TWU Deal of the Day

Not sure what the purpose of toasting this man persoanlly is, but attached is the pdf file showing the denton county record in question.


  • Schissler.pdf
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Cris was not the only person doing this he had a partner that was doing the same thing at the same time sharing the same pipe. They were averaging about 30 hours a month outside the gate for the previous 6 months. The drug problem was common knowledge around afw,the union and local management knew about it and he was never called in for a random whiz quiz.The sad part of this situation is one person gets his job back and the other person had to or is going to have to go to arb and lose his job. Cris got special treatment due to being the former RO chairman for the internnational. He lost that job when he could not show up for work due to his addictions. I would have to guess that Schissler/nelligan had done some partying with gless and cris threatened to reveal something that could be damaging to gless. The international knew about his drug problem the same as they knew about Gary Yingst problem. Gless cut the deal with the Taesl VP Blake to bring him back at his appeal hearing. Mr Blake had a change of heart and terminated him. Gless contacted Jim Weel and Weel told Mr Blake to have a second termination hearing and bring him back. This is a perfect example of there being two sets of rules,one for the people that suck up to the twu and aa and another for the rest of us. We had a person a few years ago that got terminated for wearing a t-shirt that had our concessions written on it. This person had to go to arb to get his job back. He spent about 16 months on the street before he got his job back with back pay that the company intentionaly drug there feet on paying. Oh and by the way,schissler was the one that ratted him out to the company. I can only guess that the people that are reading this are starting to get the picture of this situation. Not even the twu believers like high speed steel, overspeed and CIO can argue that there are two sets of rules and that the twu are bought and paid for. What I would like to know is how much did the membership have pay in contract negotiations to get his job back. Oh by the way there is a new picture of cris on the denton website wearing his twu shirt and afl-cio jacket along with some of his other convictions that you did not list. I would upload a link,but I am having some problems with that. If you could upload this I am sure the people reading this would appreciate it. Keep in mind this is only his convictions in denton county and not including Tarrant county or Dallas county. You had mentioned the direct tv scam,but I guess you did not know about his mental problems. Yes he has very large problem with telling the truth. He was having a problem with showing up for work (sound familiar) and a supervisor was going to come down on him. He created a story about his daughter getting beat up by her boyfriend to get some people to feel sorry for him. He was very vivid in his description of how she lost the baby she was carrying,ruptured spleen and his interrogation by the fort worth PD. There was a collection taken up for his daughter along with flowers and magazines that were delivered to the hospital by the twu and you guessed it the hospital did not have a record of her ever being there. When Cris was confronted about this he made up a story about the police transfering her to another hospital for her safety. The supervisor that was going to drop the hammer on him was told by his boss to leave it alone. This is not the only story that he has come up with. There was the one about him being a sniper in Somalia during black hawk down and shooting a baby in order to save a fellow soldier,another about how he broke his hand protecting his girlfried from three guys attacting her. Truth is that he just got kicked out of a bar for being drunk after the bartender cut him off and fell down,breaking his hand after he tossed his cookies in the parking lot. Another one was when a fellow employee took his own life. He was telling people that he was with this person holding his head together when the police arrived,but in reality he was never there. The only reason that he was allowed to attend the services was that he had known this person for many years and had worked together in ORD.These are only a few of the tall tales that this individual has told people. If this does not describe a person with mental issues I don't what does. I know that he is trying to go to DFW,but I can't see him passing the background check for his ramp badge. So I'm sure he will be staying at AFW in the reclamation area in Taesl.
he must have something on the union bosses and management because with a rap sheet that long he would have been gone. Thanks to this forum for exposing the knuckleheads at the INTL......This union needs to go brother!!

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