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Has Us Airways Given Up On The West Coast?

Dec 2, 2003
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As a West Coast traveller, it seems that US Airways has been reduced to an almost non-existent state out here. U stopped flying to SNA (one of the most profitable airports in the country due to flight limits & wealth of Orange County). United and U are currently sharing service to PHL (United with 3x/day, U with 4x/day). I also very rarely see advertising from U here in LA.

Is the plan to let United take over the West Coast-PHL (& potentially CLT) flying? For most West Coast travellers, US Airways is a "non-entity" when it comes to selecting an airline to the East Coast. It's too bad, because U had a really good head start with PSA.....
Yep. I was out on the west coast (Bay Area) this last weekend, serendipitously avoiding the east coast snowstorms.

While I was there, several people who knew I am a laid off US Airways f/a asked me: "Did US Airways go out of business?"

I replied, "Ummm, no, but the CEO seems to have a strategy that works out that way."

Apparently they have heard zero advertising out there. Saw a lot of LUV ads though.

The non-existant advertising also applies to up north here in PDX & SEA. U is the only one of the top 10 carriers not to serve PDX (although they used to, and were supposed to start again). Even when I lived in MSN and MKE they had ZERO exposure, and at the time they had mainline service into MKE and express into MSN.
PORTION DELETED BY MODERATOR if they cant get money out of employees, they certainly will lay off more employees and most definetly close a heck of a lot more stations to the Express outfit. This sorry a$$ company hasnt have advertisement in years and with the current style mgmt, the only advertisement you'll see is in the obituary section if they cant straighten the airline up without any concessions from employees. I figured more ads would help and more service out to the west would be nice

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