just a bluff. That because there is some evidence of a shortage of AMT's we alone can take this battle on and win.

Then still pretend that we have some power to change that which is stacked against us after itis proven that Chapter 11 was real and not a bluff.

Even better yet, file legal objections in the Bankruptcy Docket that does not reference any case law but instead is nothing more than a Anti-Republican Presidential Candidate Statement. And call that "Fighting Like Hell" to protect the membership's interest.

Meanwhile attempt full blown character assassination on anyone that tries to explain that we are losing the battle due to failed representation, failed strategy, and that we will not get anything better until the strategy and direction change significantly. When that person claims that a NO Vote is futile and will lead to worse, make him the target of blame for the failure.

Stop trying to rewrite history !The POS T/A was written to SELL to the I got mine types.Some bonus, some not. Some lose prefunding, some not .Then to top it off, the STRIKE AUTHORIZATION,and it still did'nt sell!
Back to this thread's title - where is this earth-shattering announcement?

I agree.
Could AA be waiting until close of day today since it's friday, so they won't have to deal with the flood of questions and inquiries until monday morn???
So what does AFW have to say?
We are still waiting at AFW. When I shipped my toolbox out of Tulsa 20 years ago, they said that I would be back. We will see.
Agree, I`ve heard AFW is closing since I came down here in 1994. "FEDEX is buying AFW".Remember that one? No I do not think anything is coming down today. I believe we will all know after the company presents its "ASK" next week. Good luck to all.
Agree, I`ve heard AFW is closing since I came down here in 1994. "FEDEX is buying AFW".Remember that one? No I do not think anything is coming down today. I believe we will all know after the company presents its "ASK" next week. Good luck to all.

It didn't help having bad presidents like Gary Peterson. Oh wait, he is still screwing us only now it is long distance at DFW.
Ask Goey -- he got it right when he predicted the bankruptcy filing would be on a Tuesday. So what if he was off by two months?... http://airlineforums.com/topic/51629-aa-bk-decision-tues-20th-sept/

AMR's board of directors met last week, so anything serious would have probably come out already.
Channel 8 news in DFW just reported the motion to extend the 1110 process 30 days has been granted, so I guess no big annoncement today. Looks like we all keep working at least one more month.
Wall St Journal is reporting that next Wednesday the company will present its ask to the employees.