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Has HELL frze over

I really don't appreciate your nonsensical, demeaning, and denigrating posts and attitudes. If you don't want to engage with a particular poster or line of discussion feel free to disengage and refrain from posting. Clearly you're not doing a very good job of ignoring my posts if you continually respond and advise other posters to do the same. I'll show you and the other posters on this board dignity and respect and expect the same from you.


"I'll show you and the other posters on this board dignity and respect and expect the same from you."

Wow, dignity and respect? You might want to start with the twu international. After all, they negotiated and accepted the concessions we were forced to accept while they NEVER took the same pay cuts or benefit cuts. Oh, but new cars are in the bag while we are forced to continue 3 years LONGER than the 5 year concessionary package.

Please just log-off and leave. They way you spew your hatred for labor and your more mightier than thou attitude is the respect
I can do without. Thanks!
This is just another example of someone with a different opinion being bullied off the board. While I don't agree with what he says, he should be able to come on here and say it if he wants. If you people can't deal with it then you should be the ones to leave.
This is just another example of someone with a different opinion being bullied off the board. While I don't agree with what he says, he should be able to come on here and say it if he wants. If you people can't deal with it then you should be the ones to leave.
No, Conehead, he is not being bullied off the board. I have no gun to his head or a gang of thugs surrounding him. I expressed my opinion and suggested him to do so. He is still free to stay and express his opinion just as you have done!
I really don't appreciate your nonsensical, demeaning, and denigrating posts and attitudes. If you don't want to engage with a particular poster or line of discussion feel free to disengage and refrain from posting.

I've been part of internet forums for a long time, and I would normally agree with you on this.

Perhaps you've heard the lashon hara story about the the Rabbi and re-stuffing a feather pillow?...


You, sir, have unstuffed the pillow.

Not by spreading gossip, but by being arrogent, condesending, and occasionally downright rude in how you've addressed people, portrayed their respective professions, and also with your attitude of self-importance.

The feathers have now blown in all directions and carried off by the winds.

I'll show you and the other posters on this board dignity and respect and expect the same from you.

Expecting respect?

Outside the family structure, respect is usually earned and lost by one's actions, not owed or expected....

And as the man in the lashon hara parable found out, it takes a long time to rebuild credibility and earn respect.

This is just another example of someone with a different opinion being bullied off the board. While I don't agree with what he says, he should be able to come on here and say it if he wants. If you people can't deal with it then you should be the ones to leave.

As someone who's watched here for a long time, I strongly disagree, again based on Josh's own behavior and choice of language & tone.

This isn't bullying. It is the chickens coming home to roost, making your own bed and having to lie in it, or just about any other number of cliches related to actions being met with like-force....
No one here, airline employee or non, has sole posting rights to what is said her.
However, I don't see anything wrong with one member suggesting another stop posting here. That is all part of the rhethoric and debate.

After all, how boring would this board be if we all agreed with one another..

It would be like, er, I don't know, er.....it would be like every member of management agreeing with everything his/her superior spews out..
Even better it would be like the International TWU reps believing everything Little tells them so they protect their do nothing jobs with excessive pay.

Please just log-off and leave. They way you spew your hatred for labor and your more mightier than thou attitude is the respect
I can do without. Thanks!

This is just another example of someone with a different opinion being bullied off the board. While I don't agree with what he says, he should be able to come on here and say it if he wants. If you people can't deal with it then you should be the ones to leave.

Pile on knights, and in the interest of differing thoughts and opinions, please be sure to throw a few name calling insults in there for good measure.
I've been part of internet forums for a long time, and I would normally agree with you on this.

Perhaps you've heard the lashon hara story about the the Rabbi and re-stuffing a feather pillow?...


You, sir, have unstuffed the pillow.

Not by spreading gossip, but by being arrogent, condesending, and occasionally downright rude in how you've addressed people, portrayed their respective professions, and also with your attitude of self-importance.

The feathers have now blown in all directions and carried off by the winds.

Expecting respect?

Outside the family structure, respect is usually earned and lost by one's actions, not owed or expected....

And as the man in the lashon hara parable found out, it takes a long time to rebuild credibility and earn respect.

As someone who's watched here for a long time, I strongly disagree, again based on Josh's own behavior and choice of language & tone.

This isn't bullying. It is the chickens coming home to roost, making your own bed and having to lie in it, or just about any other number of cliches related to actions being met with like-force....

That's for sharing eolesen and yes I have heard the story before. I apologize to everyone here if my opinions and rhetoric are too extreme but I feel active, passionate, engaging debate is part of the message board dynamic. With that said, I'll try my best to be more sensitive to points of view others' may hold. Yes, I do have strong feelings towards the unions but should work to not paint all union workers with the same brush. AA has many excellent employees-and I depend on them every week to get home and get to work. I've enjoyed the opportunity to participate on the forum here and will work to be less inflammatory and derogatory towards other posters.

Perhaps respect isn't the best choice of words and rather I ask for tact from other posters. I don't think calling someone a "SOB" is tactful and certainly offensive to me.

No one here, airline employee or non, has sole posting rights to what is said her.
However, I don't see anything wrong with one member suggesting another stop posting here. That is all part of the rhethoric and debate.

After all, how boring would this board be if we all agreed with one another..

It would be like, er, I don't know, er.....it would be like every member of management agreeing with everything his/her superior spews out..
Even better it would be like the International TWU reps believing everything Little tells them so they protect their do nothing jobs with excessive pay.

I agree and I enjoy reading the perspectives of airline employees, consultants, other passengers and whoever else may read these forums.

Pile on knights, and in the interest of differing thoughts and opinions, please be sure to through a few name calling insults in there for good measure.
Reread my quote you used for your attack there Conehead. No insults or name calling used. Just "differing thoughts and opinions" you yourself described as ok. I must say though Conehead, I do recall you with your cigar smoking avatar throwing around disparaging remarks when folks disagreed with you or didn't see things your way. I believe you even chastised folks for driving nice trucks and failing to save for a rainy day.
So, careful Conehead, hypocrite is a nasty word!
Reread my quote you used for your attack there Conehead. No insults or name calling used. Just "differing thoughts and opinions" you yourself described as ok. I must say though Conehead, I do recall you with your cigar smoking avatar throwing around disparaging remarks when folks disagreed with you or didn't see things your way. I believe you even chastised folks for driving nice trucks and failing to save for a rainy day.
So, careful Conehead, hypocrite is a nasty word!

Your partially correct, I've posted not about driving a nice truck, I could care less about that. But for being in debt up to your eyeballs for the nice truck, and then coming on here and yammering and being militant about going on strike. What a joke, those will be the people running me over to get in the doors as I walk with the picket sign outside, if it ever came to that which I doubt it will.

These same people are living on the OT and will make any deal to get it so they can make their house/truck payment. Most all of my OT goes into the strike fund, I could live for more then a year with out working at all if I had to. My truck is paid for, mama's car too. I wish I could say the same about the house but I'm busy putting away the strike fund.
a national strike now your talking just like they do in europe

cann't wait to see this happen. I'm sure once obama calls jim things will quite down. and back to the hole we go.

what about the Obama promise to walk with labor? I guess wisconsin didn't count. after all labor worked hard to get him elected
How's that National strike coming together Little Jimmy? :lol:
How's that National strike coming together Little Jimmy? :lol:

I think they're holding out a couple more weeks. Still a bit too chilly to take out the bass boat in the morning... 😉

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