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Goodbye board

Pi brat

Jan 25, 2007
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Goodbye board, this is my last post here. Viewing this site has become like watching a train wreck and is eating too much of my time.

I was going to post my views of the meeting with Prater, but I just don't care anymore. If you want to see what he thinks go to a meeting.

Here are my last thoughts on the meeting and our situation.

ALPA will not overturn the list, but it will not be sent to the company unless there is no other option. Prater said it follows
ALPA guidelines, so they can't just throw it out, BUT, he also said there are many lists out there that were never put into place and this may be one to join them.

For the west pilots: You have won the battle, but you may be losing the war. Standing your ground and not giving an inch may keep the award intact, but will cost you much more than offering some compromises. If you think 767jetz or any OAL pilots are here to help you you are mistaken. They are only looking out for their interests. 767jtz is so bitter over the UA/US merger is just glad to see the east pilots screwed. If we ever merge with UA you will see for yourselves.

For the east pilots: It's time for some real soul searching. The line in the sand, DOH or bust mentality has been a complete failure with this merger and past negotiations. I do not believe the lawsuit will work and the new union is an unknown. I'm leaning towards USAPA, but have some big questions that I need answers to. I would like to see the two MECs talk to each other and see what is possible before we go down that road.

For US Airways: If anyone from management is reading this, DO SOMETHING! This airline is an operational mess. Our customers deserve much better than we are providing. The employees are completely demoralized and disenfranchised. If the economy hits the skids soon we are in deep #$%&!

Just like at our airline there are some really good people on here. But also like our airlines there are some total Aholes. The infighting needs to stop. Over the last 20+ years I have seen the damage it does.

Good luck to us all.
Pi brat,

I for one am sorry to see you go and hope you'll have a change of heart after a respite from US Aviation. Reasonable people can certainly disagree without it devolving into insults and threats, and you've been on of the (often too) few reasonable poster's here.

Goodbye board, this is my last post here. Viewing this site has become like watching a train wreck and is eating too much of my time.

I was going to post my views of the meeting with Prater, but I just don't care anymore. If you want to see what he thinks go to a meeting.

Here are my last thoughts on the meeting and our situation.

ALPA will not overturn the list, but it will not be sent to the company unless there is no other option. Prater said it follows
ALPA guidelines, so they can't just throw it out, BUT, he also said there are many lists out there that were never put into place and this may be one to join them.

For the west pilots: You have won the battle, but you may be losing the war. Standing your ground and not giving an inch may keep the award intact, but will cost you much more than offering some compromises. If you think 767jetz or any OAL pilots are here to help you you are mistaken. They are only looking out for their interests. 767jtz is so bitter over the UA/US merger is just glad to see the east pilots screwed. If we ever merge with UA you will see for yourselves.

For the east pilots: It's time for some real soul searching. The line in the sand, DOH or bust mentality has been a complete failure with this merger and past negotiations. I do not believe the lawsuit will work and the new union is an unknown. I'm leaning towards USAPA, but have some big questions that I need answers to. I would like to see the two MECs talk to each other and see what is possible before we go down that road.

For US Airways: If anyone from management is reading this, DO SOMETHING! This airline is an operational mess. Our customers deserve much better than we are providing. The employees are completely demoralized and disenfranchised. If the economy hits the skids soon we are in deep #$%&!

Just like at our airline there are some really good people on here. But also like our airlines there are some total Aholes. The infighting needs to stop. Over the last 20+ years I have seen the damage it does.

Good luck to us all.

Don't go Pi, you're one of the ones I enjoy sparring with the most. :up:
767jtz is so bitter over the UA/US merger is just glad to see the east pilots screwed. If we ever merge with UA you will see for yourselves.

Sorry to see you go, but I can't let this statement stand without a response. There is no bitterness on my part with regard to attempt by UA to acquire US, since nothing every came of it. However I do see the East group for what they are... a bunch of pilots so angry at the way their careers turned out, they are ready and willing to blame everyone else, and take whatever they can from others in a hope to make themselves whole again, and will justify it endlessly in any way they can. Sorry but I call it the way I see it.

I apologize in advance if I am painting with a broad brush, because I know that there are probably many reasonable East pilots who never had unreasonable expectations and understood that DOH was a non-starter. But from what is written here as well as my own personal first hand experience with some of you guys all I can say is... Once a thief, always a thief!

All of us at UA got to see the misguided greed of the East MEC in 2000, we warned the West pilots when this merger occurred, and now it is all coming true. The East is playing from the same play book as always. Say what you want about attrition and windfalls and blah, blah, blah... but we all know this is simply a power grab by the East to position yourselves for the next round of consolidation. Your leader may talk about standing up for the "junior" guy, but they have never taken their eye off the prize of someone else's international flying, and particularly UA's golden egg in the Pacific. That sir is a fact.

All rhetoric aside though, good luck to you.

Take Care Pi!!

Good observations.

The unknown is stressful enough, especially with the future of ALPA on this property. You seem to care a lot and I know you will seek and find answers to your questions.

Best Of Luck