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Oct 29, 2002
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General Electric has agreed to pay $70.4 million to settle a criminal probe and civil claims brought against the corporation for having allegedly conspired to rig bids on U.S. municipal bond deals, overcharging state and local governments on their investments.

The deal GE struck will resolve investigations by the Justice Department, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Internal Revenue Service, as well as the attorneys general of 25 states. GE Funding Capital Markets Services, a former unit, is the fifth company to enter into a settlement as part of a more than five-year federal investigation.

GE’s settlement stems from an investigation into the conduct of three now-former GE employees between 1999 and 2004 at a unit of the finance division...

You failed to leave the above out.
Its in More: :huh:
That is where I got it from. Why do you and your "The Blaze" followers have this obsession with GE?

If you wan't to change the tax loopholes that allowed them to do what they have done, you are supporting the wrong people.

I think it is a good thing that we are doing what we can to get them bring work back here that has been outsourced by keeping them involved in the process. They are a huge economic force. Would you support alienation?

Why the Halliburton title? This occurred during the same time as the no bid contracts (that I happen to think we're necessary in some cases).
Ya dell , I'll play along too.
Why the CHENEYburton..err I mean Haliburton title, and a pic of the P...O..T..U..S ? 🙄
And dont forget Halburton killed a bunch of soldiers in The ME due to shody work.

I dont remember if anyone we to jail over that or not.
That is where I got it from. Why do you and your "The Blaze" followers have this obsession with GE?

If you wan't to change the tax loopholes that allowed them to do what they have done, you are supporting the wrong people.

I think it is a good thing that we are doing what we can to get them bring work back here that has been outsourced by keeping them involved in the process. They are a huge economic force. Would you support alienation?

Why the Halliburton title? This occurred during the same time as the no bid contracts (that I happen to think we're necessary in some cases).

How much taxes did you pay last year?

Was it less than GE?

How many US jobs is GE sending to China?

That is where I got it from. Why do you and your "The Blaze" followers have this obsession with GE?

If you wan't to change the tax loopholes that allowed them to do what they have done, you are supporting the wrong people.

I think it is a good thing that we are doing what we can to get them bring work back here that has been outsourced by keeping them involved in the process. They are a huge economic force. Would you support alienation?

Why the Halliburton title? This occurred during the same time as the no bid contracts (that I happen to think we're necessary in some cases).

I read your third sentence. Thanks for writing it. It further proves just how clueless the average American Voter is regarding how Money works.

Primary driver of jobs going overseas is cost of Labor. Who controls the value of the currency? Fed and The Political Parasite Class.
Secondary are Tax code and regulatory issues. Who controls the tax code/regulations? YEP, The Political Parasite Class.
Who controls the Political Parasite Class? Banks and large industry who use undue influence to get their way.
Who funds this little Ponzi scheme? That would be you and me.

We sit on our assets debating the relative merits of which specific enabler of the Political Parasite Class is better than the other while our Children die in needless wars designed for the Crony Capitalists to once again profit at our expense.

Baseball used to be the National Pastime. Now apparently it's grabbing ones ankles and the national catch phrase is BOHICA. So keep rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic by debating who is better, Black Bush or White Bush as skin pigmentation the only real difference.
And dont forget Halburton killed a bunch of soldiers in The ME due to shody work.

I dont remember if anyone we to jail over that or not.

Yeah those no bid Haliburton contracts were a real issue.

Checchi & Company Consulting, Inc., a Washington-based firm owned by economist and Democratic donor Vincent V. Checchi, will pay the firm $24,673,427 to provide "rule of law stabilization services" in war-torn Afghanistan.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2010/01/25/obama-administration-steers-lucrative-bid-contract-afghan-work-dem-donor/#ixzz1hhPQiUq7

Yeah, Haliburton really opened some eyes.....

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., says the five-year contract from the Department of Health and Human Services to Siga Technologies – a New York company run by a major Democratic donor — raises questions about a conflict of interest and the potential waste of precious taxpayer funds.

In a letter to HHS inspector general Daniel Levinson on Monday, McCaskill expressed worry over the hefty price of the drug (reportedly $255 per dose) because the company had not been not forced to compete for the contract. She also noted that the drug itself, known as ST-246, may not be effective since it has a short shelf-life and hasn’t been tested on humans.

“Under the contract, the department will acquire 1.7 million doses of smallpox vaccine for the strategic national stockpile, ” McCaskill wrote. “The vaccine is reported to be more expensive and has a shorter shelf-life than the vaccine currently in the SNS, and it is unknown whether this produce is actually safe for human use.”

Andy Stern...damn that names familiar...isn't he on the board at Siga? I think I remember hearing something about frequent White House visits too, about the same amount as Dickie Trumpka....yeah I remember....

President Obama has awarded a no-bid contract to KBR Inc. for $568 million.

That’s more than 20,000 times the maximum he set for a no-bid contract.

KBR is the old Brown and Root and Kellogg companies, which merged with Halliburton when Dick Cheney headed Halliburton and later Halliburton spun off KBR. 😱

From Bloomberg News: “KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.”

Once again, liberal ethics are shown to be situational. They complained long and hard about no-bid contracts for KBR.

Candidate Barack Obama, November 10, 2007: “I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists — and won.

Damn Bush and that friggin' Haliburton....Republicans have no sense of decency......
Candidate Barack Obama, November 10, 2007: “I am in this race to tell the corporate lobbyists that their days of setting the agenda in Washington are over. I have done more than any other candidate in this race to take on lobbyists — and won.

Damn Bush and that friggin' Haliburton....Republicans have no sense of decency......

Let's take a look and see who owns whom shall we? Below is a list of contributors to the 2008 Obama Campaign courtesy of www.opensecrets.org. The below note provides information on how these numbers were compiled.
This table lists the top donors to this candidate in the 2008 election cycle. The organizations themselves did not donate , rather the money came from the organizations' PACs, their individual members or employees or owners, and those individuals' immediate families. Organization totals include subsidiaries and affiliates.

Because of contribution limits, organizations that bundle together many individual contributions are often among the top donors to presidential candidates. These contributions can come from the organization's members or employees (and their families). The organization may support one candidate, or hedge its bets by supporting multiple candidates

University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295

Hmmm Lots of Financial Services Organizations and Wall Street Law Firms. Interesting bunch considering Fuhrer Obama's above quote. The number of interlocking relationships between Lobbyists, Donors & Mr Obama is staggering. If you wonder why things go the way they go, this guy os so bought and paid for by so many groups with agendas that often conflict. This IMO is why he often appears unsure and wishy washy.

This not to say he's the only one as you start digging around and the influence pedaling is pretty much equal across the two (really one) parties. This current group seems to have raised the bar a bit when it comes to Crony Capitalism. Although it is nice to see that two states that support the Obama Agenda and have raised taxes are now seeing jobs leave their states at alarming rates, moving to more business friendly states. Blago is in jail and the CME and CBOT are both threatening to move stating tax increases as the specific reason. IL and CA are but two examples that are proof positive that crony capitalism coupled with an ever increasing appetite for taxes does not and will not work. We are on the wrong path and Obama is but the current tour guide on this path to self destruction.