Halloween Sick

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Lets get over this already. This was about Halloween sick. Why listen to anything WNP or NHBB has to say. They are FSC. For crying out loud why do we care what they have to say. Farm them out. We could probably get more work and a better job at half the pay from someone else. I am sick of hearing all the doom and gloom from WNP and NHBB. Try to state something positive and we can build on that
Something positive? Ok . . .

You're fired!

What can you build with that?

Everyone is entitled to their opinion around here, that's the basis for a message board - where everyone shares their opinions. If you wish to silence the opinions you disagree with, go start your own message board.
If you dont want to read someones posts, please skip them. Dont go down the path of personal attacks. As long as everyone follows the BB rules, they can post their opinions here.

Flaming and Slamming
"Flaming" is insulting another user's post, opinions, subject, grammar, or an attempt to pick an online fight. "Slamming" is making offensive, condescending, or insulting comments about a user, product, or company (ours or anyone else's) in order to pick an online fight.

Please note that there is a large difference between expressing an opinion and flaming. A differing opinion would say, "I have to disagree with you, Mike, since I've been to Fairbanks, I know what it is like." whereas a flame would say, "You're dead wrong, Mike, and you've obviously never been to Fairbanks or flown anything larger then a kite! And, by the way, you can't spell worth beans." There is an equally massive gap between expressing a concern about a product or company and slamming it.

Flaming and slamming is petty and childish. If you have a burning urge to start a fight, pick up a copy of Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, log on to zone.com and join a Big Ugly Death Match.
MiAAmi said:
Now you know the level of maturity you are debating with.
I've always known when it came to addressing any one of your posts. You're entitled to your opinion, and so am I. You are PRO company and PRO management and SUPPORTIVE of the way things are being done (and always have been done) while I on the other hand am PRO labor, PRO company seniority and very NEGATIVE on the path AMRs management is taking this airline.

Therefore, we're bound to disagree, and it's not likely to change until the company either does something detrimental that affects you personally, or they do something so unlike them and grandiose that it blows my #### away. Which one of us do you truly think will give up holding their breath first? ;)
Who ever said I work? Or am I in one of those perk-filled jobs where I'm the boss so I can sit and surf the net all day?

Hmmmmm, ponderous. . . . ain't it? ;)

My average Posts per day: 1.6 That's not a lot.
WingNaPrayer said:
You are PRO company and PRO management and SUPPORTIVE of the way things are being done (and always have been done)
I like the way you twist this into me being pro company. All I said was that I disagree that in the spring the 350 f/a's will be furloughed again.

Spook day is over, I think this thread should be changed to THANKSGIVING SICKOUT!

But then, far be it for me to be antagonistic!
MiAAmi said:
I like the way you twist this into me being pro company. All I said was that I disagree that in the spring the 350 f/a's will be furloughed again.
I agree with you. Of course they won't be furloughed. They were recalled because of an increase in the winter schedule, not simply for flights around the holidays. The fact is, things have improved to the point that the company is adding flights at one of the slowest times of the year.

What will spring bring? TWA MD80's out of the desert with C checks and AA conversion can only mean even more flights, even if not yet announced. The company has said it will offer 6% more seats next year, and that doesn' take into account what might happen if the economy continues to improve.

Even at normal attrition rates (I lost my source of this info when she jumped to UA) of 60-70 per month we'll lose 400-500 people by June. I can only see more and more recalls from here, barring, of course, any major terrorist act against the airlines.

kirkpatrick said:
I can only see more and more recalls from here, barring, of course, any major terrorist act against the airlines.
In my opinion, to which I am entitled, slashing wages, manipulating work rules and further gouging the pockets of employees for health care benefits IS . . . a clear and undeniable major terrorist act against the airlines.

Cheapening and abusing labor tells the passenger that you don't give a rat's ass about their comfort, safety and respect for them as a customer. It tells the customer that corporate is more concerned with their private bankruptcy proof retirement funds, bonuses and profit sharing. Executive perks, and the desire to attain them is what the traveling public sees as the most paramount item at AA corporate. They just feed them the cheap fares so they'll butt out.

We haven't seen any headlines about corporate doing anything on behalf of the employees, apologizing for getting caught with their fingers in the till, or doing anything for the employees in exchange for everything they have stripped from them in the past 6 months.

We no longer need worry about terrorits attacks against this airline from outside sources when it is being so handily taken care of from within.
This is EXACTLY what I mean(WNP"S above post), when I say to ALL "kool aid drinkers";

"THE TRUTH HURTS",(dammit) "ADMIT IT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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