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Has HELL frze over

The difference, Hopeful, is that the Repubs don't pretend to be labors friend, take their money and their votes, and then screw them over.

So I suppose that is an acceptable defense in busting unions? The day might come when there is no longer a threat of ANY union in this country and without that threat, people like yourself who have no use for and no need for unions will eventually have whatever benefits and decent compnesation stripped from you because there is NO threat of a union.
Remember this, it is because of unions that NON-UNION folks enjoy equal or better benefits and protections under the law. It is because of unions that there are workplace safety laws in place.
All these anti-unionists relishing in the Wisconsin rape law will soon have their day under the republican knife as will the temporarily police and firefighters unions will find out soon enough.

This all about class warfare...Whether or not you subscribe to that theory.
When all public unions are busted and all benefits and compensation decimated by decree...How much would you like to wager that those states will still have DEFICITS?
You assume that all the things attributed to unions would never have occurred.

Call it class warfare if you wish. The only thing that Wisconsin seems to have accomplished is applying the same rules that the Federal government union workers have. Where was all the gnashing of teeth over Federal workers not being able to set wages & benefits?...
The difference, Hopeful, is that the Repubs don't pretend to be labors friend, take their money and their votes, and then screw them over.

Pretend or otherwise, it's been obvious those who take bribes, er, lobby money, are friends only to the highest bidder. Union bosses simply pay only enough tribute to operate their various scams with impunity whilst hosing their memberships for operating capital.

Instead of always referring to a politician as "honorable", there should be a year 'round, no bag limit season on the SOBs. There is no such thing as an honorable politician nor an honest politician (an oxymoron of the highest degree). They are professional liars and thieves and the sooner the American citizens call them out the better.
So I suppose that is an acceptable defense in busting unions? The day might come when there is no longer a threat of ANY union in this country and without that threat, people like yourself who have no use for and no need for unions will eventually have whatever benefits and decent compnesation stripped from you because there is NO threat of a union.
Remember this, it is because of unions that NON-UNION folks enjoy equal or better benefits and protections under the law. It is because of unions that there are workplace safety laws in place.
All these anti-unionists relishing in the Wisconsin rape law will soon have their day under the republican knife as will the temporarily police and firefighters unions will find out soon enough.

This all about class warfare...Whether or not you subscribe to that theory.
When all public unions are busted and all benefits and compensation decimated by decree...How much would you like to wager that those states will still have DEFICITS?
Class warfare will lead to civil war. You republicans want to union bust...be ready to live on $8 an hour jobs because that's what (non-union) teachers, police and firemen, aircraft mechanics, plumbers, electricians and all the other trade groups will make when the republicans are finished raping the middle class workers, who also happen to be the TAX PAYERS. Then the private sector will union bust because raped middle class consumers will not pay the higher costs associated with union based companies, and the whole country will make minimum wages because the fatcats on wall street will pocket the difference.
Look what's happening in Europe, and magnify it ten-fold when civil unrest starts happening here....oh by the way it's already started in Wisconsin. Can you imagine being non-union at AA. Hold your ankles...2003 would look mighty generous compared to being non-union. That's a fact!
Dear Sisters and Brothers:

Attached are the minutes from our ALL Division Special Conference Call of March 4, 2011 to discuss and update you on the current issues involving Unions and the middle class attacks. Since our call we have key people at the rallies in Ohio. I am still in need of a list of activists from you Locals including any retirees that maybe available. As I discussed on the call we at the Executive Board of the AFL-CIO are planning a “ DAY Of ACTION." I am also drafting a letter to President Trumka, AFL-CIO and affiliates that represent the private sectors that we meet and consider a “General Strike” in the future to bring attention to what is happening to middle class America in the hands of corporate greed and political attacks.

Read the minutes.

It is obvious that we cannot rely on politicians to fix the problems. It is our time to ban together, and move forward together. As I stated on the call we seem to always want to prepare for that rainy day. Well Brothers and Sisters - -that rainy day is here now! I will set up another call once I have been able to get more information on our time lines. I will also try and give you as much advance notice of the call, but as we move forward the timeframe maybe on short notice.

Remember, send any information or suggestions to president@twu.org. Keep in mind - there are no bad suggestions.

In Solidarity,

James C. Little

Well after 50 years maybe the all out attack has finally woke the idiots up it is ashame that they setback and did nothing while Rome burned. To HSS & CIO pay close attention to what he says about a general strike and PATCO try to remember all the things you wrote over the years to you CIO I guess we can now say yea we should have called that strike for PATCO maybe even NWA?

aapitbull, go sit in the truck....
You assume that all the things attributed to unions would never have occurred.

Call it class warfare if you wish. The only thing that Wisconsin seems to have accomplished is applying the same rules that the Federal government union workers have. Where was all the gnashing of teeth over Federal workers not being able to set wages & benefits?...
Federal is not State and Stae is not Federal..

But tell me....why did Walker in Wisconsin include in his bill the requirement that the union must re-certify their union ANNUALLY?
What does this have to do with that state's budget? Where is the monetary value in that?
Walker and the Wisconson GOP are hell bent on busting unions....
Federal is not State and Stae is not Federal..

But tell me....why did Walker in Wisconsin include in his bill the requirement that the union must re-certify their union ANNUALLY?
What does this have to do with that state's budget? Where is the monetary value in that?
Walker and the Wisconson GOP are hell bent on busting unions....

Having the union re-certified annually puts the onus on union leadership to "sell" the value of the union to state workers and keep the process democratic. Since the new law significantly restricts the unions protections and bargaining rights, workers will quickly realize the scam they've been paying into and decertify. Believe it or not, many people don't want to join thuggish unions but sadly do not have the protection of right to work laws and are forced to pay for representation. Having the union be responsible for collecting dues money takes the accounting expenses away from the state and places the burden on the union.

Great CNN article: http://money.cnn.com/2011/03/09/news/economy/unions_failing.fortune/?section=magazines_fortune

FORTUNE -- As Barack Obama stood on that frigid inaugural stage in 2009, labor leaders could envisage the glorious future awaiting them. Here, at last, was a President determined to help unions rebuild their sagging ranks by supporting a "card check" bill that would change the way unions are allowed to organize workers. Here was a President who openly criticized fellow Democrat Bill Clinton for signing the North American Free Trade Agreement. And here was a President who would put government health care for the uninsured at the center of his agenda.

Two years later card check is dead, Obama is out promoting free-trade deals, and his health care reform plan -- passed without a government option -- faces an uncertain future in the courts. And now a costly new front has opened in labor's struggles: the states, where budget-cutting governors are targeting union salaries, benefits, and even collective-bargaining rights.

Having the union re-certified annually puts the onus on union leadership to "sell" the value of the union to state workers and keep the process democratic. Since the new law significantly restricts the unions protections and bargaining rights, workers will quickly realize the scam they've been paying into and decertify. Believe it or not, many people don't want to join thuggish unions but sadly do not have the protection of right to work laws and are forced to pay for representation. Having the union be responsible for collecting dues money takes the accounting expenses away from the state and places the burden on the union.

Great CNN article: http://money.cnn.com/2011/03/09/news/economy/unions_failing.fortune/?section=magazines_fortune


Sorry, I don't drink the anti-union kool aid that you drink and spew. ANNUAL UNION CERTIFYING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUDGET.
This is Walker's way of sticking it to the democrats because unions overhwhelming support democratic candidates.

Walker is a union buster, plain and simple.
I guess you have no problem when big business spends millions upon million supporting slef righteous republicans with their contributions and their lobbying efforts..

I guess you have no problem with that, eh Josh?

Maybe narrow minded people like yourself might figure out that EVERY workplace rule and benefit exists BECAUSE of unions.
There would be NO work place safety laws in place if it were up to greedy managements.
There might not even be a 40 hour work week if it weren't for unions. Isn't it nice that even NON UNION workers enjoy getting paid OT after working their 40 hours?
Isn't that nice, JOSH? Do you think companies would pay OT if there were no threat of unions?

How about this one, JOSHY..

Union wages are EQUAL FOR ALL....REGARDLESS OF SEX, RACE AND RELIGION? Staring pay and incremental pay is the SAME for all...
Can you say the same the corporate ranks which still functions based on the Good Ol Boys Network....

The pendulim will swing eventually when the GOP that anti-worker pundits like yourself begin to lose their benefits as well because the threat of unionism diminishes.

Go serve the kooll aid for those who buy your non-sensical rhethoric.
Having the union re-certified annually puts the onus on union leadership to "sell" the value of the union to state workers and keep the process democratic. Since the new law significantly restricts the unions protections and bargaining rights, workers will quickly realize the scam they've been paying into and decertify. Believe it or not, many people don't want to join thuggish unions but sadly do not have the protection of right to work laws and are forced to pay for representation. Having the union be responsible for collecting dues money takes the accounting expenses away from the state and places the burden on the union.

Great CNN article: http://money.cnn.com/2011/03/09/news/economy/unions_failing.fortune/?section=magazines_fortune


Sorry, I don't drink the anti-union kool aid that you drink and spew. ANNUAL UNION CERTIFYING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUDGET.
This is Walker's way of sticking it to the democrats because unions overhwhelming support democratic candidates.

Walker is a union buster, plain and simple.
I guess you have no problem when big business spends millions upon million supporting slef righteous republicans with their contributions and their lobbying efforts..

I guess you have no problem with that, eh Josh?

Maybe narrow minded people like yourself might figure out that EVERY workplace rule and benefit exists BECAUSE of unions.
There would be NO work place safety laws in place if it were up to greedy managements.
There might not even be a 40 hour work week if it weren't for unions. Isn't it nice that even NON UNION workers enjoy getting paid OT after working their 40 hours?
Isn't that nice, JOSH? Do you think companies would pay OT if there were no threat of unions?

How about this one, JOSHY..

Union wages are EQUAL FOR ALL....REGARDLESS OF SEX, RACE AND RELIGION? Staring pay and incremental pay is the SAME for all...
Can you say the same the corporate ranks which still functions based on the Good Ol Boys Network....?

The pendulim will swing eventually when the anti-worker pundits like yourself begin to lose their benefits as well because the threat of unionism diminishes. Thanks to the GOP and tea baggers. Are you a TEA Bagger, JOSH?

Go serve the kooll aid for those who buy your non-sensical rhethoric.

I guess the economic crisis in the housing industry was cause by unions, eh Josh?
Banking crisis...was that unions faults, Josh?
National strike? That would be interesting. It would paralyze the remaining No Right To Work states (Northeast US, IL), and the rest of the country would go about their lives saying how right they were to enact Right to Work.

And if enough of the people in the paralyzed states start scratching their head saying "maybe Wisconsin was right"... well... you could achieve in one or two days what the union busters have been trying to do for 100 years.

Bring it on, guys. You have nothing to fear, right?

Just because a State is RTW it doesnt mean that they dont have unions. The Airline, rail Transit and truckers in RTW states that are Union would be part of a general strike as well. Who knows, even those who dont have unions and and sick of how those at the top keep taking more for themselves and leaving less for the rest of us may join in.
Mr. Hopeful:

Have you given any thought to the possibilty this "Josh" character may just be a loser looking for any attention available and flogging his dummy whilst he reads replies?

Put the SOB on "IGNORE" - I did.
Sorry, I don't drink the anti-union kool aid that you drink and spew. ANNUAL UNION CERTIFYING HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUDGET.
This is Walker's way of sticking it to the democrats because unions overhwhelming support democratic candidates.

Walker is a union buster, plain and simple.
I guess you have no problem when big business spends millions upon million supporting slef righteous republicans with their contributions and their lobbying efforts..

I guess you have no problem with that, eh Josh?

I don't think Walkers intention is to bust the unions but sees this as an intermediate step to bringing a balanced and sustainable budget plan for the state. Even if the workers and unions agreed to the concessions the governor has imposed who is to say they wouldn't agree to them in the future? Sure the concessions aren't good from the workers standpoint but public employees work for the people not for themselves.

Maybe narrow minded people like yourself might figure out that EVERY workplace rule and benefit exists BECAUSE of unions.
There would be NO work place safety laws in place if it were up to greedy managements.
There might not even be a 40 hour work week if it weren't for unions. Isn't it nice that even NON UNION workers enjoy getting paid OT after working their 40 hours?
Isn't that nice, JOSH? Do you think companies would pay OT if there were no threat of unions?

How about this one, JOSHY..

I'm not denying that the labor movement brought about legislation such as OSHA, Fair Labor Standards, Equal Opportunity, FMLA, etc. However I think since these regulations are in place unions have served their place. Unions were created for menial jobs such as garment workers and coal miners with a large inbalance of power in the employers favor. I'm not saying this doesn't exist today but we have other more effective protections in place today.

Union wages are EQUAL FOR ALL....REGARDLESS OF SEX, RACE AND RELIGION? Staring pay and incremental pay is the SAME for all...
Can you say the same the corporate ranks which still functions based on the Good Ol Boys Network....?

The pendulim will swing eventually when the anti-worker pundits like yourself begin to lose their benefits as well because the threat of unionism diminishes. Thanks to the GOP and tea baggers. Are you a TEA Bagger, JOSH?

Go serve the kooll aid for those who buy your non-sensical rhethoric.

I guess the economic crisis in the housing industry was cause by unions, eh Josh?
Banking crisis...was that unions faults, Josh?

Unions assign pay based on seniority not performance or merit. This effectively creates a disincentive for hard work, dedication, and quality if one knows they will make the same regardless. In the non-union private sector people are paid what they are worth and if we feel we're getting shorted we talk with our managers or compensation committee to reach an agreement. We don't have a bargaining agreement in place for thousands of workers-everyone is paid what the market will bare based on their merit and performance.

There certainly is an imbalance in wages among genders both in non-union and union positions.

No I'm not a tea bagger or republican, but rather a lifelong Democrat.

Mr. Hopeful:

Have you given any thought to the possibilty this "Josh" character may just be a loser looking for any attention available and flogging his dummy whilst he reads replies?

Put the SOB on "IGNORE" - I did.

I really don't appreciate your nonsensical, demeaning, and denigrating posts and attitudes. If you don't want to engage with a particular poster or line of discussion feel free to disengage and refrain from posting. Clearly you're not doing a very good job of ignoring my posts if you continually respond and advise other posters to do the same. I'll show you and the other posters on this board dignity and respect and expect the same from you.

aapitbull, go sit in the truck....

Typical, You can never admit you are wrong even Little jim has admitted it why not you. I have made these very points over and over again rest assured like I said this is nothing more than Sabre raddling by the way 565 sent a letter to Little jim in support of his postion has 514.
Typical, You can never admit you are wrong even Little jim has admitted it why not you. I have made these very points over and over again rest assured like I said this is nothing more than Sabre raddling by the way 565 sent a letter to Little jim in support of his postion has 514.

85% of 514 doesn't even know Jim Little has a position.
And there hasn't been a Local Membership yet for them to tell us what they decided for us as far as support goes.

Give HSS awhile longer pitbull and he will be able to tell you what they have decided is his position.

High Speed Steel, go sit in the Buick Lacrosse

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