On 9/10/2002 10:46:28 AM UAL777flyer wrote:
Glad to see you back. How are things out on the line? Granted, Tilton has only been onboard a little over a week, but what is your take? Do you sense any new enthusiasm to get things done now that we have a permanent CEO and Dutta/Studdert are gone? I'd be curious to hear what you've observed. I know the sentiment of many here at WHQ is that it's going to be very tough to avoid bankruptcy. Most feel that there is simply too little time to get the necessary agreements to avoid Ch. 11. I still think there is time, provided Tilton can get the ATSB to give us an extension beyond September 16th. But I just don't have the confidence that the IAM is going to embrace concessions with another representation election on the near horizon. I hope I'm wrong. At the very least, we'll know quickly what kind of leader Tilton is.
Been trying to stay away from all the hand wringing and get my financial house in order for the turbulence ahead! Got the house refinanced, so we should be able to keep the roof over our head!
Anyway, to answer your questions:
I think generally the mood of the pilots is wait and see. The $9 Billion over six years is a non-starter, as we do not have that much to give and still survive! You would not believe the starting point of those negotiations, so we will have to see what the new deal is.
As for Tilton, he is saying all the right things, but what the company really needs from him is to find a $1 billion loan! If he could find some financing to get us over the hump this winter, it would release the pressure valve and allow everyone to work towards a solution wothout being under the gun of the Bush Administration.
As for out on the line, operationally UAL has never been better. Stats are better than almost everyone, but sentiment is still one of fear and loathing for the company, tinged with hope for what Tilton MIGHT be able to do for the company. The pilots are talking openly about all the ways we can save money, but sometimes we can save 300 pounds of gas on one leg only to pi$$ it away out the APU tailpipe while the aircraft sits at the gate during the turn! We need to make the use of Ground Power and Air conditioning the STANDARD and not the exception. We need to start using some of the tools we have at our disposal to make the company better for ALL of us. But there seems to be a general, where are we going and what are we going to be doing about the place. I have been spending MUCH more time at cruise trying to figure out how to save a buck, cut a corner on the route, fly the best altitude for the wind change, etc.. and am seeing good results and positive feedback from the F/Os. Hwever, it is obvious from some of their comments that it is not a widespread practice. I hope it starts to beome one.
I HONESTLY do not think we NEED Chapter 11, but the Bush Administration is trying to make the loan GUARANTEES too expensive for labor to swallow, knowing that if we do not do it, it raises the possibility of bankruptcy exponentially. However, I think all perties agree, the Bush Administration is out to radically change the airline industry by hook or by crook, and this is a perfect tool for the job! I was wondering if you have read the comments of the National Airlines CEO regarding the ATSB? Might provide a more arms length view of the process for you. Try googling National Airlines and I'll bet you can find his comments. Or try a Yahoo Aviation search for his comments. They were about a month ago.
As for the IAM, I have posted my comments on MasterMechanics thread. How do you negotiate with someone who is willing to lose their job for their beliefs and says, No to everything? One can only hope the IAM realizes X% of nothing is nothing, and that they are going to pay one way or the other. However, that said, if the deal remains six years at $700 million per year from ALPA (33% of our total compensation), you might as well book a seat in the courtroom, because that is WAY too much for WAAAAAAAAAAY too long! It would take us back to lower than ESOP wages (1991 timeframe) until 2008!! That would mean the company would have had record profits from our sacrifices for five years and we would be without a raise for 17 years! At a conservative estimate of inflation, which has been at historic lows for most of that time, it would put us about 40% behind in 1991 dollars!! Like i said, non-starter!
However, one has to ask how a company can agree, after months of negotiations, that 10% over three years, with a gradual step up to pre-concessions pay rates over that period was enough two months ago, but now we need THREE times as much for TWICE as long, or SIX TIMES AS MUCH AS THE COMPANY WANTED FOR STABILIZATION!!!
The ATSB is tryng to reorganize NOT stabilize! If you add in the current legislation that is out there from Republicans, such as baseball style arbitration, removal of the right to strike, and the removal of the Age 60 rule, it is clear the piloting profession is under siege. I know what it will take to make things change, but it is too horrible to contemplate at this time. Sooner or later, the quality of individual who will be willing to put up with what it takes to get and keep these jobs, for the price the companies are willing to pay, will suffer. The consequesnces of those actions will be written in blood and the hand wringing that takes place at THAT time will be how to fix what we have done to ourselves!
Hope you have a peaceful 11th. I will be flying, so I will be doing a minute of radio silence at 0746 to honor those men and women who died at the hands of terrorists and those heroes who sacrificed themselves for the greater good.