Ground Operations integration arbitration


Aug 1, 2008
I realize that the vast majority of posters in this forum are of the aircraft maintenance work group, but it might be interesting to know that the ground operations work groups have already gone into arbitration regarding integration and the hearings before the mediators have concluded as of yesterday. A decision is due my May 1st, and being the first to have gone before an arbitrator it may set precedent to future arbitrations.

In this case the AirTran side stood firm at nothing less than 1 for 1 seniority to the bitter end, so it'll be interesting to see how an arbitrator decides. If I'm not mistaken, it's also the first time an arbitrator will have decided how two work groups will be integrated since the McCaskill-Bond law was enacted in the airline industry. So this judgement might set a far reaching precedent for many future merger/acquisition integrations to come in the industry.
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It's also important to note that the pay and benefit disparity between the Southwest and AirTran side also existed. Southwest agents are paid roughly $26 an hour on a shorter payscale while the AirTran agents earned around $18. So the same arguments being made about AirTran employees standing to receive large pay raises and other benefit improvements were also true in this case..
1 for 1 is a joke and I hope an arbatrator laughs in their face. To much company time between AT number1 and SWA number 2.
Actually, M-B was in place for the Republic/Frontier/Midwest merger.

While an arbitrator can do anything, I personally think that the pay disparity will outweigh the DOH/LOS argument - arbitrators generally look at the balance of equities unless some other criteria is specified, and none is in M-B. So one side getting better pay, benefits, working conditions and DOH would give that side pretty much all the gains.

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A communication went out today from the TWU (Southwest's union representing the ground workers), that after the conclusion of the arbitration hearings from both sides the arbitrators have requested an additional 30 days to issue a judgement on the matter despite agreeing to have a decision by May 1st going into the arbitration. That makes me think that the arbitrators definitely do not see this as a cut and dry issue and straight 100% seniority integration is not going to happen. Clearly they're taking many things into account if an additional 30 days of deliberation is needed. Based on the email, it sounded to me like 100% seniority not being an option is a foregone conclusion and the issue at hand is just how the ratio will be decided.

I just have to say that I think IAM really did a number on this AirTran group. The IAM lodge 141 was only certified after the announcement of the acquisition for the sole purpose of getting involved in this integration process. Prior to that the AirTran employees were never represented by a union. I'd say till this point all that has been achieved is to drag out an already arduous process unnecessarily to the point of having to go to arbitration, which now they're probably going to lose. Meanwhile the company is trying to make this merger work and benefit from SOME form of synergy, but hardly anything can happen as long as we have 2 separate work groups in every department. Now we know that ground ops will be separate at least until June!

I'll tell you one thing, the AirTran folks (despite what the company newsletter says) are not making many friends with Southwest's decision making folks and executives at this point.. They're making what could have been a relatively pain free integration a costly one. I guess someone early on might have mistakenly assumed that the AirTran folks WOULDNT have come kicking and screaming over to a new better company when this acquisition was being considered. Hopefully the folks at AirTran understand that these issues are easily solvable by the company. When you have a diseased limb, sometimes it's a tough decision but the limb needs to be amputated. Things have definitely not gone the way Southwest had intended from the beginning, and despite also sacrificing possible future opportunities Southwest will not flinch at selling off the entire 717 fleet followed by closing even more AirTran cities.. The longer this drags and lays burden on Southwest's finances the smaller AirTran's footprint is going to get. It may get to the point where all that can be shown for this acquisition is ATL and one less competitor.

Just something to consider for any other departments contemplating going to arbitration. Just get it done.
The panel of Three are probably waiting to see what the MECHANICS are going to do. that situation has been up in the air for months and from what I am reading it seems to be getting ready for a vote. So I bet what ever the mechanics do will influence that the panel's integration will be. FA gave 2.5 and looks like mechanics are standing strong on 4.0. I would almost bet that the panel goes somewhere in between. I guess this will be a true test to see what the outcome will be via the MB ruling after TWA.
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The panel of Three are probably waiting to see what the MECHANICS are going to do. that situation has been up in the air for months and from what I am reading it seems to be getting ready for a vote. So I bet what ever the mechanics do will influence that the panel's integration will be. FA gave 2.5 and looks like mechanics are standing strong on 4.0. I would almost bet that the panel goes somewhere in between. I guess this will be a true test to see what the outcome will be via the MB ruling after TWA.

Between 2.5 and 4 would be acceptable to me. That still would be a bit of a sacrifice to me, but for the sake of getting it done and knowing the AirTran side gave SOMETHING up would help me sleep better at night. More or less, that's all this is about. Both sides need to share in SOME sacrifice, not just all on our side.
The panel of Three are probably waiting to see what the MECHANICS are going to do. that situation has been up in the air for months and from what I am reading it seems to be getting ready for a vote. So I bet what ever the mechanics do will influence that the panel's integration will be. FA gave 2.5 and looks like mechanics are standing strong on 4.0. I would almost bet that the panel goes somewhere in between. I guess this will be a true test to see what the outcome will be via the MB ruling after TWA.

Gizmo, I think you are partly correct. They will use the mechanics, F/A's and pilots deals to come up with an average numbering system. However, I think there is a bigger reason behind the request to delay the outcome. I would be willing to bet that the company has contacted the NMB with a request to delay the outcome. Why you ask? If the arbitrator was going to apply the seniority list with a huge benefit to the SWA employees, then the mechanics would be more inclined to reject the current offer and prolong the mechanics agreements with arbitration. Lets say the arbitrators rules greatly in favor of the AT employees, lats say something even better than DOH for them (just using examples here folks), then the AT mechs would be more inclined to reject the current offer and hope for the favored arbitrators ruling for the Ground Ops group.

I honestly think it was a very smart move in order to not effect or influence the mechanics agreements in any way. If the mechanics agreement is rejected then we will all have a footprint of what to somewhat exspect from arbitration. However, I think we will do much better all the way around, both sides, by comming to an agreement outside of arbitration. As some of you will not agree, there is somewhat of a pecking order in the aviation careers. I think the Ground ops folks will end up somewhere between 1-3 yrs if givin anything at all. Hell it could end up being a ratio integration. We don't know. But I will still say that this delay was to do 2 things, 1) avoid influencing the mechanics current offer soon to be out. 2) If the mechanics agreements are voted in then they will use it, along with the others, and come up with some kind of average and or pecking order to insall them... So now their seniority intregration will be out by June 1, 2012. If all goes well, AND, even if we did a full 30 day vote, the mechanics vote will be done before the arbitrators release their decision for the Ground Ops group. All this is just my opinion, but we all know the company wants nothing to interfear with the mechanics possibly getting an agreement done outside of arbitration. Good luck to all involved...
Gizmo, I think you are partly correct. They will use the mechanics, F/A's and pilots deals to come up with an average numbering system. However, I think there is a bigger reason behind the request to delay the outcome. I would be willing to bet that the company has contacted the NMB with a request to delay the outcome. Why you ask? If the arbitrator was going to apply the seniority list with a huge benefit to the SWA employees, then the mechanics would be more inclined to reject the current offer and prolong the mechanics agreements with arbitration. Lets say the arbitrators rules greatly in favor of the AT employees, lats say something even better than DOH for them (just using examples here folks), then the AT mechs would be more inclined to reject the current offer and hope for the favored arbitrators ruling for the Ground Ops group.

I honestly think it was a very smart move in order to not effect or influence the mechanics agreements in any way. If the mechanics agreement is rejected then we will all have a footprint of what to somewhat exspect from arbitration. However, I think we will do much better all the way around, both sides, by comming to an agreement outside of arbitration. As some of you will not agree, there is somewhat of a pecking order in the aviation careers. I think the Ground ops folks will end up somewhere between 1-3 yrs if givin anything at all. Hell it could end up being a ratio integration. We don't know. But I will still say that this delay was to do 2 things, 1) avoid influencing the mechanics current offer soon to be out. 2) If the mechanics agreements are voted in then they will use it, along with the others, and come up with some kind of average and or pecking order to insall them... So now their seniority intregration will be out by June 1, 2012. If all goes well, AND, even if we did a full 30 day vote, the mechanics vote will be done before the arbitrators release their decision for the Ground Ops group. All this is just my opinion, but we all know the company wants nothing to interfear with the mechanics possibly getting an agreement done outside of arbitration. Good luck to all involved...

What would you rather have ratio or straight number of years?
Straight number of years.......! And I think it should be between 2.5 that the FA's got and the 4.0 that the Mechanics are asking.... I agree all the FL folks are geting a big raise to come over. My mother told me you can't have your cake and ice cream both.

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