On 5/20/2003 1:16:47 PM Borescope wrote:
On 5/19/2003 5:35:04 PM ual747mech wrote:
From the time we had a chance to vote the 7% paycut to have a chance of preventing us from going bankrupt and keeping our company mostly intact, ie: not closing maintenance bases, lower paycuts, etc., we always have a choice.
You are right in saying that we had a choice. There is always a choice in everything we do. But I think you have bellied up to the cooler full of the ade one to many times. The measely (sp?) paycut wouldn''t have saved this company from walking in the court to file BK. There were many other factors involved besides the pay cuts. Next time the company askes you for something, find the coolaid before you answer, it will make you feel better.
I guess it might be time for me to throw my 2 cents into the fray.
There was about 75% of the mechanics that wanted to drag the company down and cared little about anyone else.
When push came to shove they became meek little lambs and 75 % voted for what they wouldn''t give earlier.
There is a good old saying about this:
Experience is the best teacher, but fools learn no other way.
Your still spouting stupid opinions about coolaid.
Obviously, some fools learn lessons and others head down a course of self destruction. You would have made a good soldier for Bin Laden, since you really do not have a thought process of your own.
It is always good to stand against evil in the world and injustice.
The problem here is you are grasping at straws. Trying to stand against an invisable force that doesn''t exit.
You are trying to fight the economy. Trying to get blood out of a stone.
Give it up, go to work and get a better attitude. Life will get a lot better if you do.