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Good article on LCC buying AMR

No. But we sure as hell don't have the, representing us. And to have the other represent the union to the public is an even greater hypocriscy.

Touché..and for all things legal, at least you don't have any PHX Reps posting on public forums, while casting votes on the BPR. Kind of makes your wiskers stand up, eh?

Actually, AA will likely never merge with the tempe trailer park. I have quite a few friends remaining who tell me they would much rather fly with professionals than the scabs from the west. But, hey. make up anything you want.

If I had to pull gear for someone, I'd do it for a professional, though, pulling gear for a tempe dude could be entertaining.

Like they would have Anything to say about it!
Actually, AA will likely never merge with the tempe trailer park. I have quite a few friends remaining who tell me they would much rather fly with professionals than the scabs from the west. But, hey. make up anything you want.

If I had to pull gear for someone, I'd do it for a professional, though, pulling gear for a tempe dude could be entertaining.
I too have a lot of young friends at AA. They, like United, would rather slit their wrists than work with you east guys.

You remember when you guys were flying over the Atlantic telling the UAL guys how you were going to be flying their 747s? That really impressed them.
I too have a lot of young friends at AA. They, like United, would rather slit their wrists than work with you east guys.

You remember when you guys were flying over the Atlantic telling the UAL guys how you were going to be flying their 747s? That really impressed them.

I believe it was USA320Pilot who was chomping at the bit more than anyone else to go fly UAL 747s, if memory of the old ALPA web boards is correct.
I'm going to have to say it was a group effort.

By way of history, please don't paint with to broad a brush. Most of what you call "Easties" are a pretty decent bunch of folks. However like any group or organization you have a percentage of people who can't see beyond their own self interest, USA320 being a prime example of what I'm referring to.

I would like to make a suggestion to the pilots on the West. Go back and research the history of US and its pilots between 9/11 and merger. It may or may not make you sympathetic, however it will help you understand why some behave as they do. Once everyone has an understanding of the other then progress is made possible.
Go find a United pilot and ask him what he thinks of the east.

Then find another one.

You'll find the broadness of my brush to be accurate.

Do you really think anyone here cares what any given UAL jerk thinks about us? Why would we possibly care? For that matter, why would we possibly care what you think about us?

We don't. Get over it.
Hey Sparrow, you still think that brush was to broad?
Were you an illegal alien I would give you a pass, but, since you are not, try to get some reading/writing lessons, along with that idiot, Lyle Hogg, who cannot seem to write a CBS "message" without screwing it up.

I can see it already, police stops someone who has to produce their birth certificate who can write and speak english better than you. Your name is richard, right?

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