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US Airways Applies for CLT-PVR/SJD

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OLA my muchachos. Sounds like a good time to dust off the sombrero and wash out the salsa stains from my poncho. I love a fiesta. See you there AMIGO. Hey we don't need no stinkin service. Pass the salt.
What you have to realize is that since the fence separating the domestic and transatlantic came down you now have flight attendants that maybe have never work in Envoy before working it now. Or if they have to quick call a re-crew it will be the most junior f/as on the seniority list who have to come out in the middle of the night. They did send everybody to International Salad Training but that was a joke. But you can be on the E-190 working the shuttle one day and then on A330 to Europe the next.
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