Halloween Sick


Jul 31, 2003
I hate to be bitter...But I hope all of those wonderful people I took sick calls from last night (40 to be exact) have a wonderful time on Halloween with your family while your co workers may have to go short on some flights. Happy Halloween. This is just the tip of the iceberg. What can I say ....It is so classy to call in sick for an extended party weekend
AA is not alone. If I have my statistics correct, Halloween is traditionally one of the highest (if not the highest) days for sick outs at Delta as well. - Got to see the kids in their costumes.

By the way, I am working Halloween.
don't worry operaations. we furloughs are coming back and we need money sooooo badly that i know 352 people that won't be on that sick list!!!!! ;)
fliboi78 said:
don't worry operaations. we furloughs are coming back and we need money sooooo badly that i know 352 people that won't be on that sick list!!!!! ;)
We appreciate your dedication to the job. With any luck a little of it will rub off on some of your co workers.

Welcome back. :up:
i don't mind. i am only 24. i have my masters and a few other things to fall back on. i love this job. i know i am still new to the industry at only 3 and a half years but i PRAY everyday that i won't become some old jaded person who has nothing to do but dwell on the negative. even if it is reality. like my grandma always said, "steer clear of those people who are willing to pop a child's balloon just to teach them the harshness of life. they are just miserable and are angry because they can't be as blessed as you are." being out of a job is not a bad thing for me. i still have food, my health and my family. so those of you who love reminding us of our short return. think about those with children and/or are single parents and this job is their only source of income. we are all VERY happy to be back; once again, even if only for a month. it is a month i will be doing what i love. being a flight attendant. ;)
I know of one DFW CC who worked 12hrs O-time today bec his kids are in college and he needs to pay for there treats :(
fliboi78, I applaud your attitude. And as a dedicated AA pax, I very much look forward to the opportunity to be flying with you!
Fliboi78, I honestly believe you guys are the first wave of those who will be soon be returning to work. Temporary, dont believe that for a second. Welcome back.
thanks to all of you for the warm welcome. once again. i don't care how long i am back. but what are you proving telling folks that they are temps? are you looking for some sort of self validation of "i'm right"? is there something lacking in your life that you have to come online and tell people your prediction of their lives? i just don't get it. i am happy. 352 people are happy...i presume. but i am not going to let someone who is miserable in their job affect the way i treat my co-workers or do my job. ok, you think these recalls will be short lived. but why continue demoralizing us who are happy to be doing something we love?
You miss the point entirely, which is why it is so easy to sneak up on your contract and rip it apart before your very eyes.
WingNaPrayer said:
You miss the point entirely, which is why it is so easy to sneak up on your contract and rip it apart before your very eyes.
Flyboi is a great employee...you can tell by his enthusiasm. He will be an outstanding employee when he has enough seniority to get out of survival mode and understand "violations of the constitution."
I welcome him back.
We can still bring our officials to justice for continuing to circumvent our constitution, violating our constitution by making agreements with the company without membership ratification. Its difficult to watch these continuous violations and not be concerned about "law of the shop."
Someone like flyboi is an asset. He alone cannot be held responsible because our union officials have taken arrogance to a new level.
Good for him, I don't find fault with him for being glad to be back either. What I fault is that when the history of the company's actions is brought up, it gets looked upon like it's a negative thing when clearly it is nothing more than recognizing a trend that AA has used repeatedly in this mess.

I hope it doesn't happen. However, AA has added a lot of flights out of Chicago, Dallas and Miami, in November no less. By the end of March, as is the norm, they will know exactly how many of those newly added flights will be worth keeping. After all, the bulk of them were "panic" additions in an attempt to stay ahead of other carriers who either are coming, or have expressed a desire to come to the same markets that AA is in. If the people express bunch prevail in those markets, then of course, AA is going to cut those FA's loose again.

Everyone has to face the fact that in order to compete with the low cost carriers, AA is going to have to cheapen itself as an airline. Things are starting to look just like they did prior to de-regulation. After de-reg, the smaller (what we today call low cost carriers) were gobbled up in mergers taking place left and right. Now, they are slowly coming back, and the big boys don't have the $$$ to gobble them up this time. Therefore, it won't be long before those LCCs start hearing employees talking about unions and such, as the airlines continue to bite into the big boys' balance sheets, the employees are going to want a bigger piece of that pie and when they find that their airline is unwilling to share, they'll end up with the same union woes that AA believes they have.

Recalling history isn't a slap in anyone's face, by all means, return to work and be happy about it, but don't be so happy you forget to watch your back. Recalling history is simply a recognition of what has happened, and could most likely happen again.
Do us all a favor plz., AND DROP THE "POLLYANNA" ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOBODY is unhappy your back to work !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All WNP is "TRYING" to WARN you about , is that this "POS" company does'nt "give a rats A*S about your personal well being. NADA, ZIPPO, etc. !!!!!!!!!!!!


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