It's interesting how so many mechanics complain about the IAM, yet AMFA isn't on the property yet. Oh wait, I forget, it was sinister IAM signature-creating that carried the day in their favor. Maybe this time around, they'll count the votes in Cook County, Illinois. After all, we are Chicago's hometown airline!
All kidding aside, if the majority of UA mechanics are so unhappy with IAM representation, than vote AMFA onto the property. I'm well aware of the politics and quasi-shenanigans that go on with these things, but until it happens, the IAM is the bargaining agent the company must deal with. If you're willing to tank this company just to preserve your dignity and pride, than it doesn't matter what union you belong to, does it? If you think you're the only group who's gotten a raw deal over the years by bad management, than you're mistaken. Everyone has gotten the shaft in one form or another at one time or another. So I guess we should all just pack it in and quit, huh? Yeah, that's a better alternative. Put 80,000 more people out there in this less than robust job market looking for work. Sure, that makes sense.
You've mentioned several times that you were a Marine. I'm sure you were subjected to bad officers at times (although, it's been my experience that there aren't as many bad Marine officers as the other services). What did you do when you encountered them? Did you just throw in the towel and quit? Of course not. You got the job done in spite of them, right? So why be willing to take this company down to preserve some semblance of personal pride? If you're so unhappy and so marketable, you should be able to leave on your own and find greener pastures now and still keep your pride. Why would you take 80,000 others with you other than to become some bold footnote in someone's history book?