Halloween Sick

Hi Everyone,

I received this email the other day to my personal account. It had an American Flag in the background. Has anyone else received this email? It also had a picture of two Super 80's with the dates of the sickout on it. I'm not saying if I'm for it or against it, but this should be interesting.










NOVEMBER 25 - 28


More power to them all! If it works, then great. If not, then it just wasn't meant to be.

As a side note, none of those dates will do much good.
This is NOT union sanctioned! Just some crack pots with their own agenda and it will do nothing for f/a's. By taking your frustrations out on the customer we will only lose respect from them. Remember we voted for some of these concessions!
You're not taking your frustrations out on the customers in any kind of job action, who are you kidding? Just because you have customers does not mean you sit back and take beatings on a regular basis with the anti-labor stick. Thats like those commercials where they show you starving children for money then the next thing you hear, the starving children never saw a nickel! In this instance, you saw your CEO pleading for wage concessions for the money, and then all of the sudden there the CEO is stuffing your money into private retirement accounts.

You're not pulling on any heartstrings by invoking customer inconvenience. The fact remains, the company asked for concessions so it could get back on it's feet again, but they haven't changed a thing about how they run the company, it's the same waste but now they have more money to waste on waste. Get it?

Your contract ties your hands . . . but your health doesn't!

There are too many drones in labor forces today, and they are causing hardhips for those who can see through the BS.
Something tells me I have seen the style of the new poster LiveInAHotel before!!!
You know what upsilon, it's not cool to try and flame someone you don't even know. I have sat and read all of these posts on here for quite sometime. I decide to post an email I received to see if anybody else has got the same one and you try to flame me. You're no angel yourself :p , I have read some of your posts.
LIAH: Where is the flame in my post? Never claimed to be an angel!

NH/BB: Did you hurt yourself?
Sick Out??? Please. You will be faced with court injuntions to order you back to work. As a TWA f/a, we tried this during our last contract and you know what? Many were terminated as many f/a's were not able to produce a company required Medical Certificate.

Look at your pilots sick out. Be my guest and call in sick and perhaps you will allow those of us who are on furlough to come back or at least have the option of coming back. :lol: :eek: :p
galleyguy4u2 said:
Sick Out??? Please. You will be faced with court injuntions to order you back to work.
You may be able to get a court injunction, but only after about 3 days and, since this isn't a "union sanctioned" sick out, who is the court going to order back to work? Each individual employee? Waste of time, waste of money, by the time anyone got around to doing anything about it, it would be over.

Many were terminated as many f/a's were not able to produce a company required Medical Certificate.
After how many days is a "medical certificate" as you call it, required? If this "sick out" lasts only a day or two, no doctor's release required, game over.

AA isn't about to start calling furloughed FAs or Agents back to cover a short-lived sick out. Re-training and bringing furloughed employees back up to speed and certification would take too long.

Face it, a sick out of a couple of days will only do what it would be intended to do, rattle a few windows and get the attention of the powers that be.
WingNaPrayer said:
Good for him, I don't find fault with him for being glad to be back either. What I fault is that when the history of the company's actions is brought up, it gets looked upon like it's a negative thing when clearly it is nothing more than recognizing a trend that AA has used repeatedly in this mess.

I hope it doesn't happen. However, AA has added a lot of flights out of Chicago, Dallas and Miami, in November no less. By the end of March, as is the norm, they will know exactly how many of those newly added flights will be worth keeping. After all, the bulk of them were "panic" additions in an attempt to stay ahead of other carriers who either are coming, or have expressed a desire to come to the same markets that AA is in. If the people express bunch prevail in those markets, then of course, AA is going to cut those FA's loose again.

Everyone has to face the fact that in order to compete with the low cost carriers, AA is going to have to cheapen itself as an airline. Things are starting to look just like they did prior to de-regulation. After de-reg, the smaller (what we today call low cost carriers) were gobbled up in mergers taking place left and right. Now, they are slowly coming back, and the big boys don't have the $$$ to gobble them up this time. Therefore, it won't be long before those LCCs start hearing employees talking about unions and such, as the airlines continue to bite into the big boys' balance sheets, the employees are going to want a bigger piece of that pie and when they find that their airline is unwilling to share, they'll end up with the same union woes that AA believes they have.

Recalling history isn't a slap in anyone's face, by all means, return to work and be happy about it, but don't be so happy you forget to watch your back. Recalling history is simply a recognition of what has happened, and could most likely happen again.
Therefore, it won't be long before those LCCs start hearing employees talking about unions and such, as the airlines continue to bite into the big boys' balance sheets, the employees are going to want a bigger piece of that pie and when they find that their airline is unwilling to share, they'll end up with the same union woes that AA believes they have

LCC's employees start talking about unions? WN is the most unionized of the majors. Granted, my union is in mediation right now after 18 mths. of negotiation. time will tell how this works out, yet sharing the pie does not have to "break the bank" so to speak, as that would not serve any of our employees. Did i mention our 3Q profit was up 41% over last year? Yes WN still made money w/out the Gov'mt security cost refund.

Ready for the WN attack ;)
orangeman said:
Did i mention our 3Q profit was up 41% over last year? Yes WN still made money w/out the Gov'mt security cost refund.
Ready for the WN attack ;)
Sorry for the double,now triple? post. I haven't mastered posting on this forum!
Sorry Again,

Orangeman, this is not an attack...just a comment and a reminder. You work for a great airline. ..the envy of so many. You have a wonderful safety record and you give the customer an excellent product.
I want to add that I hope your negotiations will end in a fair agreement.

All that said, the comment about the government assistance sounded a bit like gloating. Let me ask you, did your airline suffer the loss of two aircraft & 23 employees by terrorists on September 11th?

The APFA has officially covered their rear if the sickout goes down over the holidays. If they didn't, that would be dumb on their part. Besides no union would ever support a work stoppage. Here is a piece of the APFA hotline from Friday, November 14, 2003:

It is important that APFA make perfectly clear that no one can or should engage in job actions, slowdowns, or similar activities of any kind during the upcoming holiday period or at any other time. Such action is unlawful and can result in disciplinary action by the Company, including discharge. The Union does not and cannot condone, support, or in any way encourage any such activity. If anyone engages in any such activity, they are putting their jobs at jeopardy, as well as harming their fellow crewmembers by causing reassignments and understaffed flights. To repeat, any such conduct would be unacceptable and unlawful and can result in extremely serious consequences. We regret having to be so blunt, but this is something as to which there should be no doubt or uncertainty.

Makes you kind of wonder what . . . or who rattled their cages! It would appear this sick out talk is spread farther and wider than one might suspect.

Union rules, and/or directives don't apply to the non-unionized groups, which have sufficient numbers to create more than a little disruption.

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